Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



Etymology l nanae this species by virtve os iis mediat ly curved mihi tibia.

P. Cur me S Sp. n. i S An eaSily recognis able species. Among the species with normal male tergite β it is conspicuous by iis curved mid tibia and by the extreme lylong hairs on fore tibia and on ali fore tarso meres. Based on iis wing patiern, I cannot exclude that this is a large-hodi ed member of the P. Viartiari S specie S grota p.

This species is only distinguis habie frona P. horhoroides by character istic s of the male post abdomen and genitalia. I thin k we can differentiate bet ween females of the two species by the two features described above. However, males are different in ali the four morphological paris depicted on Figs 20 23 Vs. l-β. i. e. there is no do ubi abo ut their identity as different species.


Poecilos mella huyn Shii Sp. n.



Body dark brown less pictured than in the Other species of the genus. Wings uniformi y dark

Etymology. I name this species in honour os Dr. Toshil, iko HAYASH l. sor his achi evement in studies on PoeciloSomelici and other species of Sphaeroceridae. Distribution Known only frona the Philippines.

P. hc AShii Sp. n. is a peculiar species. Despite the reduced patieria on iis body. this is probab ly the most beatitis ut species of the known PoecilDXOmelici. Ith in k it is clos ely related to the P. horboroideS species grou p. based On the structures of wing long dense but thin fringe, rather Shon second costat Section, etc.) with the similar armature of m id tibia. The coloration of hody and legs make it eas-

ily identis labie.




EIGHTEEN NEW ORIENTAL SPECIES OF POECILOSOMELLA DIPTERA: SPHAEROCERIDAE) l29setae. Spermathecae s Fig. 29) black, slightly collapsed even in water, initiat ducis joining spermathecae are thin, followed by a smali bulbus. Etymology The nanae of this species refers to iis extremely long curved ventral spur on in id tibi R. Distribution TaiwAn.

P. longiCalciar Sp. n. is an interesting species, whose specimens are usu ally



dium long posterodorsals at 23, 28 38I60. a longer one at 48I60. Mid tibia ventralty without a mediat scia hut with a distinct ventroapi Cal. Anterodorsal and posterodorsal hair- like setae longer than usual. Abdominat tergite 2 less melani Zed and probahly less scieroti Zod on iis mediat thii d. Epandrium with the usual setae dorsalty and caudat ly hut there are numerous thick setae on ventralpari. Cerci rather weakly scieroti Zed. without fetae. Male subcpandriat scieri te Fig. 32) with a pair of acute ly potnted strat glit processes, which bear 2 long seta. Postgoni te Fig. 3 l) hi sinuate withbroader, though partly membraneolis, apical pari. Male surstylus Figs 33 34) tritobed. similar to thatos P. Varians, posterior lohe with at least J thick hlack thorias. mediat lohe with 2 thick thoria like setae, anterior lohe with numerotis long hairs hut also with sonae straight shori fetae Fig. 33). Both mediat part os hypandrium and phallapodenae comparative ly long Fig. 3 l). Disti phallus rather compaci, apical threadlike proces s Fig. 3 l) at least three times longer than disti phallus. Female terminalia not studi ed. Paralype semale assigned On lite basis os association withholotype male. Fixs 31-34. Poecilosomella nigra Sp. n. paralype male. 3l genital complex with postgonite, lateratvlew. 32 α right hals of subepandriat scierite with apex of epandrium. 33 α surstylus, outer laterat View, 34 α surStylus, inner mediat) View. Scale 0. 2 nam for all


EIGHTEEN NEW ORIENTAL SPECIES OF POECILOSOMELLA DIPTERA: sPHAEROCERI DAEi l 3 lDistributiori Taiwan. Sri Lanka. it must he rather widespre ad but species in this species groupare to bc identis ed based on the characters of the male genitalia only.

P. Migra Sp. n. is a member of the P. Viartiari S Species grou p. so the true charac

Ali tibiae with hroad mediat anil apical light rings. Male mihi tibia with a stiori curved ventroapical spur much shorter than tibial diameter subapi cally) but other i se ventral hairs not long shorter than tibial diameter). No in id ventral or anterior seta on mid tibia. Mid and hi nil tarsi brown with yellowapices, hi nil 3rd tarsomere clear yello . Male sternite 6 Fig. 36) of an intricato forna with a clark digitis orna process mediat ly on the lest fide. Sternite β&6 complex with a separaled mediat quadrate hairy process. Epandrium comparatively large willi medium long setae. Cerci peculiar, with a number os long and thick setae venti ally Fig. 38). Suhepandriat scieri te Fig. 38) with a pair of characteristic ventral proces s which bear longhairs. Male sui stylus Fig. 35) with two long . deeply separated iobes, mediat iobe long digitis orna buthlunt. Postgoni te Fig. 3T) rather long with a long apical process. which hear shori thorni eis only. Anterior lobe os postgonite hairy, mediat part with adpressed Scales i. e. not hairs.

Female terminalia not studi ed.
