Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



66 β ) Male naid tibia venti ally without long hairs, Venti Oapicat feta more Or tesSStrong or m id basi tarsus modi fled. 6J J2) Male fore tibia and basi tarsus without long hairs. Female mid tibia with two fhori Ventroapicats, whicli are much shorter than tibial diameter sub-

P. peniculifern Sp. n.





Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungiariciae 4S 2); PP. II I 60, 2002



testes CAMERON l89l is the most common and ubi quilous genus of Microgastrinae, probably comprising lβ00-2000 species. The genus of Colesia is one of the largest anil most difficult groups of the subfami ly NIXON l9J4). Althoughmost species of this genus are gregario u S as larVae, abolit One quarter is Solitary. The genus Cotesia CAMERON. l89l differs frona other Cotes ini genera by having propodeum moStly rugose, and usualty with a median and a s hori carina MASON

nus Apianteles FOERSTER into a series of genera. The glomeriatuS Species-gi Oup i Sidenticat with the generic conception of Cotesia CAMERON. l89l. MASON l98 l)treated this genus also in iliis comprehension.


Three females were collected frona Gultapogiti Arboretum of Trakya Universi ty. Edirne. CoVering an area os l6 hectares, siluated at an altitude os abolit 4l m. The most common Vegetations occurring in this area are Leguminosae. Euphorbiacea and Compositaceae. While, Ulmus minor MILLER. Acertataricum LINNE and Salis alba LINNE are the other species of secondary importance. The definitions. ratios and abbreviations in this articio follow that of PAPp sl 986. l98J.l 988). NixoΝ l9J4) and ACHTERBERG sl 993). The following abbreviations are used in the texto OOLα ocular-ocellar line, POL post ocellar line. LOLα laterat Ocellar line. Figures were drawn and measti re-ments taken using a camera lucida attached to a stereomicroScope.


almost smooth. posteriori y Superficiat and sparsely punctate i. Scutellar sulcus Crenulate l. iis Crenulae mediat ly sparate i. Mesopleuron shiny. smooth and rugulose basally. Precoxal suture crenulate i. Propodeum sub shiny. carinated and reticulate Legs: In ner si de of hind coxa fine ly rugulose, outer side shiny. almost smooth. upper side with








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The Editorial Ossice of the Acta Zoologica
