Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



holotype male.

one can identis y it by the male genital characteristios only though it is easy to do so

large .


curved inwarils and not flattened dorso-venti ally. ventralty without long hairs, ventroapicat feta notitistinguis hahle. much shorter than basilai sal diameter. Male mi d basi tarsus with antero ventral and postero ventral rows os long hlack fetulae. Female fore basi tarsus. as weli as hi nil 2nd tarsomere withs hori but very dense hairs: se tulae on the ventral sui face of mid basi tarsus also denser than usual. Mid

Male genitalia not studi ed. Pregenital scierites. particularly S8 large . Epandrium normat witha pair os long dorsat sciae. Cerci high. without any modification or longer hairs. Female terminalia characteristic with duli quadrate epiproci. which bears a pair of 3 nam long hairs and with 2 pati s of 0.l25 nam long curved hairs On cerci. Distribution: Indonesta Sumati a)Etymology The nanae is 'brusti carrier peniculus sero, referring to iis peculiar mi d

P. Peniculiseria Sp. n. is an eas ity recognis able species by the basi tarsal structu res both in male and la male. Its closer relations hip in the genus, is at present ob


male of this species exhibiis the longe si fore tibial and tarsal halios, ventral hairs of in id tibia are fine and definite ly longer than tibial diameter. The laterat. extreme ly




EIGHTEEN NEW ORIENTAL SPECIES OF POECILOSOMELLA DIPTERA: SPHAEROCERIDAE) l 39 and broad, apical pari more membraneotis. Phallus rather large compared to the phallapodenae Fig. 46). Disti phallus narrowing. apical part stightly downcurved, apical thread like proces s abolit twice as

Distribution. Known frona the Philippines Only. Etymology. The name nou n) means a male si ona the Philippines.

P. Pilmino Sp. n. is a member of the P. Pectiniterga Species gi Oup. The Verylong hairs along the whole tength of male fore tibia are very characteristic, and thedetatis of the male genitalia provide reli able characters for iis identification. Assires sed in the introductory part ali the identifications spublis hed or not) made be- tween l964 and l99J must he checked.






The relations hips of P. Vinicia uda Sp. n. are unci ear to me at present. It is

possibi e that it is not far frona the P. ViarianS species groti p. The thic k setae offubepandriat scierite do not seem to be homo log ous with tho se of P. Sabahi. For in Stance, their bases are so clo se to epandrium Fig. 56) that in sonae vi ews the thicksetne seem to emerge frona the apex of the epandrium it self. Apical patet os fit stflagellomere mari eclly lighter than rest os flagellomere, in both males anil se males and this character can be used to reli ab ly identis y se males of this species.