Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


in the texi resere iaces should he gi vcn as MARS HALI l 992) or MARS HALL l 992). Whcia a citation includes more than two authors. e. g. GREY, BLACK and wHITE, the paper silould he reserred toin the texi as GREY et Gl. . provided that this not ambiguotis. Is papers by the fame author s) in thesame year are cited, they Should be distinguished by the letters, a, b, c, etc., e g. M ARS HALL l 992ci). Reserences to papers Vin pressV must mean that the article has heen accepted sor publication. Resere iaces to 'personat communications and unput, lis hed work are permitted in the texi only reser- ences to papers in preparation Dr submitted are not permissi hic All necessary illustrations should accompany the manuscript hut should not he inscrted in the text. Ali photographs, graphs and diagrams should he numbered consecuti vely in Arahic numer-als in the ordor in whicli they are referred to in the text. Glossy photographs or positive prinis Shouldhe sent uiamounted whereuer possi hie and should he kept to a minimum. Figures should he of good quali ty. Explanation of lettering and symbolf should he gi ven in the figure caption and OnIy exceptionalty in the Gigures. Leitering and symbols to appear on the illustration should he os sufficient si Zeto allow ir considerable reduction where necessata susualty proper sor a 50R reduction in si Ze). Scales must be indicated on micrographs, not hy magni sications in the legentis. Figure si Ze must notcxcccd 24κ30 cm. On the hack os cach illustration Ahould he indicated the author's name, the si gurenumhor in Arabic numerat s), and the top of the illustration, where this is not Clear. Halintones shouldhe included Only when they a re essentiat. Detatis and quotation Os publication os colour plates shouldhe made to the editors. The sol lowing symbolf should be used ora line drawing O . A cic Lexcitiis to nigures Should he typed ora a separate sticet. They should give sus cient data lomake the illustration comprehensibi e wilhout resere iace to the text. Tabies and appendices should hc constructed so as to he intelligi hie without rescrence to thetexi, numbered in Arahic numerals and typed on separate sileets. Every table should he providcd withan explanatory caption and each column Should Carry an appropriale hea ling. Uniis os measti res hould always he indicated clearly metric uniis are presei red). Ait tables and Gigures must be res ei reclto in the text. Only standard abhrcvlutions should he hiscit. Arbitrary abbreviations and jargon will not hc

The Latin names silould hc gi ven sor ali species used in the investigation. although taxonomicassiliation and authori ty nccd not he providuis in the litte Page prooss will he sent to the author or the Lirst-mentioned author in a paper os multiple authors hip) for checking. Corrections to the pro alta must he restricted to printers' errors. Any substantialalterations Other than these may he charged lo the aut hor. Aul hors are particularly requesteis to returntheir corrected prooss as quickly as possibi e in ordor to sacilitate rapid publication. Please nolo that authors are urged lo check their proosis care sully hel ore return, since late corrections cannot he guar- anteed sor inclusion in the printed journal Fisty reprinis Dee os charge will he sciat to the Girst author: extra copi es of the issue sat a specialty reduced rate) can he ordered on the forna which will accompany the prooss. These s hould he re- turnod io: Tho Editorial Ossice of the Acta Zoologica . Hungarian Natural History Muscum, Buda-pest, Baross u. t 3, H-l088. HungaryThe page charge required i rom authors ouisi de Hungata is USD i5 per printed page. In exceptionat cases, the page Charge may be walveil. Please conlaci the editor in hesore submitting a paper






O Hungarian Natural History Museum and Hungarian Academy of Sciences



Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is published quarterly DomFebruary l 994 other issues in May August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the financiat suppon of the Hungari an Academy of Sciences.



the stoo is, aerateil as under running water) and anoxic as in still water). Submergeiace sor upto three days did not assect larvat sui vivat: longer submergeiace caused substantiat mortali ty, no larva sui vived the longest submergeiace tested 2l days). Since there were no dissercnces heiween aerated and anoxic treatments. the mortality seemed to he due to a fallure of osmoti chalance. Very shori submerge iace thus does not influence larvat furvivat in siet d. hut prolonged floods may substantialty reduce population siZe. HoweVer, the extent of the inoods Varies in the years, there are sonae upland colonies os V rivularis in the area, and the butters ly is a relatively good disperser. it is thus assumed that the species compensates sor inundation- caused mortali ty by a re-coloni sation os iis sites. Key words: bulteri y. 1 oodplain ecology. inundation. larvat dormancy. population dynamics, SurVi Val. winter mortali ty


Awareness of continuing degradation and decline of welland habitais througho ut the wol d have sparked interest in conservation- oriented studies of wellandbiota including invertebrates BATTER & WIS SINGER l 996). In this contexi, habitat requiremenis, population dynamics and Other conservation- related issues os welland Lepidoptera were studi ed se. g. DEMPSTER l 995, FIS HER et al. l 999

aut hors addi essed direct questions related to management an dior restoration os


long -terna submergence of entire habitais, are undoubtedly among the most prominent physical factors affecting population dynamics of wetland species. This mighthe e specialty imponant in case of insecis, since their dormant de Vel op mental stages cannot avo id submerge iace by leaving the flooded space. Impacts of winter or early Spring submergen ce on butters ly larvae have so farbeen investigated in delati in case of two European species, Coenonym ha tullici

tant ecological factor in a wider range of wetland species. e stud ted in laboratory the effecis of early-spring inundation On hibernat-

by the larvae. which may disser in impact on their sui vivat, were simulate i. Thesewere l) aerated condition. likely to prevati in the beginning of flood and or at wa- terside siles communica ting with running water: and 2) a noxic condition. whichmay prevati in poois os still water in late Jays of floods. In addition we present themas' of distribution of V rivula rix in the area of interest, and discuss relation of the species' distribution to the extent of inundated areas.


molis rivuliaris is widely distributed in the solitheria part os Palaearctic region in a long hcit that strutchos si om Japan to Central Europe. At the westoria margins os iis distribution. it has restrictedund osten insular distribution. ascending upstream major rivors and reaching Upper Austria and Swit-Zerland LEPIDOPTEROLOGEN ARBEITSGRUPPE l98J). In the CZech Republic. it is restricted to the wet-land habitats of the Trebon Basin. Solitheria Bohemia. whicli is a stat anil liuin id area os marshes sto adplain forests. peat bogs. fisi, pontis and wel meaclows. Owing to iis restricted distribution in thecountry and iis locat dependency on wctia nil habitats. it is considered as vulnerable at national scaleand ei oys legat protection NOVA K & Spla ZER l 982. SPla ZER l 992). The bulteri y is univoli inc. on the wing si om Junc untii August. The larvae develop on severat species of the Di mea shrulis. in the Trebon Basin - and the entire CZech Republic - only on Di mea

the shrubs: ricli Di meti instorescunces scem to be their principat nectar sotirce. Ali locat colonies arethus restricted to habitais os the shrub. i. e. to wet meaclows. margins of si Stiponds and water channeis


main there sor severat weckS.

submergence to anoxic water sor the fame periods Pano xi CV treatment. 3 grolaps). and 3 not- submerged controis. One os the controi groups was brought into room temperature at the heginning of the experiment. The two re maining controis were kept at constant β'C sor another 2l Jays. i. e. for theduration os the longest submerge iace period. one os them on air and one under nitrogen atmosphere Table l). To avo id any da mage to the diapausing larvae. we did not check their condition heso recommencing the experiment. Theres ore, the actuat number os larvae that wcre alive at the heginia ingos experiment might have been lower than the N α 20. The Petri dishus with the 'aerate lV larvae were submerged. without removing the larvae si omtheir hibernacula. to the bottona os a 3 liters jar silled with water aerated by an aquarium aerator tosimulate conditions in a running rivor. The jar sor the anoxic treatinent was sully silled by water. si omwhich air oxygen was reduced by hoi ling. Larvae os both aerated and ano xic treatments were submerged in io their jars astor the wator had cooled down to 5'C. The 'anoxic' jar was covered by pure nitrogeia almosphere, and Scaled to prevent oxygen in s lux . Care was taken not to allow air bubbles to Tahle l. Numbers os sui viving larvae and numbers os adult buttersites emerge l. aster submer-geiace of hibernat ing larvae os molis rivularis at disserent submerge iace conditions No. SurViving individuals

No submergen CC Oxygen atmosphere Nitrogen atmosphere


rema in in the Petri dishes. Constant low temperature C) and a continuous darkness were maintain- cd during the whole duration os the experiment. Aster termination os respective submerge iace periods. the hibernacula were brought to room temperature. whicli activaled the t ill-now dormant and motion less larvae. The hibernacula were care-sul ly lis ted frona water anil put individually to Petri dis hes with tissue paper and a sew si esti Dircietileaves. Aster 24 hours, furvi Ving larvae were cottia ted. Larva was considered alive is it showed any movement. For subsequent cinys, we sed the larvae with fres h leaves of their liodpiant and kepi a high humidi ty in the distius to avo id desiccation. As in WEBB and PULLIN l 998). we repented the countingos sui viving individua is in cach grotis' ten days aster termination os submergeiace, to check a delayed post- submergence mortali ty. Aster the seconii check. we transscri ed the larvae individualty into reai ing Cages, continuod fine ling them Willi si es h leaves and reared them up to maturi ty. e were interested in the essecis os time os submerge iace. and of the two disserent treat ments on larvat furvivat. Since classical cross- tabulation testing would not allow reflecting possibi e higher- levet interactions among the factors. the log- linear modeis M) sor multi dimensional contingoncytablos ZAR l 996) were applicis sor analyses. The L Vs express multi-way relations hip among independent variabies and their interactions in a linear fashion through logarithmic transsormati on. The analyses were done using the STATISTICA I. l. package STATSO UT l 995). using the progranas' procedure os automatic modet siti ing. whicli sit si sits a modet with no relations hips het wecia sactors: thon a modet with ait two-way interactions. and so on. Aster finding a modet that si is the data. the pro- gram procecds to eliminate nil higher-le vel interactions that have no statisticatly significant ossici ondistribution Os dependent variabie si .c., the counts of survi ving larvae in individual grotips). The resulting modet is the one that includes the least number os interactions necessary to sit the observeci situation. The de fauit options for modet selection were usod p l) minimum significance levet onwhicli the modet sussicient ly sits the dataJ 0. l. p 2) licvel os signi si cance sor individual ternas to beincluded in to the moduli Q 0. 05, and A the value added lo cach celi count to avo id Zerosi m d. b. In reporting statistical signi si cance of inici actions he tween independent variabies on fit os illemocleis, two statistics are presented. Partiat association χ' compares the sit os a modet that includes alltwo-way interactions with the modet that excludes ille interaction os interest. Marginal association χ' compares the modul that includes ali main es ccis si e . . ali essecis os lower ordor than the one os interest) with the modet that includes the interaction hetwecia the factors os interest.

RESULT SDixtributio et of N. rivularis The butters ly inhabiis patches of S. Stilici folia at both inundat ed and uplandsites in the Trebon Basin Fig. l). The inundated si tes generat ly adjoin major

ri vers, they osten lie with in flood regulation embankments. The u pland siles are character istic for sites with a higher levet os ground water, i. e. on rat sed bogs and mo orianus. This patieria is fui ther complicat ed by planting of S. Scilicibolici as an ornamental plant: both hibernacula and adults of Ν. rivuliariS were found at planted hedgerows of S. Scilici folia in the town Trebon repeated ly for three consecuti Ve
