Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


Diagnosis: The species is rather remote frona the ollier taxa of the PSeu hadena s. l.) complex, resembling externalty mostly to certain species of the genus

dilated valvae with smallei much narrower. less po in ted cucullus and shorter corona, longer, siner, more potia ted harpe and costat extension and by the different armature of vesica having smali, wide-based mediat cornutus and a s mali bundie os spinules terminalty while the related three taxa have a rather Strong terminalcornutus. The male genitalia are also similar to tho se of the laxa of Eremo hyXia orthe Polymuis silensiana DRAUDT. l 950) - P. mian richurica BOURSIN. l9J0 species patio hut the cucullus is smallei , without dense covering of hairs, ille costallobe is tess expressed, not acute as in EremsPhySG the harpe is essentialty stronger longer, cui Ved. the costat extension is considerably longer, more acute, the carinais uia speciali Zed, the vesica has only a s mali. wide-based mediat cornutus besides the terminal bundie of Spinules, etc.


spatulate. Tegumen broad. rather low, penicular lolies smali. weak. Fultura inferior subdelloidal. illi sine medio- apical crest, Vinculum short. strong. more or less V-s haped. Valva long mediat ly di late i. costat margin sine ly convex at naiddie. Costat extension Very long , Strong, acute, more or tesSstraight or fine ly curved Cucullus f hori. Osten stightly asymmetrical. rounded triangular or rounded quadrangular, apex leSS ponted, corona wenk Shori. Sacculus ShOrt, scieroti Zed, clavus tess de vel Oped, harpe Strong, long Stender, curved at naiddie. apex more or less potia ted. Aede agus cylindricat. ventral part os carina with scieroti Zed plate. Vesica tubular, membranous, basal part narrower, mediat Fig. 30. O. He raSDVi, Sp. n. , paralype. genital capsula and aedeagus with vesica everte l


part upturned dorsally. distat part hroadene l. recurved, sine ly scobinate, armed with a very shori. wide-base l. po inted cornutus . terminal part with smali bundie of shori spinos and willi semiglobular. smali diverticulum at opposite fide. Fcmale genitalia Fig. 38): ovi positor conicat. rather Shori. papillae anales weakly scieroti Zed apicatly rounded. setose: posterior and anterior gon apophyses Shori, stender. Ostium bursae scier- oti Zed. statione l. ventral plate quadrati c-lyris orna. with concave caudat margin . dorsal plate smallor discoidal. granulous ly scieroti Zed. Ductus bursae tubular. long. si attene l. twisted at posterior thii d. Both sursaces scieroti Zed excepi posterior end. anterior end willi long scieroti Zed cresis extendingtowariis appendix hursae. Appendix bursae long cylindrical, moderate ly scieroti Zcd. Stronglyrugose, apical part Semi globular. Corpus hvrsae elliptical -oVoid, membranous, with sour medium- long signum-Stri PUS.

Bionomics and distribution. The species is known by a few ex amples frona Tadjikistan. most of them were collected at the high altitudes of the Pamir Mis Wakhan, Lyangar). The mollis are on wing during the Summer peri Od.

Diagno sis. The new species has a curious externat appe arance with in the ge

more unicolorous, without dark sussu sion in the basal and mediat areas; the bas aldasii is conspicuous, long black darkest marking of the wing. The cros stines of H. thoenyi are wenker, more diffuse, ille orbicular and clavis orna stigmata are snaaller, tess de fine l. the renis orna is large r. more elliptical the subterminat is reduced to afew dark cheuron-mai ks and the hi nil ing is generat ly darker, whitisti grey withrather homogeneotis darker suffusion in the marginal area, the discat spol is larger more or less rounded, and the cilia is greyisti, not clear white.


daxartia Pseudopseustis l

Fig. 40. Theclaclograna of the supraspecific taxa of the PSeudolia feria generic group


rowly quadrangular, vinculum stiori but strong, V-shaped. Valva elongated, Stightly constricted mediat ly, cucullus large . broade ne l. rounded quadrangular with apex rounde l. corona represented by large sield os long strong bri siles. Sacculus long narrow. scieroti Zed, distat end with denset y setose fictit along ventral margin . clavus sol ming scieroti Zed, e longale, sparsely setose lobe. Harpe reduced, costat extension scieroti Zed. broad but shori. triangular. with apex sinely po inted. Aede agus cylindri cal, ventral part Os carina sorming stronger, beak-shaped plate with smali, curved apical process. Vesica hroad ly tubular. everted sorward. distat pari recurved lateralty on test fide. Proximal part membra notis, sinely scobi nate, with two smali. dorsat diverticula and with scini globular apical diverticulum bearing a sew strong, acute cornuti. Distat part armed with numerous strong, acute cornuti ar-ranged into two si olds, their si Ze inci casing towarils distat enit os vesica . Ventral sielit much longer dorsal sic id shori. cornuti os lalter larger in average: terminal pari os vesica strongly scobinate. Female genitalia Fig. 39): Ovi positor shori. conical, papillae anales elongnte. Potnted, wenk, Sth segment forming narrow. scieroti Zed ring venti ally: both pairs os gonapophyses long Stender. Ostium bursae scieroti Zed. trapeZoidal. tapering proximal ly. laterat margins solde l. caudat enit arcu ate, with smali. rounded. mediat ly slightly inci sed iobe. Ductus hursae very shori. reduced to fine membranous nec k, cervical part of hursae copulatrix appendix bursae) very long cylindrical scobinate. with smali, subconical caudat enit terminated in ductus seminalis: postero- laterat this dstrongly ribbed and more scobinate. proximat two-third narrower, inpering towariis corpus bursae. Corpus hvrsae rather sinati, elliptical-ovoid, membranous with sine scobination: signa absent.

Bionomics and distribution. The species is known frona the type locali ty only ali ex amples were collected at light at the fame night. This period represenis in that area the late spring -early summer aspect, depending on the year. The collectingliabitat is unknown. the main habitais in the vicini ty of KZyl-Orda are dry. open

Etymology: the ncw species is named aster Mr H UBERT Til ONY Pote . Brasil), a dedicated collector os Noctu illae . speciali si os the subsami ly Plusi inae.



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