Cato maior De senectute

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 288페이지


분류: 미분류







Τmm years ago r. James S. Reid, os Gonvisse and Caius College, Cambridge, prepare so the Syndic of the Universit Hes editions os Cicero' Cas Maior de Senec Mean Laelius de Amicitia. The thorough and accurate scholarshi displayed, speciali in the lucidation os the Latinity, immediatet won sor the book a cordial reception; an since then the have Mine a permanent place in theesteemos Englis scholare. The present volume has the sul authorization os,r. Reid, and was prepare Wit the desim os presentin is America studenis in a som est ad te to their se, the resulis os his ore. The ex remain substantiassythat fir Reid; hile mention is made in the notes of the mos important variations in readings an orthographystomother editions. The Introductions have been remst, With ome enlargement the analyses os the subject- matte in particular have been entiret remodessed TheNotes have been in ome instances reduced in thera amplified - especiali by the addition os reserences in thestandar treatises o grammar, history, and philosophy. It was a fini the intention of thes American editor Ro


PREFACE. indicate by ome main the matter due o imsels; butas his could hardi be done Without marring the appea

ance of the page, and thus introducin a Soum os Confusion to the student, it a no attempted. In the workos revisionisee se of the principalme in and nglishedition has been made. ome the notes os the present editio ma appearto copious. The iam throughout hoWever has been notsimpi to give id on dissiculi potnis, buto cali attention to the fine usage of the Latin, an to ad also hateverexplanatio Seeme necessar to a Clear underetandin os the subject-matter Latin scholarshi Which hal be atthe fame time broa an accurate, includin no oni amaster of the language ut also a Comprehensive vie os

the various phases os Roman is and thought, ill it is belleved, e best assured by the sto an carem readingos some portions of the literatur an by the rapi sumeyos omen. Certaint of the horte Latin classic se Mould more suli repa Close an Caresul stud os both anmage and thought than these charmin colloquies on id gem Friendship. While almos lautiles in expression theyem dy in a rem harae degre that universa element Whichcharacteriges the literar maste iece, an mines it thevalue possession no meret os an age or a nation, butos ali time. FRAΝCIS , KELSEY.



IN hilosophy the Romans originate nocting. Their nem es in the earlier eam of the late ere holi absorbe in organigatio an conquesti Restin in a ter an simplecreed the had litu speculative interest in alter ouisideste har routine of thei dati liis But wit the lose of the Period es Conquest came a change. The influx of wealth stomtonquere provinces, the formationis large tandeo estates the excessive employmen os flave labor, and the consequent seos a nefaristocracri repare the way for areat revolution. The old religion lost iis hol on theaigher classes omethingwas neede to tis iis place Wit wealth and luxur came opportunit an destre for culture. Greece, it Art, Liter-

.ature, an Philosoph fuli develope and ighi persected,

stoo ready to instruct her rude conqueror. In Cicero' time the productive era o Gree Philosophyiad ell-nighi sed It tendency acies speculative, more ethica and practica than in the earlier time. There ere laurprominent schoois, the New Academy the Peripatetic the Stoic, and the Epicurean The supporter of the last-name advocated in Science the doctrine of the atom, in Ethic the pursuites pleasure, in Religio the complete inactivit of the gods.



The Stoloe an Peripatetic Were divide by comparativel umlmportant disserences. In Ethica, considered by them as almost the whole o Philosophy, hic Was laeti define ac the artos living ' the main question belween the two school Was theamount of importance to e attribute to Viriue, - the Stoics declaring that in comparison it Viriue allisther hings inhinto absolute insignificance, hile the eripatetic maintained that thes have a certain though infinitesimally mali significance. The New Academ taught at this time no complete philosophica system. It impi proclai med the vie that in the fiet os knowledge certaininis naitainable, and that ait theinquirer has to do is to balance probabilities one against the other. The New Academic therelare, as ire t accepi an opinionSwhlch seeme tolim is have the weight o probabilit o theirside but he was bound is he ready to abando them hen an thing appeared Whic altere his vlew of the probabilities Heno only might e, ut he could not hel being, eclectis thatis, he chose such vie s promulgate by the school a seemedio him at in moment tome most reasonable or probabie. Cicero called himself an adherent of this school. Ο mos potnis howeVer although eclectic, he agree With the Peripatetics, but witha decide leaning oward the Stoic ethica system. The Stoicopinio that it is the duinos the wise an to abstes stom publiclise, hic the Ρeripatetic contested Cicero decisivel rejected. Wit the Epicureans he had absolutet no sympathy. V tothis time these school and thei teachings were known to the Romans ni throuo the medium o the Greeh. The onlyLatin philosophical literatur Was Epicurean, and excepting the poemi Lucretius De Rerum amrax scarcely samous as et, consisted entiret os book rudely written, although considerably

Cicero madem claim to originalityrus a philosopher no evento complete acquaintance Wit every detail of the Greeli systems.

λ De Offa, I, a philosophandi seirauiam concedens multis etα