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his inirilest year. The tot assignediim a quaestor to Scipio, then in Sicil and a ut is cros ove into Africa The chance
Was mos uni tunate, informo other reason, hecause Cato,
intimatet connecte mit the part in the senate opposed in Scipio, hic ha been attemptin is bring him in triat for theatrocities committe by the Roman arm in Outhem ItalyBut in addition the two men ere so ulterj different that therem no possibilit of the quaestor standiu in that filia relationto his consul, hic es Roman custom required. As Mancialossicer, Cato complaine of the luxur an extravagance WhichScipio allowe no onlycio himself ut to his . . et the
grounda it seeme in Cato that the old Roma discipline and werri endure hardahips Mere Ming mept aWay. The dispute acende by Scipio allo in Cato to retum is Rome, som authoritie a 4mm Sicily, thera from Africa Accorsing to one Writer, he came home is Wares Sardinia and brought stenc Mith him Ennius the poet.' In I99 Cato a plebeia aedile, an exercised Mith severityre policeriurisdictio pertaining to that ossice, et so ari WinwPular apyroves, since he Was hosen praetor for I Without the sua intervat me province of Sardinia was en sted is him, an he traine ever nerve o mahe his goverament present a suo in contrast a possibi Wit the lax an corruptadministrationis thera les Who ook Scipio for thei patiem. The mops ere sternindisciplined, and law-bre ers of every kind severely deest,it, in mone mattere the strictest economyprevialed ali ut isom provinciat is Roman ossicera ere sodibidden. The praetor, me great representative of Roman wWer, passed hom town to toW attended by a single servant. In I96 Cato as occupie&with his canuas for the consulfhip
Nepos pseudo-Nepos , imis a campiam T c. I, 33. Cat. I. ut Cato sed Ennius as soldier Cato sterWard madescit in hile Nobilior emplo him actam against M. Fulvius Nob, poet. lior that he had tinen Ennius With
of the year I9s, is hic he was electe in company it his frien Flaccus Cato a the fidit novus homo electe since C. Flaminius, the consul es a I7. It is probabie, though notcertain that he paved the Way to his electionis car in thefiret of the Dies Porciae restricting the right of punishing ω man citigens. During the whole of his career Cato home ah h sense of the importance of the individual civis Romanus. One of the fimi ossicia acts of the neW consul was to delivera set speech to the eopte against a pro sal to repeia theminpian lam passe twent years fore, the objectis Which, to prevent lavis expenditur on dres an adommenta, particularly by Women. e have a livel reportis Cato' apeeta stomiara' pen, partly founde on the speech a published by Cato
himself. The earnes pleadincin favoris simple mannera a economydailed, after having almoat caused an open insurrectiono the par of the women.*Τhe two nemprovince in Spain Hispania Citerior an Ult rior, Mere alii in a very unsetile state. The eare provincem made a consular province and assigne to Cato the praetor Who governe the farther province was also place unde Cato'ajurisdiction. Besore leavin Rome Cato carrie a l- ω pr tecting the provincials from extortion. During the whese of his yearis ossiceae practised Mith the ulmos exactnes his princia ples of purity simplicit' and economni public assaim. e lasaid to have started rom his hous o the ournento Spes Withoesy three servandi, but Whenie go as famas the forum, it struckhim that suc an attendance was carcet Worth of a Romanconsul sole purchase two more flaves o the spoli In thesam spirit, before returning e sol his horae that the intemio not be at the expense of transportlncit in Italy. Cato a nodes caressit of the revenu than of the expenditure. elarget increased the productivenea es the mines and ther
properim longing to the state, and ali good captured hom theenem Mere sold for the benefit of the exchmuer o leaving the province Cato made an unusuali large gistrio each soldier,saying that it Was Miter for an to bring home silver than forinia. to bring home Mid. The provincials Mere thoroughi comtent With thei ruter an eve aster looked on him a thei bestselend. The arm Was hept in the strictes discipline Somedisorderly conductis the equius Was rebuked by Cato in a bitter
turbulent natives an retume to enjo a Mell--me triumph.
In the fame ear i brilliant triumphisas celebrate by
Scipio, probabi uneas a me great reputations quickl Won by Flamininus an Cato, secure his secon consulfhi sor theyear i , but falled to achieve anything rem k le. Cato probabi spent the three years after his rerum so the mos pari athis Sabine farm. When the war against Antiochus roke ut, he took service along missi his frien Flaccus omine sis of the consul Glabrio, and by a dissiculi march ver me mountainsbrohe in omine hiu's rear, andis mas hied instrumenta in inning the grea batile of Thermopylae, by Whic Antiochus was riven ut o Greece. Immediatet alter the batile Cato returne homo it despatches. e have dim an uncertain informatio that he wo the fiet once o tWic again, but his
careerras a soldier a practicvit ended.
From his time o his death sori years later, Cato a theletaing figurem in stage of Roma politica. In eason andout of eason e attached abuses o innovations in peechesaddresse to the senate, theseople, o the couris. Soon after his rerum hom Thessalfhera chin heavfhlow at the unrepublican hono huntinnamong the magistrates, of hichahe example
s. e. e mas emisus consularis. I, but Cic. Cat. Io ava reti mas a the time a common thin bunus miluaris. fore consula totari service under
ha been set is P. Scipio Africanus Most provincialiovemoradrove thei subjecis inis War, sent lying despatches home a ut thei victories, and laime a triumph. In I9 Cato attachedWit succes the pro sal to grant a triumph to Q. Minucius Thermus, ho ad atready triumphe ove therapaniam aspraetor, and after his consulatii in I93 hadfought against the Ligurians Cato' nexi victim machis forme commander Μ'. Acilius Glabrio, lio camerior armat the fame time issi Cato, arcellus a son of the captor of Syracuse , L. Comelius Scipio Nasica, T. Quinctius Flamininus the conqueror of acedonia and Cato' frien L. Valerius Flaccus, a candidate so the censo sitimo I . Cato by his violent speeches procured the tries of Glabrio for appropriating the lunde capture in Thessaly, and himself ave evidence concerning some properi Whichaad dis-appeared. Glabrio deno Ince Cato as a periurer, but yet retiredhom his candidature ominis occasion Cato an Flaccus iled, Μ arcellus being electe a plebeia an Flamininus a patrician
In the neri year 1883 Cato acted in the senate it the par .hicli med unsuccesssulint refuse in triumph to the two consul of 89 Μ. Fulvius Nobilior an Cn. Manlius Vulso the forme os,hom ad mine non but triflin advantages overthe Aetolians, hile the alter had disgrace the Roman ameb mahin War ithout authorigation pon themauis of Asia Μinor, an ha also suffere a humiliatin deseri hom omeThracia robberianos on his home aes march. Not dishearbene is in success, Cato and his Menos determine to strike athloe game. L. Scipio Asiaticus o Asiagenus), the brotheros Africanus, mas asserte in the senate' have appropriated 3ω talent os public money,hen in command against Anti chus Leges proceedings were taken not oes against Asiaticus, but against Africanus, ho ehave mit great violence and arrogance. In the end Africanus illidre clo his countrrestate, while his brothe was condemne to para hea' fine. A death-strohe had been given to the almos hingi authorit of Afric nus, Who neve again ahowed his iace in Rome he proceω-
lus againat the Scipio aeem is have buun in I 87 an no tohave been complete fore I 83. Nearly tWent years ad passe since the conflic Miseen Cato an Scipio egam an no i ha ende in a complete triumphrior Cato. But the nemmodes of Whic Scipio a thechie patron ere is stron in be conquered, an Cato pentre res of his lis in iotimis opeles batile against them, thoughae fouot for a time it the suo est,eapons stat theconstitutio supplied. In I ae Was censor along Wit Flaccus, o seem is have alloWed his colleam fuit liberi os action. Every portio of the censos dui Was carrie out o the ostsevere an old Roman ' principies. Seven senator mere degraderi among them L. Flamininus, an ex-consul and brother of the liberator of the essenes. for serious misconduci, also Manilius, an ex-praetor, for no mors offence tha that fhavinckisse his de in presence of his davister. . Furius Purpurio, Who his actuali compete .ith Cato sor in censor-shis, a punished sor divertinga publicaqueduc for his private Montage Flaccus Was name leader of the senate in the placeos Scipio Ahicanus, o dead. on oleWing the equi es, Cato remove hominat od L. Scipio and many offers on Various charges this ne his allowed himself is grow oo is for horsemanship that ad falle togroom his hors properly anotherina neglecte his tam another again ad made an unlimely est o the occasio of thererie liseis it the ordinar cilietens Cato deat jus asharshly. In his censoria edici he harpi reprove in extravaganc prevalent a private easis. Ali articies o luxury, auchis flaves purchased a fanc prices, luxurious lothing, mages, statues, an pictures ere rendere ii te to eaΠtaxation. In this a Cato revenge himself for the repeia esthe Oppian laW.
Cicero' statementa through fio Where Cato calis his ne
out the treatis conceming the amicissimus, re audacio lyram Telations et een Cato and Afri exact.
In looking after the properi an income of the state Cato fosso e the fame principies he had acie o in Spain. Hereduce the expenditurei public Works acta a possibie, andiso careri seli a the fullirice the right to collect the revenue. Encroachment on the propert of the nation ere severelypunished.
Not by acts only, ut by constant speeches, ut at once of Mimnes an humor, di Cato strumle against the degeneracyos his time. concluded his periodi office Wit a self-laudator harangue, and assumed the titie Censorius, While his statue Was placed in the temple of the goddess Salus it an inscriptionassirming that he had reforme the Roman nation. But in a very bries time ali tracem Cato' activit a censor a S epi aWay, excepi that assorde by the numerous li&-long quareel in Whichae had involye himself. In tes than Woyearsine of his victims, Purpurio Mas employed by the senateo chio politica mission, hile nother, L. Flamininus, Satamong the senator at the omes in defiance of Cato' sentence. Yet Cato remaine by far the mos poweriae member of the senate Titus Flamininus, his ni important via, quichirpassed ut o notice. Sociar a there as an democraticopposition to the senatorial ligarchy, Cato a the eader of that opposition to the remainder of his life But at that periodno great politica movement agitate the state ithin; early the whole interest of the time Was centred in the foretgn relationses Rome o matters of foretgn pollic Cato offere but litue opposition to the prevallin tendencies of the age, though on particular occasionsi exercised great influence. ut his voice was at ali times loudlfhear on ali questions os moralit a public order. e supporte the lex Furia and the lex Voconia, the objectis,hich was to prevent me dissipation os famil pro' ert' and the lex Orcisia, directe against extravagant expendi-
speeches delivered during o com M prosecutions, and to haVe bee.
ture o fe is also the lex misi ae ambitu theraret serious attempto chec bribery We ear also that Cato bitterlyattache Lepidus, censor in I 8o, for erectinga permanent theatre in place of the moviste booth besore sed The bullding Wasactuali pulle do-. e re tol that Dom time to time hedenounce the miscloings of provincia governora. In 7 hewas one os a commissionis live for bringingrio justice three ex- praetors ho ad practiae at manne os corruption in Spain Almost the las ac of his life was in prosecute Galba sor cruelmisgovernment of the Lusitanians. The tities of Cato' speechesshow that he played a great par in the deliberations of the senate conceminisoream affaira, but asinis fightinidus mere ove an he was uniitte sor diplomacy, we have litile explicit evidence of his activit in his direction. At me en of thethirdiacedonian war he successiunxv sed the annexationis Μacedonia. e also Saved from destructio the Rhodians, hocluring the war had plainly destre in victor o Perseus, an in the early Mys When the Roman commandere had ill success haddeepi Mounde the Whole Roman nationi an offerri mediate tween them and the hingis acedon.
Cato ad ali his lite retiane his ieetin es enmit to the
Carthaginians, hom Scipio, he thought his reate to tenderi' In Iso he Wasine Dan embassy Sentrio Carthage, and eam bach filled Wit alum at the prosperit of the city It is sal that Whateuer .as the subiectim hic he was asked fortis opinion in the senate, he alWays ended his speech with ceterum censeo delendam esse Carthaginem' . Scipio Nasica, the son-in-law of Asticanus, and the representative of his poticy, alWaysshouted ut the opposite opinion, hinking that the ear of Carthage had a salutar effecti the Roma populacerat large. But the deas of Cato prevalled, and a mel poticy carried ut it neeclles brutality, te to the extinctionis Rome' greatest rival Cato di nota e to se the conclusion of the war hedie in G, at the age of 84 or 8s years havin retiane his mentes an physical vigor to the last. e had Wo sons, one byhisirst,ila, and one by his second wise, bom hen Cato ac
years of age. The elder son, to Whom mannos Cato's Woris,ere adoressed diemas praetor-elech besore his father L he other a grandiatheris Cato Uticensia. The literar activit of the old censor a great, though his teisure Was mali. In Cicero' time a collectionis Is speeches was stili extant. The tities of a ut o Me stillanown in us, and of some e posses a se fragmenta Cato' Meatest Wor ho ever, Mas his Origines, therars rea historical Work writteni Latin His predecessors ad been meret compilers of chronicies. The work was ounded on laborious investigations, and comprised the histor o Rome rom the earliest times per-haps down to Iso B.C.', a Weli a notices of the histor es other important Italia states Further, Cato rote of Agriculture, to hic he was enthusiasticali devoted. e stili have his De Re Rustica, a collectio os maxim loosel strun together. He also composed Work on law; a sortis educationes encyclopaedia formis son; and a collectionis Witty sayings, Arro νωχμ- dram Dom Gree a Weli as from Roman Aoumes. Plutarchiseem is have nown a collecte edition of the pungent an proverbia ulterances for hic the censor assamous, an sor,hich no sor an knowledge of philosophy 'he received the titie of sapiens shrein 'xwhic heiore at theend of his life This edition, however, was no compiled by Cato
himself. In temo Cicero' ueause, the Cato aior it is necessar tosa somethingis Cato' relations it the Greelis an Greehliterature. The ancient overas meret vague statement thath only bem to learn Gree in his id age. The expression must be liberalty interpreted is a seem clear, the wbole of his riting showed the influence of Gree literature. It is certain, hoWever, that he thorouoly deteste the Gree nation Thishatred was shown in acts more than once No doub Cato Was
at least a consenting part to the expulsion fro Rome os Greehteacher in I 6 B. α When in Is the amous embassy came homininens consistingos Carneades the Academic, Critolaus the Peripatetic and Diogenes the Stoic, Cato mas a prime move of the decree by Whic therwere removed hom the city. Socrates Wasin es Cato's favorite marks for jesis And thicis the maninio hos mout Cicero put the iterances, but stightly veiled, o Gree wisdomi a. Scipio. . Cornelius Scipio Africanus, thes unger, Wasno blood relationis the conqueror of Hannibal but the adopted sonis his son. t must be remem red hoWever, that adoption a much more formal and bincling, and produce much laserues in ancient than in modern times. The eide Africanus Masunfortunate in his sons. The munge of these attaine to the praetorshi in I 74, but Was immediatet drive stom the senate by the censors of that eari account of his disreputabie lila. The eide was an invalid Who neve held an ossice excepi that os augur, and diemat an early age. e adopted the sonis L. Aemilius Paulus, the victoris Pydna the adopte soniore the name Aemilianus in memorro his origin Cato' son anted adaughter of Paulus, so that the censor a brouo into relationshipwith the Cornelii, hos mos illustrious representative he hadhated an attached. The oun Scipio a bom bout 8s, and when carce 7
ine Hellenistic movementi Among his deares mend were Polybius, the Greeli statesman and historian, and later Panaetius, the Stoic. In Is B.C. When the consuis found it dissiculi to enlisi ossicem an men or service in Spain, Where great deseat hisbeen suffered, Scipio volunteered, and serve&wit great distinction a military tribune. When the war wit Carthage brohe out he See Coulanges, ancient City' Bh ΙΙ. h. 4.
held the fame rank, and shonei comparison it his Hundem ing superior ossicere. Comingrio Rome in I 8 he stoo so the aedileship but was electe consul so the year 47, and again forio, henae finished the war. eris sal to have grieve overthe late es Carthage, and is have dreMed an further increas of the Roman territory. In I4 Scipio a censor, and acie Mithalmos Catonian severity. In 34, though no a candidate, hewas electe to the consulfhiprandiu in command of the Romanismy then besieging the citros Numantia in Spain. The war, ofwhic this siege forme a pari ha been Fing onao Some years most disastrousty for the Romans, but Scipio speedit brought itto a conclusion in I 33. Whiles fore Numantia he received newaof the mutae Osai. Gracchus, hos sister he had marrie and whos cousinae had ecome by adoption, but Whos polic hehad o the whole opposed though he had occasionali coquet- ted Mith the democratf. his courae costlim the favor of thepeople, and when in I 3 he destred to conduci the war against Aristonicus, onj tw of the thirty-five tribes vote for his in
potniment. In I 29, after a violent scene in the senate. Where hehad opposed the carrying ut o Ti. Gracchus agraria tam bemas triumphanu escorte home by a crowd composed chieflyo Italians hos interesis ad Men threatene by the la . Nex morning he was found ea in his ed. opinion acto the cause of his deat was divided at the time an so remat ned. In the Laelius the deat is assumed is have been fi om naturalcauses. Else here ho ever, Cicero adopis the view of manyos Scipio' Mend that he was umere is Carbo. Carbo aster aes lent color to the suspicion is pultin himself todeath, in order, a Was supposed, to void a direct prosecution. In ancient times even C. Gracchus mas suspected os haring thus avengediis brother' death, butio modem scholari an rankhas countenance the suspicion.
Whether the degre os intimac Miseen Cato an Scipio,
Whic Cicero assumes, ever existedi not cannot be determined. iraeea ciet 4 etc. In De Re Publiea a I Cicero De Or. 2, 7o Fam , I, 3; mahes Scipio tal extravagantly