장음표시 사용
Nithout one generat and commander. ut is there ero in oneam a many generat a there are legions cohoris, divisions,'
tage. So, in his overnment of the affatis os nature, uniessther ahallae ne to homine care of the holeris referred.
ali things illae dissolve an salicio decv. But is in that the universe sinovemed by the will of many,
is equivalent to a declaratio that there are many minds in onebody, since there are many and various offices of the members,so that separato inci a be supposed to goVern separate senses and also the many affections by Whicli, are accii
tome tora move eithe to anger, o to destre, o to joy orto fear, orno pity so that in ali these affections a many mindsmay be supposed is operaten anxii an oneraliould say this, hovould appea to e destitute evenis that ver mind whicli isone. ut ii in ne body one min&possesses the government of so many things, and is at the fame time occupies illi the whole, Why should any one suppos that the universe cannot bessoverned by one, but that it canae governed by more than ones Andbeca e those maintainers of many god are Ware of this, theysa that the so preside ver separate offices an paris that there is stilline chie ruteri ho othera therelare, on this prin-eiple, mill notae gods,aut attendant an ministera, hom thaton mos might an omnipotent appotnte to thes ossices, and the themselves mill e subservient to his authorit an deommand Is thereiare, ali are no eques to ne another, allare notaias for that whicli serves and that hic rules cannot e the fame. Foesi God is a titie of the ighest pomer, He incorruptibie, perfeci incapable of suffering and subject toruo Ming thereiore the are o god Whom necessit compei in obe the one greates God. ut ecause thoyπho hol this opinion aro no deceived mithout cause, e illpresentinia ope the cause of this error. Num tetras proveis testimontes the unit of the divine power.
CHAP. IV.-That the one God was foretolierem by the prophet8. The propheis, ho ero Ver many proclaim an declare
monious voice. ut hos Who ars ignorant of tho truth dono th in that theso propheta are to e belleved for the saythat thos volae aremo divine but human. Fors th, bemus the proclaimine God the were either admen or de ivors. But trul me se that thei predictions have been fulfilled, andaro in coursei fulfilmen datly and thei fores hi agreeingas it oes to on opinion, teaches that the wer no unde thoimpulso of adness. Forolio possessed os a frangie mindwould e able, I do not a to predictolio future, ut evento spea coherentis' er they theresere, ho spine suchthings deceitsub What wasis ulterly foreigito thei natureas a system os deceit When the themselves restrained thera
homini frauda For to this end were the sent by God thattho fhould both s horaid Minis majes , and correctora os
them mere princes, o even hings, po Whom the suspicionis
CHAP. V of the testimonias of poeta and philosophers. But leto leave the testimon o propheth lest a proo d fiuod rom those ho are universalty disbelloved should appear
iustissicient Letis com to authors, an for the demonstratio of tho truth letos cito as Witnesses hos Ver persons Whom the are accustomed i mahorus os against us,-I mean
lati an imperiinable homo. Thus, under the guidance of natureandieason, he underatood that there Was a poWer of surpassing greatnes Which framed heaven and earth. Forte could not saytha Jupiter Was the author os ali things, since he was bor DomSaturn nor couldae say that Saturn himself,as thei author, sincerit Was reported that he was produced hom tho heavena buthe didio ventum to et u in heaven a the primeVa god, causa ho in 'hacit mas an element of the universe, and mustiiset have had an author This consideration ledaim to that firs,bornaod is homae assigna and oves theraret place.
Homer Was able o ive us no informatio relatin to the truth, for e rote of human ather than divine things. Hesiod was ablo fora comprised in the work of ono book thogeneratio of the gods; ut et he gavo us no information, sorho oo his commencementiso from God the Creator, ut hom chaos, hicli is a confused massi rude an unarrangedmatter; hereas heluo firs to avo explaine from halsource, at ha time, an in hat manner chaos itfel hadbegu to existis to have consistency. Without doubi as allthings,ere place in order, arranged, and made is some artificer, o matte irael mus os necessi amo been forme bysomeaeing. Who, then, maderit except God, to hos poWerat things aro subjecti But e stirinlis trem admittin this, while ho dread the unknown truth. For it was by the inspirationis themuses, ache wished it to appear, that ho oured fori that son o Helicon, but he had como after revious meditation and preparation. Maro a thorarat of ur poeta to approach in truth, hothus speah respecting the hioest God whom ho calis Mindan Spirit:
An test an ono aliould appen to e ignorant ha that Spirit Was hicli ad so much pomer, o has declare it in another place, ving: For the Deit pervades ali lanct thetracta es se an depth of heaven the flocis, in herd' and men, an ali in race of easta, each at iis blath, derivo their stender lives hommim.'Ovid also in thoieginning of his rem habio Work, Without an dismising of the name, admira that the universe Wasarranged by God, homae calis the ramer of the worit tho Artifice of ali inings. ut d ither Orpheus o these poetso ou count 'ad alWays maintaine What tho perceived
unde the Midance of nature, the would have comprehended the truth, and gained the fame learning hic We sollow.
Boo I. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 13But thus far of the poets. metrus come to the philosophers, ,hos auctori cis of greater meight, and their judgmen moreto be relied on, because therare belleved is have pat attention, notrio matters of fiction, but to the investigatio of the truth. Thales of Miletus, ho as ne of the number of the evenmis men, and whori faid in have been tho firsti altrio inquiro
respecting natural causes, siad that mater Was the element hom
paris of the universe, and through ali nature, rom hici allliving creatures hicli are produced derivo their life.' Anaxagoras sal that God Was an infinito ind, whicli moves by iis o. po er Antisthenes maintained that the god of the peoplewere mannaut that the God o natur Was ne onlys that is, the Fabricator of ths hole universe Cleanthes an Anaxiamenes asser that the air is the chie deity and to this opinionour poet has assented Themiamightydather Ether descendsin fertilo fhowers into the bosomis his πous spousae an greathimself, inglin With her great bo. nourishes ali her off- ring Chrysippus spealis of God as a natural poWerendoWed
missi divine reason, an somelimes as a divine necessity Zeno also speis of Him asin divine and natural la Tho opiniono ali these, howeverruncertaincit is, has resereno to ne potnt, O thei agraement in the existence of one providonce For hether ita nature, or aether, o reason, o mind, or a fatalnecessi , or a divine la , orci yo term it anythin else, itis in samo Whicli is called by us God Nor does tho diversi os tities prove an obstacte, since by thei ver signification theyali refer in ono object aristolle, although hecis at variance with himself, and both ulter and hold sentimenta opposed tome another, γε upo the whole bear mitnes that nomindpresides ver the universe Plato, horis judged the wises of est, plaini and pent maintain the rule of ne God nord sae amemim aether, o reason, o nature, but, sine trulyis God, and that this universe so perfeci and wonderfui, Was
14 LACTANTIUS. Boo Lin many instances, frequently achnowledges God, and calis Him supreme, in thos boota hic he wrote o the subjectis laWs andae adduces proo that the universo is governed by Him, henae argue respecting tho natur of the god in this Way Nothiniis superior to God the worid must thereiarebo governed by Him Therosore God is obedientis subjectis no nature consequently Hemimself govem ali nature But what Godmisset is ho defines in his Consolatione Norean God Himself, asine is comprehended by us, e compr hended in an othe warthan a a min Deo and undistrianed, far removed hominil mortat materiali , perceiving an movingali inings.' Howosten, also does Annaeus Seneca who Was the heenest Stoicii tho Romans, follo up With deserved pratae the supreme Dei For,henae mas discussing the subjectis prematuredeath, he aid do notonderatand the auctorii and majestyli ou Judge, thorauler of the worid, and tho Godo heaven and of ali goti, on homiliose deities hic me separalel Worahi an honour aro dependent.' Also in his hortationar This eing, hen o was laying the ratfoundations of the mos beautisu fabric, and was commencingiliis or than hic nature has known nostin greater orbetier, that at things mio serve thet om resera, although
produced god a minister os His kingdom. nd hoW many other things liko iniuriwn writer didae speis omine subjecto God i ut theso things I put orior the present, because in are more auited to the partam tho subjeci. At present it is enough in demonstrato that me of the highest genius inutaedupo the truth, and almost grasped it, hasno custom, insatu-ated by false opinions carrie them bach whicli custom the both deemed that there mere ther goti, an belleved that hos things hicli God ad for tho se of man, Sthough the were endoWed missi perception, ero to e heldand worshippe Minoia. CHAP. VI. O divine festimonias, and of the Sisti and
No letis pasci divino testimontes; buta mill previοuslybrinis Ward ono hic resembles a divino testimony, both on
Boo I. TNE DIVINE INSTITUTES 15 account of it Ver great antiquit' and ecause ho homashali nam mas ahen rom me an placed among the goti. Aecordin to Cicero, Caius Cotta the ponti' hilo disputingagainst tho Stoica concernis superstitions and the variet os opinions hic prevat respecting the goci, in orde that hemiol aster tho custo of the Academics, ahe verythinguncertain, says that there mero vetercuries an havingenumerate four in order, says that the fifth was o by hom gua as lain, and that on this account he fled into Empi, an gave laws an letters to the gyptians. The gyptianseat hi Thoth and Do him tho rs mont os their ear, that is September, received ita nam amon them. e also buit a tom, hic is even no calle in Gree Hermopolis the tow of Mercu ), and the inhabitant of hens hono iam it religious Worship. An althoughas as a man, yetho masti great antiqui , and mos fulty imbue With very End of learning so that the knowledge of many subjecis and
existent is Minout a name.' God there fore, has no name, causamoris alone nor is there any needis a proper nam excepi in casea here a multitude os person requires a distinguishing mata, so that ou a designate acti person byhis o n mar an appellation. ut God, ecauserae is auWay one has no peculia name.
It remians for me to bring forWard testimontes respectingine sacre response and predictions, hicli are much more tobe relie upon. For perhaps the against hom me are ammis may thin that no credenc is to e ive to poets, asthough the invente fictions, nor o philosophers, nasmuchas the were ii te to err bella themselves bu men Marcus Varro, than hom no manis greate learning eve lived evenamong the Greeis, much les among tho Latin' in thoso books
16 LACTANTIUS. Boo Lrespecting divine subjecis hic he addressed to Caius Caesartho chie ponti' he he was speahing of the Quindecemviri,' says that tho Sibylline books er no the productionis ons Siby only but that they ero called by one nam Sibylline,
and he enumerate them est unde the writers, Who Wrote an account os ach that therars Was from the erstans, and of her Nicanor ad mention, ho rora the exploits of Alexander of Medon;-the second of Lybia, and of her Euripides mahes mention in the prologue of tho Lamia; the third of Delphi, concerning Whom Chrysippus speah in that bookwhichae composed concerning divination -the fourth a Cimmerian in Italy, hom Naevius mentions in his book of tho Punicoar, and is in his annals ;-the fifth o Erythraea, hom Apollodorus o Erythraea affirm to have been his omcount -oman, and that he foretoid to the Greeh When theywere setting ut for Ilium both that Troy was Oome todestruction, and that Homer Would write salsohoods; hemixtho Samos, respectin Whom Eratosthenes rites that he had found a writto notice in the ancient annals of the Samians; the evenit o Cumae, by nam Amalthaea, hocis termed issonae Herophile, or Demophile, and that shoarought nine books to the hing Tarquinius Priscus, an asked for them threehundred philippics, and that he hing refused so great a price, and derido the adnes os the woman; that he in the sight of the hinniurni thres of th books, and demande the fame prico for hos Whicli ero test that Tarquinius muc more considere the woman to e mad; and that when in again, havin burn three ther books, persisted in ashing the ameprice, the hin Was moved, and bought in remaining books
The Quindecemviri mere in fiftem me to homine caro os ins Sibyllino booka was enuusted. t firat two Duumvirix ere appotnted. The number a asterWarda incremed tonen, and subsequentlyrio Misen. I appear probabio that thia laat change ma made is Sulla.
Boox 1. THE DIVINE INSTITUTES 17 so the three hundred pieces of goly and the number os theso books mas aster ard increased aster the rebulldin os the Capitol; ecause the were collected hom ali cities of Italyand Greece, and speciali from hos o Erythraea, and werobrough in Rome, unde the nam os haleve Siby theyWere;-that the eighth was fram tho Hellesponi bor in tho Trojan territory, in the village of Marpessus, about the owno mergithus and Heraclides of ontus rites that ho lived in the times of Solon an Cyrus -themininis Phrygia, hogave oracles at Ancyra;-the tentii os Tibur, by nam Albunea, horis modihipped a Tibur a a goddess, ea the ank of the rivo Anio, in the depilis os,hicli ho statuo is sal to avo been found holding in her hand a book the sonato transferredher oracles into the Capitol. The predictions o ali theso Sibyl are botharought forwardand sinemed a such except thos of the Cumaean Sibul , iugo book are concealed b the Romans no do the conside itlawyuI thom to e inspected by any one ut the quindecemviri.' An there are separato books the productions ofeach, ut ecause these are inscribe Wit the nam os ino Sibyl thoraro belleve toto the wor onone and the are confused nor an the productions of eachae distinguishod and assigned to their W authors, excepi in the case of the Erythraean Sibyl sor in both inserte heris norue nam in her Verse,
and predicted that sho ould e calle Erythraean, though shewas ora a Babylon. ut e also hali spea of tho Sibyl
ithout any distinction, hereuer e shal have occasion to sethei testimontes. At thes Sibyls, then, proclaim ne God, and speciali in Erythraean, Who is regarde amon theother a more celebrated an nobieri since Fenestella, a most
diligent riter, speahing of the quindecemviri,' says that, after in rebullding of the Capitol, Caius Curio the consul pr posed to the senato that ambassador shouldae sent to Erythraeto se ch ut and bring to Romo the writings os the Sibyl; and that, accordingly, Publius Gabinius, Marcus Otacilius, and
Lucius Valerius mere sent, ho conveyed to Rome bout a thousan verses ritie out by private persons. e meshown berare that Varro ad the fame statement. No in these verses hicli the ambassadors mugiit o Rome, arethes testimontes respecting the one God
'But there is one only God of pr eminent pomer Who madethe heaven an sun and stars, and oon, and fruitsulearth, and Waves of the materis theraea.
An sincerae alone is the framer of the universe, and the artifice of at things of hic it consist or hic ars comisitio incit, it testifies that He alone oughtrioae morshipped. Morshi Him .ho is Hono the uter of the orid, hoatone mas and is rem age to age.'
Apollo, indeed, hom the thin divine bove allithera, andespeciali prophetic, iving responses a Colophon, ecause usuppose he had remove hom Delphi, induced by the ple
Can any one suspect that this is spoken o Jupiter Who had both a mother and a namo Wh inould I say that Mercur' that strice greatest, of Whomes have mado mention above notoni speias of God ithout a mother,' as Apollo does, butias as Mithout a facter, aecauseme has no origin hominuother sourco but Himseli Formo annotae produce homany one Whomimseli produced ali inings. I have, as Pthin sussicienti tauo is arguments and confirme by Witneram,