장음표시 사용
acros theraea, but salied ver Theretare the who appea tostemselves tote miselecause they underatand that there cannot be a living and earthly body in heaven, rejec the hole toryo Ganymede a false, and perceive that the occurrence ook place on arct, inasmuch a the matte and the lust itsol is earthly. The poeta di not there ore invent these transactions, forci the were tota so the would e Ost orthless; ut the adde a certain colour to the transactions. For it Wasnot for the purpos os detractio that the sat thes things, but Domin destre to embellisti them. ence me are deceived;
especiali because, While the thin that at thes things roseigne by the poets, the worahi stat os hic the are ignorant. For the do not knowwhat is the limit os poetio licenco, ho farcit is allo abierio proceo in fiction, sincerit isthea ines of the poet with somo gracesuines to change and transfer actuat occurrences into other representationsa oblique
spein falsehoods. For i thicis tho Jupiter hocis callod Myo a god is it is notae ho a bor fro Saturn and ops,no oster imago but his lone ought to have been placed in allthe temples. What meaning have the effigies os omen What the doubifes sex ' in hicli, is this Jupiter is represented, the ver stonos mill conses that he is a man. he say thattho poeta have spolien falsely, and et the belleve them yes, trul the prove by the fac itself that the poeta didio speah falsely for therso iram the image of the gods that, irom the ver diversit of sex, it appears that thes things hicli thopoeis sa are true. For What other conclusion does tho imago
os Ganymede and the effig of the agi admit os, he theyare placedaetor the De of Jupiter in the temples, an ars Worshippe equali With himself, excepi that the memor ofimplous uili an debaucher remain sor ver Nothing, therelare, is hesty invented by the poets fomething perhapsis transferred and obscured by oblique fashioning under hich
30 LACTANTIUS. Boo Lilio truth was on rapped and concealed a that Which, a latod about the dividingit the hinoom is lol. For they saytha the heaven soli to the aliare of Jupiter, tho sexto Neptune, and tho inferna region to luto. Why ma no the earthrathe taken a tha third portion, excepi that tho transactiontoo place o the earin There ora it is truo that the sodivido an portioned ut tho goveramentis tho, id that the empire os in east felicio Iupiter, a par o the est Wasallotted to Pluto, holad the sumam o Agesilaus Meauseth regionis in east, rem hic tio is ove is mortias, foem to e higher,aut tho regio of tho ea laueri lius the w veiled tho truth unde a fiction, that the truth ilaeis detracted nothing rom the public persuasion. tris manifestconcerning the hamis Neptune for . say that his hinoom resembled that unlimite authorit possessed is Mais Antony, is homolio senate had decreed tho poneris in maritime coast that ho might punish the pirates, and tranquillim thewhole ea. Thus at the maritimo coasta, togethor it thoislaniis, et to the lotis Neptuno. o. eaminia bo proved 'Undoubtedi ancient storie attes it Euhemerus, an ancient author Who as of the cit o Messene collected in actions ofJupiter and of the thera, ho are est med goda, an composed a histo drom tho illes an sacre inscriptiona hich ero in the mos ancient temples, and specialty in tho an tuar of the Triphylian Jupiter, here an inscription indicated that a goldon columnaad Men placed by Jupiter himself, on
hicli columnae rote an account of his exploita, stat posteritymight have a memorial of his actions This histor Marion late an follo ed is Ennius, hos motas ars theso mere Jupiter gives to Neptune the goverament of tho ea, that hemight reim in ali the istanda and places bordering on the wa.'The accounts of the poeta, therelare, are true, ut vetita it an ut aia coverin and sho . t is possies that
Mount Olympus may have supplied the poets With ili4 hin forsanng that Jupiter obtaine the hingdom of heavem, hecause Olympus is lis common ame both of tho ountati and of heaven. ut the fame histor inform us stat δέ Iter dWeston Ount lympus when it says: at that tinti Jupiter spent the greates par of his lisein Mount Olympus, and theyused to resor to his thither lor the administration Q rustice.
Mox I. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES Ii an matrem mere disputed. oreovis, i an ono had foundout an ne invention hic mightae sesul for humandi , he sed to come thithe and display it to Jupiter.' The poetstransse many things aster his manner, o for tho sine of spe in falsely against the objects of their orship but that the manis variousi coloured figures ad beaut an graeet thei poema. ut the Who domo underatand the manne or the cause, o the natur of that hicli is represented by figure, attach the poeta a salso an sacrilegio . ven hophilosophera mere deceived by this error fortecauso these thingswhicli ara relate about Jupiter appeared unsuited to the ch racter of a god the introduced tW Jupiter' one natural theother fabulous ThersaW, o the ne and that hicli astrue that he fors in concerning homilis poeta speah, Wasman; ut in the case of that natural Jupiter, ted by the common practice of superstition the committe an error, in much asthe transferre the nam os a man to God, ho a me have alaeady said),aeca emeris ne only, has no need os a name. Bucit is undeniabis that horis Jupiter lio a born rom psand Saturn. t is thereior an empi persuasion on the parto those horaius the nam o Jupiter in the supremo God. For som aro in the habitis defendin thei error by this e eum Mor, hen convinced of the nitro God since the cannot den this the amrm that the morshi Him, but that it isthei pleas e thalm shouldae called Jupiter. But What can moro absurd tha thi, For Jupiter is not accustomed to , shipped Without res accompanying orahi of his mitiand daughter. From hic his rea nature is evident nor isit lawsul for that nam to e transferred thither, ,here themia eithe any Minerva no Juno. Why should I say that thopeculia meaning of this nam does no expres a divine buthuma pomer or Cicero explain the ames Jupiter and
ia a calle ascit he were a helpinifather, a nam Whichris illadapteda God for is hel is the partis a man conferringsomo ai upon ne hocis a stranger, and in a case here theheneficis smali. Nomne implores God to hel him, buta pre--rveaim, to involim lite and saseu, hic is a muta reatis and more important matte than to help.
32 LACTANTIUS. Boo I. An since e re speahingis a fallier, o fallier is aid tollet his sons heu he eget o bring them p. o that expression is to insignificant to denoto the magnitudo of the benefit derive from a sather. How much more unsultabiecisit to God Who istu true Father, by Whom me exist, and Whose e re altogether, is hom e re formed cndued with lite, and enlightened Who bestoWs pon us lila, gives us salaty, and supplies us illi various End of ood He has no apprehensionis the divine benefit who hinks that horis ni aided by God Thereiore heris notini ignorant, but impious, Who disparages the excellen of the supreme poWer unde the ameos Iupiter. Whereiore i both hom his actions and character We have proved that Iupiter Was a man, and reigneyon earth, it ni remain that we inould also investigate his death. Ennius, in his sacred histo , havin describesia the actions whicha performed in his life at the close thus speas: ThenJupiter, he ho ad five times made a circuit of the arth, and estoWed govemments upo ali his friend an relatives, and lest laWs to men provided them it a fetile modo of lisoand cora, and give them many other benefiis, and having been honoured Wit immorta glor an remembrance, test lastingmemorial to his friends, and when his age was almost spent, he changed his life in Crete, and departe to the gods Andthe Curetes, his sons, took charge of him, and honoured him; and his tombris in Crete in the to nis Cnossus, and Vesta issaid to have founded this civ and on his tombris an inscriptioni ancient Gree characters, Zan Kronou, ,hicli is in Latin, Jupiter the sonis Saturn.' his undoubtedinis no handoddown by poets, but by writersit ancient evenis and thes thingsare so true that therare confirmed by some verses of the Sibyls, to this effeci:
Inanimato demona image of the de , Whosorio a the ill-tate Crete possesse as a Mast.
Cicero, in his reatis concerning themature of the Gods, harin sal that three Jupiters ere enumerate by theologians, add that the third was os rete, the sonis Saturn, and that his tombris stlown in stat fland HOW, therefore, can Rgod e alive in one place, an dea in another in one place
AEtate pessum acta.' Commutavit; thera rea consummavit,' he completed.
Booci. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 33 have a temple and in another a tombi et the Romans thenknow that thei Capitol that is the hie head of thoi objeciso public veneration is nothinibu an empi monument. Letis non comerio his Iathe who eigne besore him, and who perhaps had mors poWer in himself, ecause he is aidio bolor hom tho meetingi suc great elementa. et usseo hat there mas in him orthymi a god, especiali that heis relate to avo ad the olde age, ecause in his reignthere a justice in the earth. I fin something in him .hieli asino in his son. For What is solefitting tho character of agod a a justinovernment an an age os pie ut When onthe fame principie, I reflect that heris a son, I cannot considerhim a tho supreme God fora se that hero is omethingmore ancient than himself,-namely the heaven and the earth. Butatam in earchis a God beyond whom nothin has any existence Who is the fource and originis at things. e mustos necessit exist who framed in heaven iraeis, and laid the foundations of the earth. ut it Saturn a born rem these, ascit is supposed hosca lis e the hie God sinceae owos his origin t anotheri r bo reside ove tho universo foro tho irini Saturn ut this, as I recenti faid is a fietionis tho poets. For it was impossibi that the sensetesselemenis, hic are separate is socion an intervat, hould meet together and give birili is a son, o that he who was bornshould nolint ali resemble his parenis, but should have a formWhic his parent did not posseSs. Letis therelare inquire What degree os truth lios hid underthis figure. Minucius Felix, in his treatis whieli has the titio of Oetavius, allege these proosset aha Saturn, Whenae had beon banished is his son, and had come into Italy, was called
pectedi arrived have fallen rom heaven and that he was
causerit is evident that even during his reign e mas so Memed. Η might have argue thus: That Saturn beinga ver po exsul hing, in orde that the memor of his paronis mi tae preserved gave their ames in ius heaven and earth,
34 LACTANTIUS Boox L hereas these ere besore callo by ther ames, sor hichreason eano that nantes ere applied both to mountians and rivers. For hen the poeta spea of the ompring of Atlas, or of the river Inachus, thendo no absolutet say that me could possibba bor from inanimate objecis; ut theyundo tedi indicate thoseolio ere orn rom hos men, ho ither during thei livos o astor thei deat gave their
tice mong the ancients and speciali amon tho Greeri. Thus, havsaeard that seas received the names of those hoha salien into them, a tho Egean, the Icarian, and the Hellesponi. In Latium, also, Aventinus gavo his nam to themountainin whichae mas buried and Tiberinus, or Tiber, gavehis nam to the rive in hic he was drowned. onder, then, ii tho names of thos who had give birtha mos powe fui hings ero attributed to the heaven an earin Thermiore it appears that Saturn a no bom hom heaven, Whichis impossibie buchoin that man who bore the nam o manus. An Trismegistus attest in truth of this for hen he aidina very se had existed in hom there a perfeci learning, he mentione is nam amon these his relatives, Uranus, Saturn and ercvry. Ἀndaecausea was ignorant of themthings h gave another account of the matter hoWine mighthave argued. have ino n. mowJ Wil say in ha mannis, at liat time, and by hom this a done sor it a notSaturn who id his, ut upiter. Ennius thus relates in his saero histo Then an lead him to the mountain, whicli is called tho pillis of heaven Having ascended thither, hora vved the land sar and wide, and there o that ou lain heauild an altar to Coelus and Jupiter Was thoiursi, offere sacrifico o that altar la that placo heclookedi toheaven is hic nam me no calicit, and that hicli, above tho vortit,hich was called aetheo the firmament, and he gais to the heaven ita nam fro the nam os his grand-fathers and Jupiter in prayer first avo the nam of heavento stat hic Was called aether firmament, an he burnientire tho victim hicli ho there offered in sacrifice. Noe isit here ni that Jupiter is found to have offere sacrifice. Caesar atio, in Aratus, relates that Aglaosthenes sus that he ho a setting ut iram the latandis Naxos against
tho Titans, and was offering sacrifice o the hora, an ea esse 'o Iupiter a an omen, and that the victor received i as agood totan, and place it unde his oWn protection. ut thesacre histor testifies that ove bosorelian an eate had satum his head and portende to him tho hingdom. o hom, then, could Jupiter have offere sacrifice, excepto his grand-sather celus, ho, accordin to the svin o Euhemerus,indied in oceania, and was buriod in tho tow of Aulatia 'CHAP. XII.-That the Soles transfer the Aments of the poeta to a philosophica system. Sineo mo have mugiit loci hi ho mysteries of the poets, and have found ut the parent of Saturn letis rerum to his viriues and actions. e ac thersv jus in his ruto Firs fram thia very circumstanc heris notiso in God inasmuch asho has ceased to M. In the nexi place, he Wa no eo just, but impious no oni toWard his sons, homas devoured butalso toWatas his sather, hom hecis sal to have mutilated.
An this may perhaps have appene in truth. ut men, having rogard to the element Whicli is called the heaven, rejectine holo table a mostdoolistit invenisy though tho Stolos according to thei customyendeavou to transfer it to a physica system, hos opinion Cicero has laid down in his reatiso concerning the Nature of the Gods. They held, he says thattho hi est and ethereia natur of heaven that is, of fire, hichis itfel produce ali inings, was Without stat par of thebois,hicli contained in productive organs. No 'his theorymight have been scitable to Vesta, it sh mero calle a male. Hi is ominis account that the esteem Vesta toae a virgin, in much a fidicis an incorruptibi element and nostin can 'or hom it, sincerit consumes at things, Whatove it has solae Mon Ovid in tho Fasti says: No do ou estoem
Euhemerua a a Sicilian author of the age of Alexando the reat. He roteis acred historrcontaining an account of the overat oda homere, ahipped in Greece, homoe representa charing originalty been me .ho had distinguiahe themaelves by thei exploita, or benefita conserae Mon men an mero heresse, alter inela deain morisippina goda Tho Christiam riter frequently reser o Euhemerus achelping
be sal the poeta ieigne these things. Whoever entertainsiliis opinion is in error. For the spolie respecting mena ut in orde that he might embellis thoso hos memor theyused to celebrate ith mises, the said that the were gods. Those tangs, thereiore, hic the spolio concerning them asgod Were Digned, and no thos Whicli the spolio concerning them a men and this illae manifest rom an instance hichwe Willarinitor ard. When about in offer violence to Danae, he poured into hercla a great quantityi golde coins Thisma tho prico hicli ho paid sor her dishonour. ut the poetsWho spolie about him M a god that the might not,eahen theauthori his supposed majesty se ne that he himself
descende in a ho eri gold, mahing use of the fame figure vitii hic the speis of showers of iron hen the describea multitude os dari an arrows. Eris sat is have carrieda a Ganymede is an agie it is a picture of the poets. Butae either carried him o is a legion, hic has an agleior iis standard o the shimon board of which he was placedhad iis tutelar deity in the hape of an agie, justis it hiatho effinis aluit,hen he eige Europa and conveyed heracros the ea. In the fame mannor, i is relate that hechange Ιo the aughter of Inachus, into a heiser. An inorde that he might escape the ange of uno, iustos hewas, O covere With bristi hair, an in the hape of ahelier, ineris sal to havera am ovo the ea, and to have come into Egypt and there, havin recovere her forme appea ance, heaecam the goddess,horis no called Isis By What argument, then, an ita proved that Europa did not sit on thebael, and thatao was no changed into a helter Becausethere is a fixed damin the annal on whicli the oyage of Isisti celebrated hom hic iaci e learn that she didio swim
acros theraea, but salied ver Theretare the who appea to themselves to be Wiso because therunderetand that there cannot bo a living and earthly body in heaven, rejec the hole toryo Ganymede a false, an perceive that the occurrenco ook place on arct, inasmuch a the matte and the lusi iiset is inrthly. The poets di not there oro invent these transactions, forci the were tota so the would e most orthless; ut the adde a certain colour to the transactions. For it Wasno for the purpos o detractio that the said thes things, but Domin destre to embellisti them. ence me are deceived;
especiali because, hile the thin that at thes things roseigne by the poets, the worahi that of hicli the aro ignorant. For the do not know what is the limitis poetio licence ho farcit is allo abierio proceo in fiction, sincerit is
the busines of the poet with some gracesuines to change and transfer actuat occurrences into other representations by oblique
spein falsehoods. For is thicis tho Jupiter hocis callo Myo a god is it is notae ho Was bor irom Saturn and ops,no oster imago but his lone ought to have been placed in alltho temples. What meaning have the effigies os omen What tho doubisul sex in hicli, ii this Iupiter is represented, the ver stones mill confess that he is a man. he say thattho poets have spolien falsely, and et they belleve them yes, truly the prove by the fac irael that the poeta didiot speah falsely for therso frame the images of the gods that, from tho Ver divursit os sex, it appears that these hings hicli the
poets saJ are true. For What oster conclusion does the imago
os Ganymede and the emo of the ea e admit os, he theyare placeoaeforo the fee o Jupiter in the temples, an ars morshippuid quali Mith himself, excepi that the memor ofimplous Nili an debaucher remain sor ver Nothing, thereiare, is holly invented by the poets: Omething perhapsis transferae and obscured by oblique fashioning undex hich
30 LACTANTIUS. Boo I. the truth Was en Wrappe and concealed a that Whicli, a latod about the dividing of the hin om by tot. For they saythat the heaven soli to thoraliarem Jupiter, the secto Neptune, and the inferna region to luto. Why a no the arthrathe taken a the third portion, excepi that in transactiontoo place o the arthi herefore it is true that the sodivido an portioned ut tho government of the orld that the empire of the east sol to Jupiter, a part of the west Wasallotted tolluto, Who had the urnam o Agesilaus becauseth regio of the east, rom hicli light is ove to morinis,seem to bo higher,aut tho regio of the est lower Thus the so velle the truth unde a fiction, that the truth itfelidetracted nothinis in the public persuasion. tris manifestconcerning the sharem Neptune sor, say that his hingdom resembled that unlimite authorit possessed by ar Anton'to hom the senate had decreed the power of the maritime coast that he might punish the pirates, and tranquillige the hole ea. Thus at the maritimo coasis, together illi thoislanda, fel to tho lotis Neptune. How calthisa proved 'Undoubtedi ancient storie attes it Euhemerus, an ancient author Who as of the ciuis essene collected the actions ofJupiter and of the thera, ho are est med gods, and compose a histor smm tho illes an sacre inscriptions hichwere in the mos ancient temples, and speciali in the sanctuar of the Triphylian Jupiter, here an inscription indicated that a Miden columnaad Men placed by Jupiter himself, onwhicli columnae rote an account of his exploiis that posteritymight have a memorial of his actions This histor Was translate and solio ed is Ennius, hos Worti are these: shere Jupiter oves to Neptune tho goverament of tho ea, that homight reim in ali the istand and places bordering on the ea. The accounts of the poeta, thereiare, are true, ut velled With an ut aes overin and shoW. t is possibis that Μount Olympus may have supplied the poeta illi th hin sorsaying that Jupiter obtaine tho hingdom of heaven because Olympus is the common nam both of the mountain and of heaven. ut the samo histor insorma us that dupiter dwelion Ount lympus when it sus: at that time upiter spent in greates part of his lisein munt Olympus and theyused to resori to him thither for in administrationisi justice.