Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류


Boo I. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES Ii an mattere mere disputed. oreover, is an ono had foundout an ne invention hic mightae serui for humandise, M sed to come thithe and displanit in Jupiter.' The poetstransfer many things after his manner, o for tho sis of smahin falsely against the objects of their orship but stat the manis variousi coloured figures ad beaut an graceto thei poems. ut the who domo underatand the manner, o the cause, o the natur of that hicli is represente is figure, attach the poets a salso an sacrilegio . ven hophilosophere mere deceived by this error sor causo theso thingswhicli ara relate about Jupiter appeared unsulte to the ch racter of a god the introduce tW Jupiter' one natural theother fabulous They sa , o tho ne and that hicli mastrue that he forsooth, concerning Whom the poets speis, Wasman; ut in the case of that natural Jupiter, ted by the common practice of superstition the committe an error in much asthe transferre the nam os a man to God who a me havo alaeady said),aecausemeris ne only, has no need os a name. But it is undent lo that heris dupiter lio a born rom psand Saturn. t is thereiore an empi persuasionis the parto those horaive the nam os dupiter in the supreme God. For sommam in tho habitis defendin their error by this e cuse Mor, hen convince of the nitro God since the cannot den inis, the affirm that the worshi Him, but that it isthei plerauro that Horatiouldae called Jupiter. But what eanbe more absurd tha thi. For Jupiter is no accustomed tobe Worahi ed Without the accompanying orahi of his miseand daughter. From hic his rea nature is evident nor isit lawfulcior that nam to e transferred thither, ,here thereis eliser any Minerva nor Juno. Wh shoulda say that thopeculia meaning of this nam does no expres a divine buthuma pomer or Cicero explain the ames Jupiter and

somo aid Mon ne hocis a stranger, and in a case here thebeneficis smali. Nomne implores God to hel him, buta preserve him, to givo him lis and saseu, hic is a much materand more important matte than to help.


32 LACTANNUS. Boo I. An since e re speahingis a sather, oriather is aid tollet his sons hen he eget o bring them p. o that Oxpression icto insignificant to denoto tho magnitudo of the benefit derive tromis ather. Ommuch more unsultabiecisit to God Who istu true Father, by Whom me exist, and whose We re altogether, is hom e re formed ondued Mincii , and enlightened Who bestoWs ponis life gives s salaty, and supplies us illi various hind of ood He has no apprehensionis the divine benefit who hinks that horis oni aided by God Therelare heris not onb ignorant, but impious, Who disparages the excellen of the supreme poWer unde tho ameos Iupiter. Whereiore, is both rom his actions and character me have proved that Jupiter Was a man, and reigned on earth, it ni remain that wo hould also investigate his death. Ennius, in his sacre histo , havin described ali the actions whichae performed in his life at the clos thus speas: henJupiter, he ho had five times mado a circuit os the earth, and estoWed governments upo ali his frienda an relatives, and lefidam to men provided them illi a seived modo of lisoand cora, and ove them many other benefiis, and haring been honoured miti immorta glor an remembrance, let lastingmemorial to his hiends, and when his age Was almos spent, he changed his life in Crete, and departe to the gods Andine Curetes, his sons, too charge of him, and honoured him; and his tombris in Crete in the town os nossus, and Vesta issaid to have founded his civ and on his tombris an inscriptioni ancient Gree characters, Zan Κronou, ,hic is in Latin, Jupiter the sonis Saturn.' his undoubteianis no handeddo ni poets, but by Writers of ancient evenis and these thingsare so true, that the are confirmed by some verses of the Sibyls, to this effeci:

Inanimato demons, image of the de , Whoserio a the ill-fatin Crete posse ea as a Mast.

Cicero, in his reatis concerning themature of the Gods,havin sal that three Jupiter Were enumerate by theologians adti that the third was o Crete, the sonis Saturn, and that his tombris stlown in that istand HOW, therofore, an god e alive in one place, an dead in another in ne place

Etate pessum acta.

Commutavit; isther read consummavit, a completed.


Booci. 'E DIUINE INSTITUTES. 33 have a temple and in another a tombi et the Romans thenknow that thei Capitol that is the hie head of thei objeciso public veneration is nothinibu an empi monument. Letis non come to his father Who eigne beiore him, and Who perhaps had more poWer in himself, ecauso horis aidio bo bor Domino meetingi suc great elements. et usse What there Was in him orthyis a god, especiali that heis rotate in have ad the olde age, ecauso in his reignthere a justico in the earth. 4nd something in him .hielimas no in his son. For What is soaefitting the characteri a d a a justinovernment an an age os pie I ut When onthe samo principie, I reflect that he is a son, I cannot considerhim a the supreme God fora se that therocis omethingmore ancient than himself, amely the heaven and the earth. Butatam in March o a God beyond whom nothin has any existence Whoris the fource and originis ali things. e musto necessit exist who frame the heaven itself, and lai thoseundations os the earth. ut is Saturn a born rem these, ascit is supposed hosca lis e the hie God sinceae o es his origin t another Or lio reside ove tho universo balare tho ira o Saturn Τ ut this asa recenti faid is a fictionis the poets. For it was impossibi that the sensetesselemenis, hic are separate by socion an intervat, hould meet together an give birina a son, o that he who was bornshould nolint ali resemble his parent' but aliould have a formwhicli his parent did not possess. Letis there ore inquire ita degrae of truthrates hid underthis figure. Minucius Felix, in his treatis which has the litteo Oetavius, allege these proosse alia Saturn, Whenae had Menaanished is his son, and had come into Italy ma called

pectedi a ved, have fallen rom heaven and that he was

causerit is evident that even during his relan e mas oest med. o might have argue thusa That Saturn beinga very po erful hing, in orde that the memor o his paronismightio preserved gave thoi names in the heaven and earth,


34 LACTANTIUS Boo Lmhereas theso ere betore callo by ther ames, sor hichreason eano that names ere applied both to mountainsan rivera For hen tho poeta rapea of the olyspring of Atlas, or of the river Inachus, thendo nos absolutet say that me could possibbae ora rom inanimato objecis; ut in undo tedi indicate those ho ero orn rom hos men, Who ither during thei livos o aster thei deat gave their

tice mong the ancients and speciali amon tho Greeis. Thus Wo havo heard that seas received the names of thos Whohad falle into them, a tho AEgean, the Icarian, and the Hellesponi. In Latium, also, Aventinus gave his nam to thomountainin Whichae Was buried and Tiberinus, or Tiber, gavehis nam to the rive in hich he was drowned. onder, then, intho names of thos whoata ivenatri to mostio e fui hings ero attributed to tho heaven and arth. Ther fore it appears that Saturn was not orn irom heaven, Whichis impossibi'aut from that man who bore the nam os manus. An Trismegistus attest tho truth of this for hen he aid that ver se had existed in hom there a perfeci learning, ho mentione by nam ramon these his relatives, Uranus, Saturn and Mercury Andaecause he was ignorant of themthings, he gave another account of the matter honio mi thavo argued Uliave inown No I Wil say in What mannenatoliat timo, and by hom this a done sor it a notSaturn ho id his, ut dupiter. Ennius thus relatea in his sacre histo Then Pan ead him to the mountain, whichris called the pillis of heaven Having ascende thither, hora vved the land far and wide, and thera ista mountainas bulld an altar to celus and Jupiter a thoiurat hooffere sacrifico on stat altar In that place ho looked, in heaven is hic nam me no calicit, and that hic mis ove tho Morid hich was called aether tho firmament, and ho gave to the heaven ita nam fro the nam os his grand- facter and Jupiter in prayer first avo tho amo of heavento that hic Was called aether firmament, an ho burnientire in victim hic ho there offerta in sacrifice. Nor iait hero Uy that Iupiter is found to havo offere sacrifice. Caesar atio, in Aratus, relates that Aglaosthenes sus halmian his a Muing ut froin the istandis Naxo againat


tho Titans, and was osse in sacrifice o the inore, an ea essen to Jupiter a an omen, and that the victor received idias agood token, and place it unde his o. protection. ut thesacre histor testifies that even besorehan an eagle ad satumn his head and portended tolim the hingdom. To Whom, then, could Jupiter have offere sacrifice, excepto his grand-father celus, lio, accordin to tho vin os Euhemerus,indied in Oceania, and was buried in the tow of Aulatia 'CHAP. XII.-That the Soles oransfer the Ammis of tilis poeta to a philosophica vatem. Sineo mo have broughtrio light lis mysteries of the poets, and have found ut the parent of Saturn letis retum to his viriues and actions. Ηρ Was thersan us in his rute. Firet, Bom thia very circumstanco hecis no noma God inasmuch asho has mased octo. In the neri place, he Wa no even just, hut impious notisnlyrio arci his sons, hom ho devoured butalso in arti his sather, hom hecis sal to have mutilated.

An this may perhaps have happene in truth. ut men, having rogata to the element hic is called the heaven, rejectine holo tablo a mos laesistit invented though in Stoics aecordiunt thei customyendeavousto transfer it in a physi- ea system, hos opinion Cicero has lai down in his troatim concerning the Nature of the Gods. They held, he says thattho hi est and ethereat natur of heaven that is, of firo, hichis irael produce ali inings, a Without stat par of thebois hic containe tho productive organs. Nomthis theo might have been sultabiecto Vesta, it sh mero calle a male. Foesicis on this account stat the esteem Vesta toae a virgin, in much a fire is an incorruptibi element and nostin cania bor frem it, sinco it consumes at things, Whateve it hasselae Mon vid in the Fasti says: No do ou estoem

Euhamem ma a Sicilia minor of the age of Alexanda tho reatim roto a acred historrcontaining an account of the overat oda hovere morahived in Greece, homoe representa aes haring originalty been men .hoia distinguishod themaelve by thei exploita, or benefita contineo vo men, and Who mero herelare, alter inela death, moratippedis . . Tho Christiam riter frequently reser o Euhemerus achelping


36 LACTANTIUS. Boo I. Vestario bo anything elso than adivinissamen and o se nobodies produce ho flame. Theresore heris trul a Virgin, sor ab senda fori no seed, o receivescit, and oves theattendant of virginity. This also might have been ascribe to Vulcan, ho indoedis supposed to eiure, and et the poets di no mutilate im. I might also have been ascribe to the sun in hom is thonature an cause of the productive poWers. For ithout those aeat of the sun nothing could e bom, o have increas ;so that no other element has greater need os productive organs than heat, by the nourishment of Whicli ali ining are conceived, produced, and supported. Lastin even i the case ere asthe would avo it, hy aliould, suppos stat celus asmutilated rather than that he a bor Without productive

organs ' or ita produces by himself, it is lain that he hadno nee o productive organs, since e gave trilicio Saturn

himself but ii ho ad them, and suffero mutilation frem hisson, the originis ali hings and ali natur Would have perished. Why bould I say that thendoprivo Saturn himselfiso onlyo divine, ut also os human intelligonce, hen the assirmilia Saturn is he who comprises the ours and change of the Spaces and seasons, and that he has that ver nam in Grook 'For horis called Cronos, hicli is the fame a Chronos, stat is, a pace os time. ut heris callod Saturn bemus heris satiated Wit years These are the word o Cicero, settinisori theopinioni the Stolos: ahe worthlessnes of thes thing any one may readit underatand For i Saturn is the soni Coelus, hoW could imo have been or from celus, o Coelus have been mutilate is Time or aster ard could Time have been

CHAP. XIII.-How ain and trisin are the interpretations of the Stoica respeetin the gori, an in them eoncerning the originis Iupiter, onerening Saturn an Θ8. Is thereiore these speculations of the philosopher are tristing, What remains, excepi that me belleve it toae a matteris saetthat,aeing a man, he suffered mutilation rom a man --lem


whereas, it ho had possesse an divine knowledge, he ought noto hau mutilate his ather, but imself, o prevent thobirin fraupiter, ho deprive himo the possessionis his hingdom. And ho also, henas had marrie his sister Rhea, whom in Latin me callips, is sal to havo been Warned by an oracle noto bring u his malo hildren, ecauserit ould comori pas that he hould bolarive into banishmenta a son. daeing in ear of this it is plain that he didio devour his sons, a the abies repori, but ut them to death although itis ritis in sacre histor that Saturn an ops, and thermen, ere at that time accustome to eat human flesti, utilia dupiter, ho gaveri me laws an civilisation, a thesim .ho is an edici prohibito tho se of that Aod μου is inicis true, hat justice an here possibi have been in hiis But letis suppos it toto a fictilious stor stat Saturndevoured his sons, ni true aster a certain f hion; mus Wo

tis traversed the worid. Janus received him andering and destitute; and the ancient coin arma proo of this, on hic there is a representation ofJanus missi a doubio face, and o tho other fide a ship a thesam poetisdia: μ But pious posterit represented a sitimo the coin bearingtestimon to the arrival of tho strange god.


38 LACTANTIUS BOOK I. t ni theresore es the poets, ut the writers also ofancient historie and eventa, agre stat he was a man ina muchos the handed down in memor his actions in Italy:o Gree writers Diodorus an Thallus o Latin riter' pos Cassius, and Varro M aince mendived in Ital altera rustic fastion,

Doe any one imagine him to e a god, ho astarive intobanishment, horaed, hocia his No ono is a senset s. For o ho fleos, or lies id must ea both violenco and Math. Orpheus, hoclived in more recent times than his openlyrelates that Saturn reigued on earth and among men:

The poet di no su in the forme passago that horae this life in heaven nor in the lalter passage that he eigne ovis the god above From hicli it appears that he was a Ling onearth and thisae declares more plainly in another place:

Ennius, intaed in his translation os Euhemerus, says that Satur Was no theraru ho re ned, but his fallier Uranus. In the eginning, he says, celus first ad the supremo poWeron the arth. II institute an prepare stat hingdom in conjunction it his Mothera There is no great dispute, ii thoro is doub in the par of the greatest authorities respectingthemon and theriather But it is possibis that inch may have


happened that manus firataman toto pro minent in o eramong the est, and to have tho chio place, but no the kinν domu and that alter arti Saturn acquire greater refources,

Nom sine the sacre histor differs in somo degro Dominos things hic me have related letos ope thos things .hic are containe in the trus ritings that e ma not in accusing superstitions appea to festo an approve of the sollies of the poets. These are tho moria o Ennius: Aste matas Saturn marrie Ops Titan, ho mas older than

Saturn , demand the hingdom for himselfi Upon this thoirmother Vesta, and thei sister Ceres an ops, advis Saturnnotrio ovem in hingdomo his brother Then Titan, howas inferior in person to Saturn, o that account, and eca eho sa that his mother an sister Were using thoi endeavoura

thereiam ad an agreement Wit Saturn that ii an malo

Juno. Upon his the present uno to the sight of Saturn, and secretly hide Jupiter, and giveaim to Vestario bearouolup, conceatin him rom Saturn ops also bring sorth Neptune mithout tho knowledgem Saturn and secreti hides him. In the samo manne ops bring forinci in is a third blath Pluto and Glauca Pluto in Latin is Dispater; thoraeal him Orcus. Upon this the sho rio Saturn the daughter Glauca, and concea an hide the o Pluto. The Glauea dies hilo Mooung.' his is tho lineage of Jupiter and his brothera acines things ars ritten), and the relationsili is

hande don to tis aster his manne hom in sacre nam rative. Also horti ster ard he introduces thes things: alien Than, hen hoclearned that sons mere borito Saturn, an secreti brought up secreti tari Withaim his sons, hoar ealle Titans, and seiges his brother Saturn an ops, and encloses them mistinis Wall, and places ver them auard.'


40 LACTANTIUS. Noo I. Tho truth of this histor is tauo by the Erythraean Sibyl,

who spealis almos the fame things, it a te discrepancies, whic do no affect the subject-matte ilaeis Therelare dupiter is freed rem the charge of the greates michedness, accordinxto hichae is oportest have bound his sathe withsetters for his a the deed of his unci Titan, ecauso he, contra rio his promiserandiath, hadarought up malo chilhen. The rest of the histor is thus ut together ut is aid thaιJupiter, hen roW up having eard that his fallior and mollier ad been surrounde Mith a guar an imprisoned, camo it a great multitudo os Cretans, and conquere Titan and his sons in an engagement, an rescued his parent Domimprisonment, restore the ingdom in his ather, and thus returne into Crete Then, aster thes things, the say that an oraclo a given to Saturn bidding him to in hood est his son hould expel him from tho hingdom; statae, for thesak of eaening the oracle an moiding the danger, lai an

Nom inco it is evident homilies thing that the weremen, it is no dissicultri se in hat anne theyaegan to beciale gods. For is thero ere o hingsaefore Saturn or Uranus, o account of the mali number of men horaivod a rustic lis Without an ruter, thero is no doubi ut in in otimes men egan to exaltolis in himself, an his holefamily, it the hi est raises and with ne honoum so that the even calle them ods whether on account of their Wondectu excellence, men as et rude an simple realirente laine this opinion, or ascis commoni the case, in fialter of present poWer, o on account of the benefit is hic theywere se in orde and reduceda a civilised state. Atterwardath hing themselves since the were eloved by thos Whosistis the had civilised aster thei death et regre of them-