장음표시 사용
Κing of the universe, ne Father, ne God. But perchanc som one manas o us the fame question
preeation against the Sminthia Apollo, helegan mith this verse:
mat heresore remains, excepi thata his oWn consession heia subjecto the courge of tho truo God an to evertastingpunishment For in another responso he also saidci
meantimo it is nough sor us that while he istes to honour an place imseli in heaven, he has consessed, a the natumof the matte is in hat anne the are to e named hoalways standaeside God. Thereior let men illidra themselves rom errors and laying aside corrupi superstitions, et them achnowledge their Father an Lord, hos excellence cannot be estimated nor His reatnes perceived normis eginning comprehended. When tho earnes attentionis tho human in and iis acuto
o such authorit' that the universe is govemed by the po eran providence of ne God, hos onero an majest Plato in the Timoeus asseris to e so great, that no ne an ither conceive it in his ind, o givo ulterance loci in motas, naccount of His surpassing and incalculabi pomer. An thenca any one doubt,hether nything canae difficuli or impo
thingis majest an divine influencs since tho Erythraean Sibylisa It is impossibis for a God toto fashioned fromthorioinsit a man and the wombios a Woman).' Andri this istrue, ascit reatly is, it is evident that Hercules, Apollo, Bacchus,
Mercury, and Jupiter With the est, mere ut men since they em bor fram the wo exes. ut has is socia removedfrom the natur of God a that oporation hichmolimsolsassigne to mortias for the propagationis thei race, and whicheannotae effected without corporeat substances Therefore i the god are immortal and ternal, hat needis ther of the ther sex, hen the themselVes domo require succession sinc the are alWay about to existi For assuredlyin the casei mankind and the other animais, there is no other Teason for differenceis sex aud procreation and bringinisorth, excepi that ali classes of living creatures, in much a the aredoomo to deat by the conditio of thei mortali , may bo preserve is mutua succession But God, hocis immortal, has no nee o difference of sex, nori succession Some onemill say that this arrangemen is necessary , in orde that Hemay have omerio minister tomim, or ver homme may bearrule. What nee is ther of the female sex since God, hois almighty, is able o produce sons Without the agen of thetimalos orcismo has granis to certain minute creatures
uit the other sex' omne, theresore, is so thoughiles a notis underetand that thos mere mere mortals Whom the ignorant
CMP. IX.-η erevis and his life and death. Didio Hercules, hocis most reno ne for his valour, and ho is regardo as an Africanus among the gods by his d baucheries, lusis, and adulteries, polluto the worid, hic hocis relatexto have traverse an purifies onyn Wonder, aincohe was bom hom an adultemus intercourae it Alcmena.
What divinit could thero have been in him, Who, ensiavedio his oWn vices against alidams, treatex ith insa , dis achand outrage both males an semalec Nor, indeed, are those great and monderfui actions hic he performe to e udgedinc acto e thought mortiis of oin attribute in divine excellence For What is it so magnificent i ho ouercam alio an a boar i he ho down bird with arrons is hecleansed a royal stabie ita conquere a Virago, an deprived herii her eli is he ale savago horae together Wit theirmaster These are the deed os a brave an heroi man, but stili a mana for thos things Whichae overcam mers frail and
mortal. For there is no poWer o reat, a the orator Suhwhic cannot be weahene and rohen by iron an strength. But to conque the ind, and to restralia anger, is the parto the ravos man and these ining he neve di or eould do forisne ho does these thingsa domo compare Mith --
.hieli might have been avoide an guarde against. Fromthis it comes to pam that he alone ought toae judged a bravoman who is temperate, moderate, and just. ut ii any one naidera ha the ork of God are ho illistinc judge ali
Mox L TNE DIUINA INSTITUTES. 23stes things, hicli mos trissing me admire, to e ridiculons. For the meas o them nota the divino po erit hic thuare ignorant, ut is the weahnes of their Wn strengis. Formo ono illlaen this that Hercules mas nodioni a servantis Eurystheus, a Ling, hic to a certain extent ma appear honourabie, ut also is an unchasis oman, omphale, houae t orderaim to sit acher feet, closted wit her garmenis, an executing an appotnted tush. Detest te basonem l Butincta a the price a Whic pleasure a valued. What some
had their orion, halcis thei strength, What thei number, What their po er, hat there is in them hic is admirabie and mortis os adoration-What myste , in hori, more t be reliedon, and more true. ΗΘ mill produce no such authorities Letus, then, gis credence to thos Who di no spea for the pumpos o censum, butrio proclaim thei pratse. e salied then, Wit tho Argonauta, an sacked Troy being nrage With Laomedon o account of the reWard refuse to im byia medon rior in preservationis his augiiter, rom hici ci cumstanc it is evident a What timeas lived. Η also excitedis age and adness, te his ite together Mith his children. I. inis he whom me conside a godi ut his heir Philoctetes did notis regardaim, Who applied a torch to im hen about to bo burni, ho witnesse the burnin and wastin of his limbs an sine.' Who burie his bone and ashes ou Mount inta, in retum for Which ossiceae received his arrows. AP. X.-O the life and aetions of Esculapius Apollo, Newtune, Mars, Castor and Polluae, Mercurnaud Bacchus. What ther action orthmo divine honours, except thohealin o Hippolytus, id Esculapius persorni, hos birthiaso a notoithout disgracis to pollo His dea th aseertainly more reno nedo cause he earne the distinctio of
24 LACTANTIUS. Boo I. boing strue mith li ining by a god Tarquitius, in a dissertation concerning illustrious men, says that he a bor os uncertain parendi, exposed, and found by som huntem thathe was nourished by a dog, and that,ieinidelivereda Chiron,
he learned the artis medicine. II says, moreover, that he was a Messenian but that he spent some time at Epidaurus. Tullyalso says that he was urie at Cynosurae. What a theconductis Apollo, his fallier Didae not on account of his impassioned love most disgracesuli tend the flock of another,andauit malis for Laomedon, having been hired together illi Neptune or a reWard, hic could Willi impunit be nithheldfrom hims Andrirom him first the perfidious hing learne to
Ihua ahe unconscioua that in Sparta they, Their native land beneat the wd wero laid.
What did ercurri a thie an spendthrist, leave to contributet his fame, except the memor of his fraud. Doubiles homas deseruing of heaven, becauseae taught the exercises of thopalaestra, and was therarsi ho invente the lyre. It is nece sar that Fallior Liber shouldaeis chios authority, and os thofirat an in the senato of the gods,aecause he was the onlyone of them ali, exceptuupiter, ho triumphed, ted an arnanan subduod the Indians. But that very great and unconquered
India commander a most hamesuli overpoWered by love an lusi. For, ein conveye to Crete illi his effeminato retinue he et mitti an unchasis omanis theraliore and intho confidence inspired by his India victo , he Wishedri give proos of his manlinem, est he hould appea to effeminate. And solo too to himself in marriage that Woman the betrvero her ather, and the murdere o herarother aster that she had been deserted and repudiated by another husband and hemado her Libera, and withae ascended into heaven. What was the conduci fraupiter, the fallier of at these, Who in the customary prve is styled os Excellent and Great he not, rom his earlies childhood, prove to boimpious, and almos a parricide, since he expelle his sathorsrom his hingdom, an banished him, and id notiswait his deat though ho mas age and wom ut sue Was his eage nos soraule ' And whenae had taen his sathos throno by violence and ams, he a attache with War by the Titans, which was theaeginning oneviis to the human race and whentheso had been overcome and lastingaeace procured herapent tho res of his life in debaucheries and adulteries. I sorbearis mention tho virgins homae dishonoured For that is,ontio b judged endurabie. I cannot pas by the cases of Αmphitryon and Tyndarus, hos houses h fille to verssowingwith disgrace and infamy. Butae reacho tho hoight os impiet and uil in car ingis the roya boy. For it di notappea enough totover himself,ith iniamsi offering violenceto omen, utiles he also utrage his oWn sex. his is true adulter' hic is dono against nature. Whether he ho committed these crimes canae calle Greatest is a matteris question, undoubtedlfheris no the Best; to hichiam corrupters, adulterere, an incestuous persons have o laim; unles ithappens that κε men re mistahen in termin those ho do
Iupiter, and of Saturn and Uranus. Who, then, is a sensetem acto imagine that ho relans in heaven ho ouot no even to avo cigne on arthi tWas no mithout humove that a certain poet rote of thotriumph o Cupid in hich book he not ni represented Cupidis the mos poWeries of tho ods, ut also a their conqueror. For havin enumerate the oves of each bywhichahey had come into tho poWer an dominio o Cupid, heraeis in arra a procession in hicli Jupiter, mith the thergods, is led in hians bosor the chario of him, celebratin atriumph. his is eleganti pictured by the poet,aut it is notta remove hom in truth. For he hocis ithout virtve, Who is overpowered by destre and wiched lusis, is not a thepoet seimed in subjection to Cupid, but to evertastinideath.
But letos eas to spea concerning morias letis examine the matter, in orde that me may understan in hat errore
the are miserabi engaged. The common eopte imagine that Jupiter Digna in heavem both learned an uniearne arealtho persuaded of this. Foraoth religio itseli, an prayers, and hymns, and shrines, and images demonstrate this Andyet the admit that he was also descende trom Saturn and ea How canas appea a god, orae belleved, a the poetsus, toae in author o me an ali hings, when innumerable thousandam me existedaesore his birilis hose, sor instance, Whoclive during the eignis Saturn and enjoyed the light moner tha Jupiter. I see that one god was hing in the earliest times, and another in the times that folio ed. It is thereiore possibi that there a be nother heroaster. For is the formo Engdom a changed, hyrahould, no expect that the lalter a possibisbe changed untes by chanc it wasio sibi sor Saturn to produce one more powersul than himself, butimpossibi sor Jupiter so tota, d et the divine gover men is alWays unchangeable or is it is changeabie, Whichis an impossibili , it is undoubtedi changeable at ali times.
ha spare netther virgins nor arried omen, he abstaininfra Thetis ni in consequence of an oracle hicli foretoid
he who has fearia, must plainly have feared one greatis than himself. ut ho Who oes this assuredinisons that horis not
Which none armabout toraee, except thos Who ars bound by the necessit o deathi Why, then, do men ais thei vecto tho heaven ' hy do the swear by the god above, When thegod above themselves have recourse to the infernal ods, and find among them an objectis veneration and worshi, But vhacis the me ingis that sving that there are fates hom
his blathae might have been ut o death, as his eide brotherhad Men ut o death and is it had beon possibi sor himis have livia, he would neve have ive u the suprema po ex is a ounge brother. But Jupiter himseli avin been preserve by stealth, and stealthil nourished was called