Ante-Nicene Christian library; translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325

발행: 1867년

분량: 541페이지


분류: 미분류


Although ertullia fuit pleade tho fame causo in thattreatise hic is entille the polagy, et in much ascit isone hin to ans er accusers, hich consist in delanco ordental only, and another hin in instruci, hic Wo do, in whic the substance of the wholo system mustae contained Ihave not shrun hom his labour, that Lmight completo the subject whic Cyprian did notrivit caro out in that discourso in hicli ho endeavourcto relato Demetrianus asine himselffvs railingis and clamo ing against the truth. Whicli subject he di no handi ache ought to have dono for hoought to havo been refutedio by the testimontes of Scripture, Whicli e laint considere vain, fictilious, an false, but is

arguments and reason. For, sinceae a contending against

a man who was ignorant of the truth, he ouo foris hil toliave lai Mido divino readings, and is have formed irom thobeginning this an asine ho mas altogether ignorant, and

sented in him. For as an insant is unable on account of tha tendernes otiis stomach, to receivo the nourishment of solid and strongriood,

but is supporte is liquid in sot milh untii, iis strength

oblatrantem atque obstrepentem veritati. These morda are Aenirem Cyprian. Rudem. caligaret.


ho might speciali bo refuted is his π authorities Andrinoo ho didio do this, boing carried aWay is his distinguishedknowledge of tho sacre Writings, so that he Was content,iththos things Hono in hic fiat consista, Iam underiisen, missi in favo is God tota this, and a the fame time toprepare the way for tho imitatio of thers. Andris, throuom exhortation, learne and eloquent men hallaeon to bet ethemselves to this subjeci, and shal choos to display their talent indio eris speisinii this fiold o truth nomne cando distat false religions Wil quickly disappear, and philosophy

banished by Iupiter. Qine promise disputation concerning justice must begiven; hicli is eithera itfel si greates virtus, o by itfelitho Auntaini viriue, hic notini philosophera fouo aut

poeta alio, Who ere much earlier, and Were esteemed a misebeior in originis the nam o philosophy. These clearly understood that this justice mas absent hom tho assalas imen and theydeigned that it,aeing offendia missi in vicos osmen, departe homilio earth, and withdre rio heaven and that thermarteach whacit is to live justis for therare accum tomeda ovo precept is circumlocutions , they repeat example o justico fram the times of Saturnus, hic the cali thegoiden times, and they relate in What condition human lis Waswhilo it dola dis in earth. And this is notrioae regataedas a poeti fiction, ut a tho truth. For, hilo Saturnus reigned the religious Worses of the goti notaming et Meninstituted nor an raceaeing asset se apari in the bellei fit divinitri God Was manifesti Worshipped. nd thereiore


Boo v. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 303as Germanicus Caesar apsas in his poem translate Dom

alla boransheathed For Who, When justic mas present andi vimur, ould thin respectinitiis Wn protection, sine noon plotted against his o respecting the destructio ofanother, sincem ono destred anythini

They preferrea toclivo oonton missi a simplo modo es tuo,

a Cicero relatos in his poem; and thicis peculia totur religion. It was notisve alio edri mar out orno divido theplain Wit a boundary me mugiit ali things in common; sinco God ad give tho eari in common to ad that theymight pas thei liis in common, no stat ma an ragingavarice tot claim at things for iusis, and that that Whichmas produced for allis hi notas mantin to any And this sving of the poet ought so to e taen notos suggestingtho idea, that individual a that timsaad n private properimbut it must e regarde a a poetica figure that s may underetand that men ero so liberal that thondidiso aliut tho fruits of tho earin produced for them nor did thesin solitudo rood over in things store up but admitted the oor toahare the fruits of thela labo r

Andio onder, since in storehouses of tho good liberalty layopen to ali. Nor did avarico intercept the divine bount' and thus auso hunge and thlas in common; ut ali altho had abundance, sinc the who ad possession gavs liberali and Muntituli in hos Who had not. ut after that Saturnus had beon banished from heaven, and had arrived in Latium,

Germanicua Caesar, in grantion o Augustua, translate in verso a pari of the poema olarat . Cicero tra latea in vera pars of the poema es Aratus.


304 LACTANTIUS. Boo V. theiriwn accord hadaecome corrupted and ceased to orshipGod, and had eguit esteem the hin in the place of God, since he himself, almost a parricide, as an example to therato the injuryti pie , -

that is, o introduce amon men atred, and nun and

cious as Wolves. An the trulndo his ho persecuto those Who ars righteous and satinsul toWard God, and ove to tu es the o er of using violenc against the innocent. Perhaps Jupiter V have done omething of this hin for tho ove throw and removalis righteousness and on this account horis relate is have mado serpent fierce, and to havo whetted hospirit os Wolves.

Germ. Caes. Arat. 136. Virg. Geom. i. 13s. Virg. m. viii. 327.


Boox v. TNE DIVINE INSTITUTES. 305 did tho who had a superfluit sal to esto a stare ponothera, ut the even eige in properi os iners, drawingeverythin to thei privato gain and the things hich AN meri even individual laboured to obtain for the common uso os men, Were nosconveyed to the ho es of a few. For, stat the might subdus iners is lavery the b an speciallyto illidramaud collectriogether the necessaries of life and tokee them firmi shut up that thermight mari tho bounties of heaven their Wn notis account of hindness, a seelingwhieli hadiso existenco in them, ut that thum t s. sp

than other men, is a retinue os attendanis, and by the sWord, and by the brillianc of thei garmenta. For this Nason th invented for themselves honoura, and purpi robes, and fasces, stat, ein supporte by the terror produce by axes and sWorci, the might ascit ero by the right oi mastere ruis them, striche with fear, and alamed. Such was tho condition

Hominum.' nothee readincia omnium, ' os ali, M op ae tostorie . Propter humanitatem. Altiore so . . . faciebant.' nother readincis, altiore caeteria

. . . fulgebant.' LACT.-VOL. I. II


306 LACTANTIUS. Boo v. facter 'hom, in truth, shouldae tiar, Wholad conquered in War, and destroyed by massacre the race of the Titans, hichmas strong and excellinita might ' hat wondor is the wholo multitude, presseda unusual sear had give themselves priotho adulation o a single man im the veneraled, to him the paid the greates hono . And sincerit is udgod toto a Undis obsequio nescio imitate in custom and vices os ahing, ali me lai aside pistri test, ii the should live plaustritae might seem to upbraid the wichednes of the hing Thus, Ming corrupted is continua imitation the abandone divino right, and the practime o livin Wichedinis degreesaecam a habit dio mothin rematae of the pious and excellent conditionis the preceding age; ut justice beinibanishod, and

Mawing Withae in truth, leti tomen error, ignorance, and blintaess. The poets heres e mere ignorant, Who sunmthatsho fled to heaven to the Engdom of Jupiter. For i justico as o the eari in the age hic the cali ioiden, cit is plain that he astarive aWay by Jupiter, ho change themiden age. ut in change of the age and the expulsionis justico is to bera me nothin else, as Uliave atri than holayin aside os divino religion, hic Mono offecta stat manahould estrem man dear, and shouldano. that horis bound toesmarino timo Motherhood, since God is altho a Faster torus, m acto fhare the bounties of the common God and Father Mihinose Who domo posses them to injurem one, to oppressio one, notri clos his doo against a stranger nor his ea against

a suppliant, but toto bountssul, beneficent, and liberal, WhichTullius thought to e mises fuit te to a Ling. his trabis ustico, and thicis tho Miden age, hic Was fini corrupted heu Jupiter re ned, and shorti alterWards, whenae himselfand ali his inspring ero consecrated asinods, and the orisipol many deities undistisen, had been attinether taen Way. CHAP. VII. - the eomismos Iesus, and ita fruit; and of tia viriues and vises of that age. But God, as a mos indulgent parent, hen the Iast time proached sent a messenge in bring ac that old age, and justice hichaad beon putrio flight that tholuma race might notae agitatin is very great and perpetuat errore. Theres est appearance of that Miden time returned, and juaties Was


Boo v. THE DIUINE INSTITUTES. 307restored to the earin, but mas assignesto adem and this justico is nothing eis stan the pious and religio 'orahimo the ne God But perhaps omo may bo inclinia to ain, Why, ii thisbe justice, it is not ove to ali mankind, and the whol multitudo does no agre to it This is a matteris mea disputation, Wh a differenco as retained by God Whenmo gave justice tolli earth and this Iaavo hown in another place, and Whem everis savourable opportunit shal occurrit shalla explainod. Qit is suffcient very brieflnis signissit that virtus cannotther e discerned, unies it has vices opposed i ii norbe perfeci, unies it is exercised by adversi . For Godra

signed that thoro inould bo his distinction et eo Mod and evit hings, that o vano Dominat .hieli is erit thoquatit of the good, and also the qualit of tho ovil hom thegood norim the natur of the oneae underatood ii tho otheris taen Way. God theresere di no excludo erit, that natur os virtuo might s evidenti For ho mul patientendurance retain iis meaning and nam ii there mere nothing hich, Wem compelled in onduro How could fiath devotodio ita God deserve praim, uniess there mere sommone Who Wis dio turn us a V hom God Formn this account He permitted in unius to e more poWerfui, that the might be abis to compescio erit; and on thia account tot more numerous, that virtve might be preelous, Minus it is rare. An this very

mine head.' Foroliat virtus,' he says, ,ould therobe in innocence had not it rari dumished it missi presses But Mea erit is provide is natur that halred destre, and angerrarive men lindi to that oriret, hic tho have applied themaeives, tote Deo fram fauit appears to boavondis pomer of man. Other is cis nature had oven to ali menequat affections piet Would bo nocting. Howrim inicis, tho necessit of the eas isset tinctas Foris it is virtus to resist Wit fortitudo erit an vices, it is via dent that without ovi an vice, there is no virtuo; and that God mi tuendor this complete an perfect He retianed that Whicli mas eontrar to R, Wit Whic it might conte For,

3 Patientia. Pati.

Caput obvolutum. This appearctoae theriis es adore deo amationes Quintilian.


tho causo hic effect that, although justice is sent to men, yet it cannotae said that a Miden age exists bocause God has notriahen ama evit, stat He might etain that diversit Whichalone preserves the myster os a divine religion. CHAP. VIII.-O justie known to ali, ut not embraeei; of thetrue templa o God, and of His orahip that ali vises may

image of God. An this templo is adorne not milh co ruptibi giit o mi and jewela, but With tho lastingissices of virtues. Learn thereiore is an intelligenc is len to ovi,

that me ars miched an uniust ecause god are morshippia; and that ali viis dati increas to the assairs of men ominis account,aecause God the Maher an Governor of this Morid


nected by the sacrod an inviolabio bondis divine relatio hip, there ould e no plottings, inasmuch a the would knowwhat hin o punishment God repare for the destruers

ings is the had earned throuo the instructionis God tobe content illi that hic Was their own though litile, sothat the might preser solid and terna things to those hichare rati an pertinable There mould eis adulteries, and debaucheries, and prostitutionis Women, is it Were known toali, that halave is ought beyond tho desim o procreationis condemne is God Nor Would necessit comps a Womanto dishonourae modesty to see for herael a most disgracefulmode os sustenance since tho male also ould restres thelatust, and the pious an religious contributions of the richwould succour tho destitute. here ould not, heretare, asPhavo said be these evit on the arth, ii there mere is common consent a genera observance of the lamo God ii thossthings ero done is ali,hicli ou peopte alone persom. How

holesomenes of the divine precepta infused into the re is of men ould of itfel instruct them in oris of justice. Butno me are Wiched through ignorance of What is right and good. An this, indoed Cicero saW; for discoursing on the subjectis the laws, he sus the worid, illi ali iis paris

agreein missi one another, coheres an depends ponisne and

Si ab omnibus in legem Dei conjuraretur.' The corium, eontrarnio ita generat uae, is hero emplayed in a good aense.


s10 LACTANTIUS. Boo v. the sam natum, o ali men, bein naturali confuse among themselves, disagre throuo depravi ; no do the unde stand that the ars relato by lood, and that the aro alisubject to ne and tho ame Mardianship forci this mero hept in iud, assuredi men ould live the lis of mds.''Therelam in unius an impio 'orahi oicilis oti has introduced ali in erit is hic manhin in turn destro onoanother. For the could no retia thei pie , ho, a prodigal and rebellious children, had renounce in authorit os God the eommon parent os all. CHAP. IX of the erimes of the wkked, and the tortures insistitoniis Christis . At times, ho ouer, the perceive that the are miched, and priam in conditionis in formo ages, and conjectum that justie is absent ecause of thei character an deseris; for though sh present herses to thei ves, the no onlysia in receive or recognis her,aut the me violens hale, and persecuto, and endeamur in anis her Letis suppose, in the meantime that sh Whom me folio is no justice how

o justico themselves as nemies, yea, as mors than Enemies;

.ho though the eageri me stela lives, and properiri and childron is Wor an fire, et ars spare When conquered; and therocia a placerior cleme reven amidat arma Orci invhavo determine to carentheir melint in ulmost, nothingmore is done tomaria them, excepi that the are ut is deatho ted anant flavors But this is nulterable hic is dono

tomatas inoso whorum ignorant of crime, and non aris regardedas more gestu than inoso Who areis ali me innocent. His foro mos miched me ventur in mali mentionis iustice, menWho surpas Wild east in feroci , hocia . to tho ost