Anthologia latina, passages from the Latin poets, selected and arranged with notes

발행: 1889년

분량: 506페이지


분류: 미분류


of the Tiber mustidiorne in mind. The Janiculum is uearly one hundrod De higher than tho Esquiline. L. 23. facti nodo divitis Molorchi, i. e. his temple recent lybuilli Domitian neu that o Hercules. Cf. O P. 88,l. 11.L. 27. pendidam etiam, verit otiing the Pomptine

L. I . sed, and iudeed.' Martiat some times uses the word 299. CCXVI. Withoutis adverSative ense, e. g. Et calis habito tribus sed altis,' and thos high ones.' L. 15. rhonchos, isneerS,' lit. norting. L. 6. ScombriS, etc. i. e. malae rupper sor macheret. Cf. Catull. 95 7 laxas scombris Saepe dabunt tunicas. 'Pers. i. 43, and HOr Ep. II. i. 269. molestas, illi ullusion to uti tunicis pitch. p. 317 l. 9.L. 19 int: Sa, i. e. o ασςογρωφω 'Scriptus et in tergo necdum finitus Orestes. Juv. . . arande, Oe for nom. f. e XSPectate Venis, P. I 03, . . O si venias hodierne,' Tib. I. . and ramum millesime ducis. Pers. m. 28. L. . cum liceret, etc. i. e. When the rule ac firSt come 300. CCXVII. nrs seruod osores Domitia revive Otho' lam, appropriat in to the Equitses the I ro S HYDRbove the SenatorS. Si libitum vano qui nos distinxit Othoni. JuV. III 159. L. 5. Gaium . . . Lucium, typica numes of Equites SoΝam quod turpe putat Titio Seioque Juv. v. 16.L.8 in viam, tine passage belWeen the linight and the plebs. L. . Semifultus, etc. half Sittin and hal standing, and line elin uncom fortabirion ne linee.' L. II. Leito the eat-heeper. f. Mart. V. 8, II: Ulas purpurea et arrogantes Iussit surgere Leitus lacernas.' L. 19 gestatis, See boVein No. ccXiv. L. 20. virgo, Semon P. 235,l. 8.L. . necuter i. e. neuter.





L. 8. Sortem, the principat.' L. 14. cras. f. PerSius, P. 245 l. 22. L. II pimia scribente From the right of cranes in the formis a V the initia os ver. L. . Rhene, o Trajan' retur fro Germany A. D. 99. L. 14. cornibus aureis receptiS, recOVered, reStored. f. Rhenusque bicornis.' Aen. viui 727. The epithet aureisma referri a triumph, in hic image of rivers, citieS,etri, ere orne. Ovid TriSt. iv. 2 deseribes a triumphove Germany. The Roman were heu bitterly enragedWit the Germans On account os the assuere os Varus' legions everythin German is ainted a prostrato uti degraded, and thereiore the Rhine as symbolical of ali Germany. Cornibus hic fractis viridi male tectus ab ulva Decolor ipse Suo Sanguiue Rhenus erat. Cf. to Ex Ponto III 4, 107. Martiat, o the contrary lootaon the Rhine a Roman stud Wishes to se erit Romani bothbaulis, it it golde horus recoveret. For this note Pamindetite to Mr. Munro. J306. CCXXXI. Tacitus gives a different account of M. Antonius Primus, raptor, largitor, Pace eSSimus, bello non SpernenduS.'Ηist. i. 86.307. CCXXXIII. i. I Formiae, Molai Gaeta i. . Circe, i. e. Circeii. L. . Marica. f. Hor. d. III. 7, 7. L. 20. Salmacis,

Spring here polienis as a nymph that fel tuto the


NOTES. 433

mino essΡls line Wit resin. s. esin ut bibis vina, iii. 77 8.L. 7. Calabris Camenis, Horare. So Sic Maro nec Calabri temptavit carmina Flacci. viii. 11.L. . Lucilius. s. p. 26, unxnote. These even epitaphs may be compare mit the est in the Gree Anthology. Latin Do it tersenes an iis impressive Strengi and earnesiness, has remuine the lau-guuge par T Eenceis epitaphs. L. 2. Lauicana, o the Via Labicana, hich, issuin homilio Porta Esquilina, salis in to the Via Latina, hirt miles Dor Rome Tombs line the reat road sor miles. Cf. JuV. I. III p. 326 l. 16 , on hic se Mamr' note auditi nexi epitapha ut oneri this. L. . Glaucias f. P. 270, O. Xei. L. Id Scorpus, a celebrated charioliriver.

L. 3. Sales Nili. Paris mas an Egyptia by birth. L. . Aeolidos. Et ther aughter of Aeolis, O beitcr, anative of Aeolis i. e. Aeolia. L. I. Cappadocum saevis, etc. The Cappadociansaad abat nam for crueit aud reachery Κρωπες Καππαδοκες Κακες τρία κοὐ τα, curroe. i. 3. Rettulit. CL Tuc Ann ii. 75.

L. I. priorum scribendi simplὶcitas. For the doublegenitive, cf. Scaevolae dicendi elegantia, Cic. See Madvig, L. Gr. 288. L. 13. ius, ete. hos name do I fearet pronouncet These mords, it the neX liue, are a quotatio Dom' uellius Mucius, s o P. 24 I l. 14.







L. I 5. Pone, describe. Cf. sollers nunc hominem ponere nune deum. Hor. d. IV. Ponere totum, Ars Poet Tigellinum. For a fuli account of this rete see

L. 2. Et deducit, i. e. et quae taeda deducit, and whi hsta e plough atroad furrom. Mayor, Wh quotes δα, εθέλοι καί ἱ- Ἀγαρι τι νος ἔλθοι. . . committas. s. a Ve, O p. 250 l. 12. . . Hylas. f. Propertius, P. 86. Ora LuelliuS, cf. p. 26, and Cte, and p. 241. L. 14. ante fuBasCf. cur ante tubas tremor occupat artus 3 Aen. i. 42έ. Flaminia. f. p. 323 l. p. 324 l. I. Surgitur consUio. The councit of the turbot, summon edb Domitia ut night to the oriressin theralope of the hili, o Whiel stand the modern Albano It site an stili betraced Near the illa Ome praetorian mere quartered, Whene the palae it self is called arx erivate, si lati. Cattis the modern Nesseit Domitia made an expeditionagainSt them A. D. 4. Sycambris, O the est os thematii. iu Rhenis PruSSia. pinna Mayor ahes it metaphoricallu, 'on'urriel, in g, wit great desput ch. He potntis out that Cerdonibus is use illili Dama, generically. . . Lamiarum. Cf. Hor. d. II l. xvii. L. . natalibus, 'birth, descent. A sense of the ordeontinen to the Silver Age. In the Augusta age it means hirth-day. . . rasatorum, i. e. the inhabitant of What Was after ard the Provincia Narbonensis. Senonum. The nam surrives in Sens, o hie piade Becket retiret, A. D. II 65. . . tunica molesta. 1. p. 3I6,l. 1.L. 15. qua=ὶtum ViX, etc. MaFor Ves the senses of the PaSSage Cicero, the man Os,eaee, Won the fame litterio'hieli Octavius maden through seas of blood, but when Cicero Washailed parent, etc., Rome a nee L. 16 Thessaliae. CLon p. 80 l. 12.





and that the Floralia or Rosalia celebratextogethe withthe Veneralia mere the festivals before hic the pervigilium Was hept. The sprightlines an harmon of the troehuic metre is remartiable Though et adapte to the Latiniunguage, i seem no to have come into fashion illis late date, ein used by Florus 26 Trochates de qualitate vitae in Hadriati's time, and ut a later date, it great esseet by some of the Christian hymn--iters e. g. PrudentiuS. Bdeheler assim the poem to the periodietween Florus and Nemesianus, i. e. either the secondi third century. 322. CCLIV. a. 13. Iovis, an archalam for Iuppiter, revive in Hadrian' time. Cf. quo tremit ipse Iovis.' L. Apuleius unde the Antonines . maritis imbribus, i. e. sertiliging, the secundis imbribus, Os Georg. II. 325. 323 I de agello myrteo, ,eaves reen omers of myrtieshoots. The frequent an caretes use of de in his poemmillae notie ed. Perhaps it is nodia Africani Sm, ut a martios late Latin ascit is commotio other riters of the secondoentvry. ut Viro has demptum de marmore ponam'

p. 88, I b). Flagellum is so used by Catullus and Virgil. In thenex line notice the post-classical thronus Other instauces os late Latinit are veho for gesto, jussit ut constreae, totus foromnis, papillas, or buds, and the personal use of pudebit. L. 7. unde 'from hom unde nil majus generatur ipso. Horaee. proque prole posterum, i. e. Speciali to guar the future racemars a to e the father of Romulus, and of the imperialisaee.

L. 16 ipsa surgentes papillas de uvoni spiritu πε in


pulvere caelum stare V where Servius Suys Stare, plenum esse , in mas Udust.' MennodyL. 14. Subter genestas. Without someride os motion, subter illi the accusative is ver rare. Subter pineta Galaesi. Prop. iii 26 67, is perhaps a solitur inStanee. L. 23. quando fam, etc. Perhaps the ullusion is to re- struinis laidin Deo speech unde the empeTOPS. L. 25. Amyclas. No ne as alloWe to announc theenemy's upproach, a there ad been S many salse reporis. Hene tacitae Amyclae, Aen. X. 564.

We have euched the Leonning of the fifth century. In-deed the date of the poem hende his Ytractris tulien, 4l6A. D. i ta e years later than the latest date 406 .D. 'owhicli, can refer anythin in Claudian. The author usClaudius Rutilius amatianus, presectis the cit in 14. He deseribes his retur Do Rome to aut his native comtry, here his estutes ha been devastatest perhaps by the Visigoths Tho poem in two books ove 700 lines in tengili , of Whic muchris tost, is mort reading as u Pictureoi the time.

L. 1. Oscula. Cf. Aen. II. 490. AmpleXaeque tenentPoSte atque Scula figunt. Lucr. Iv. II79, iXet u amator -soribus miser oscula figit.'

L. 3. laude litamus. e offertur prais in te os sacrifice. For his se of lito, cf. litemus Lentulo. Cic. pro Flacco 38 quae tibi litarem Seneca, Med. 1029. L. 5. mundi, i. e. Orbi terrarum, a post-classical use of the

L. 7. genetriae. f. Claudian Stil. iii 150.

Haec est in gremium Victos quae Sola recepit Humanumque genus communi nomine fovit Matris, non dominae ritu iVesque Vocavit Quos domuit, neXuque pio longinqua revinXit. 325 CLIV. 326. CCLV.

L. 17. Te non flammistaris, etc. s. Lucan P. 264,l. 16 sq.




683 Romanae spatium est urbis 333. CCLX.L.M. f. Ovid, ast iist orbis idem. Claudian, though a native os Alexandria, has perfectiommand of thes Latin language, and is a most successsul imitator. He Observes, tota silencerus to the egistence of Christianity. Gibbon at tho end of his hirtiet chaptor oves a jus and discriminatin estimate of his optry It chies sauit is thatit is osten undul elaborate an exaggerat ed. An instance of this oecur in the oonclusionis theirst eXtraei, Wher themoros absolvitque deos spoli ha is reatly thermis Anoble PRSSage. L. 8 tolluntur in altum, etc. s. p. 319, t. 3, and Horaee's celsae graviore casu decidunt turres, etc. RufinUS, an Odious character ruised himself by crueityan intrigus to the ossice of refectis the East, an aster the deat os Theodosius aine absolute authorit overAreastius Heris accuse of conspiring against his Overei gn, and his rival Stilicho, the Generat undininister of the West, persuades the Gothi troops unde Gainas to enelos hi in the mannser here described, and to ut him o death, A. D. 395. The dens of this event Was the fiet os Mars, a milehom Byzantium. L. II. Suprema, i. e. Xtrema. L. 1. Bis the conquest o Marimus, A. D. 338, Eugenius, A. D. 394. L. 12. Lucan ix. 402 has a Simila passage o the selectionis the Oungis agles teste by thei poWer of gazing onthe sun. L. I 6 nidos the est for the neStlings, ore serunt dulcem nidis inmitibus eseam. Georg. V. 17.L. b. Adiunetit geminas These are the paris os the foui callodin tho triplo Platoni division Rep. V. 439hetoia risυi mrικον. an το υιιοειδε the appetitive an irascibi element respectivet whic are t be controited by the reRSola τολογιστικον mandatriae Operum . This epithalamium a composed on the marriage of thu


Emperor Honorius and Maria, aughter os Stilicho L. I a. perpetuum, sed by luter riter so the more classiculperpetuo. L. 20. assibilat Pinde quotes ταν )rλ ατανος πτελεα νι υμζε, 333. CCLX. Ar Nub. 1008 Cf. o Catullus, p. 48 l. b. L. I 8 trabibus maragdis for smaragdinis CL Scytha 334 eXercitus, P. 336 l. 7. O the character of the Eunuch Eutropius an his minis. 33J CCLXII try, A. D. 395-399, Se Gibbon ch. XXXii. L. . Lutati C. Lutatius Catullus vi etornat thes Egales 336. Insulae conclude the First Punic War, B. C. 24 I. L. I. pirati a. f. Lucan P. 25l l . , and note L. 22. Servilis laurea. the deseatis Spartacus, B. C. 71. L. 24. Gildo, for his revolt an oppressioni Africa for metve ears A. D. 38 398 ,εe Gibbon ch. XXiX.L. 27. Scytha Xercitus rediens, after occupyan Asia fortWenty-eight years B. C. 63 605). di. v. . illi Scytha for Seythicus cf. κύειν ἐς Διον AeSch. P. Vinci 2,und above, p. 334 l. 18.L. 5. Rhaetia, the Tyrol and Engadine. 337. CCLXIII. L. 10. Vindelici, the country belmeen the Danube and the GH8. Lahe of Constance, the orth-east os Witzerland paris of Baden, Wurtemberg, Bavaria, und the Tyrol. Orica rura, Styria, and SalZburg. This is the triumph o Honorius for the deseat oi Alaric CCLXIV. at Pollentia, A. D. 403 the subject of the ex extrae bulone , an his Subsequent discomsiture unde the walis of


provincials er compellexto large the instruments of theirown uestruction. Gibbon ch. XX. 340. C XV i. 14. sua damna refers ather to the faber hanto the chalybs, an indicatio os de ann Latinity. L. 18. Urbem, a roya chase of the Lings of Lombardy, and a maliriver, fluvium miri cognominis,' hiuli excused the predictio 'penetrabis ad urbem. CL a simila equivoque in the case of Cambyses, ho acto die at Ecbatana, H di iii. 64 os Cleomenes, at Argos. Hdi. i. 80 is Robert Gulseard, Dulis of Apulia,who diei ut aliaee callest Ierusalem,in Zante, Whenin his anto Palestine 'nd lastly of Ouriwn HenryIV. Who diei in the Jerusalom Chamber ut estminster. 34I CCLXVI i. 6. Dea Rhamnusia, Se Nemesis, morshippe ut Rhamnus in Attica L. I0 Pollentia, WEnt miles rom Turin. This Victory, . D. 403, deferre the capture o Rome by Alarici or severi years. Claudian's peroration is Stron undelegant; ut tho identit of th Cimbri an Gothi neldsmust e understood illi Virgilis Philippi aecordis to thesloos geograph os a poet Vercellae and Pollentia ure fixtymiles Dom ac other. Gibbon.-O the Cimbri, cf. JuV. viii. p. 3I7,l. 23. L. 22. Discite. CL Aen. i. 620 - misello iustitiam moniti, et non temnere divos. 345. CCLXIX a. . Sunt altera, etc. See P. II 6 l. 4, Sq.L. 14. Quod superi meruere semel, i. e. in the underWorid the goiden age last not meret sorine rios period ut soreVEP. L. 17. arbor. Cf. Aureus amus, Iunoni infertiae dictus sacer Aen. i. 137. L. 25. Lunari globo The fame idea appears in Cic. Somn. Scip. Infra Lunam nihil est nisi mortale et caducum praeter

animo : Supra Lunam Sunt Reterna omnia.