Anthologia latina, passages from the Latin poets, selected and arranged with notes

발행: 1889년

분량: 506페이지


분류: 미분류



Tho later Romans rem his distinetion e twoen their ubmission to the usurpers of the civit Wars an to the legaligo despolim of the Emperors. Merivale. L. 23. - .e the Caesarians rom Brundusium. 259. L. R. ut Para the OPSuiis, Sed sors re ut speed, orrus here 260. When the wind was lach. eo Rich, Illustr. Companion. L. 16 infernam, i. o. inferorum. s. ' damnatae noctes

p. 20' I. 3.

L. I. lustrales, Purisying, Xpiat ory. L. 22. Sullam querentem, On the overthrow os the patricianpart y.L. . sobolem Q. Caecilius Metellus Scipio the eade on 261 the Pompeians uster tho deat os Pompey H hille hi m- sol aster the batile of ThuPSUS, . C. 46. L. 8. Drusos M. Livius Drusus, an his On, Who MLilled by an unknOW hand B. C. l. L. 27. Ipse canet, etc. Some prediction, tot inelude in later par of the Pharsalia, that a neve completed is perhaps intended. L. 7. Corripit reproaches himself o Deling Ome inex. 262. CLXXX v. plicabie and mysteriou gries. L. 9. Aponus. The Fons Aponi, SOurce of minerat and ther-mal maters Six miles Do Padua, and so culled Dom it medicina properties α πονο:). Plutarc mention that an augur Cornelius idontisted there thelouris the batile o Pharsalia L. I4 Aethera . . . Obsistere caelo. Or Whether it Wasthatis sa the whol firmament obstruct the passage of the heavent hodies, o acto a thei harmony. discordiseems tot proleptie. The arrinidiseord in tho law of the universe is a symbolis the critica conflicti et eo the two

nocte coacta, iis ut the time uppoint edi Numa sor thes 263. LXXX vI. offering of the sacrificem the Alban Mount. L. 17. vincto fossore, i. e. by StaVeS in chnins


422 NOTES.

L. 20. mundi faece f. Juv. iii. 63. Iampridem Syrus in Tiberim defluxit Orontes. L. I. ne tanto in corpore, etc. The ense is that herocould n longe be an civit War, properi S culled, hereth State consistestis S many elementS. L. . Hi possent, te. The victim o Pharsalia ould sume toti up the losses Domither nation ut diSRSters. L. 11. Xylicat eripiens, iraWs p in batile arra cf. e licuit legio, p. 83 l. hund SWeep RWay. 'L. 16.seminum in azem i. e. t nori tand South. L. 23. Dahas Beyon the Caspia Soa. Indomicique Dahae. A n. viii. 728. L. 24. i. e. and thatio colon is ounde amon tho Sar

it limit meres marhed ut by u plough. Duumvir ortriumvir generalty superintended iis foundation. Hor theconsulcis spolienis a doin So. succinctus. So Aen. Vii. 188 and 612 p. I23,l. I2 , passages Whie Lucan may have had in his mind.L. 1 ut, everraince. Cf. per urbes Aser ut Italas. Hor. L. 4. Thessalia The later poets repent the error of Virgil in conmundin Thessaly und Macedonia. s. p. 80, I. 12, and p. 3I7,l. I6. L. 7. donet, i. e. Condonet. s. v. Pont ii. 7, 5 I. Culpa

gravis precibus donatur Saepe suorum

L. 22. Vellere, etc. f. Tennyson, In Mem. Viit.: and Do his ushes may be madeTho violetis his natius land L. 24 solis iniqui limite, ali path os the sun here his heat is excessive. i. e. Thessaly Ouid have been hunnedas ninhabitable, as i it la in the torridis frigidisonos,haxit been the onlyracene of the guit os civit War; ut thewhole orid is guilly, and we cannot at the whole oriri;



L. 4. Hespericle Thoraesentis v. Pompeius ut Munda, B. C. 4O Pt Uivni os eXtus, in Sicily B. C. 36. L. 5. Mutina, B. C. 43. Leucas, i. e. Actium, . C. 31.L. 17. Stellas miratur, C s. Ecl. V. 56. Miratur limen Olympi sub pedibusque videt nubes et sidera DaphniS. L. 2. Omne quod, I. e. quod Omne vulgus audet, that ullitie common heri venture t reproach, etc. Quod is conjunctiVe. L. b. obit See Munroin Lucret iii 1042. L. 6. modum iuris,m limit O his Pomer. L. . solus. The orde is solus privatus plebe paratu SerVire L. 13. invasit forum, .e arma cepit u in udunt Martem 'begin the batile. Aen. xii. 712. L. I9. receptis, i. e. When the entere the ity. L. 22.

L. I. I rarium scelus, the crime os Pothinus, the regent os Egypt s. p. 294 l. 1.L. 2. Oraitan, etci, ironicat . . . non deprecor, etc. Idomo be Juba noto reserve me for Denem CReSar,

provide he kill moirst, a Ptolem dii Pompey.' L. 11 An sit vita nihil ' etc. Is his the question tobe ut to the oraule), hether is is orthles in iiself pBut What is tabes a long lis p Does time protrae it ratherthan ulter iis essentia charaeter γ' Some tali disserat in

the ense os intersit. Whether, o the contrary, it mulies allthe disserencs hether lila be hordior long The scholiast Reem to huVe read si longa, i. e. etiamsi The sentiment isthe Stoicine. Negat Stoicus summo bono afferre incrementum diem. Cic. de in II XXVii. On Si virtus maior qΠae longior. Seneca, p. 73. L. 16. haeremus, , dependis pon.'

L. 21. Estne dei sedes, nisi terra, et pontus et aer, Et erum et virtus ' aes Wordsmorth, inter Abbey: Andes have seli presene that disturbs me it the oyos elevated thought : a sense Sublime


O somethin sar more deepi intersused, Whos dwsiliniis the light os Setting suns, And the round ocean and the livin uir, Aut helluo hy, and in the minxo man: motion andri spirit, that impels

268 CXC. L. I9. ter Pompe triumphqd ove the Numidians B. C. I, th Iberim. C. 7I, ver Mithridates an Tigrane B. C. 61.270 CXCI. On Statius, se Merivale, VII lxiv. Nisard, ies Poetes Latins, tomeri. p. 302 67. Juvenal'clines ure mellanoWn, Sat. Vii. 82. Curritur ad vocem iucundum et carmen micae Thebaidos, laetam fecit cum Statius urbem, Promisitque diem, etc.

Dante assim the lae nexi aster Virgil to him, Purgatorio XXi. Silvae. his term Was sed of rapidi composed poemS, in uel the Same sense A the Gree αυτοσχεδίασμα. f. Quintilian, X. 3, o those, qui primo decurrere per materiam stilo quam Velocissimo volunt, et Sequente calorem


Theriae mill shine Upo me, hile Imus ut oneri And that dea voice Ponce have linown Stili spea to me of me uni mine L. 4. insinuare, to entruStoour Si Ster and parent to)our patron' care ' orte iter, to occupy their minu and thoughis that the may ancy o stili utive. Cf. Rutilius, Itine- Turium I. 589. Constantemque sibi pariter mitemque fuisse Insinuant natis, qui meminere SeneS. Se Merivale, Hist. Rom. c. LXIv. Subin, an a similar CXCII. description in Martiat, iV. 61 p. 297, o CCXIV. L. 7. Dicarchei, i. e. Puteolani. L. . praelis non invidet. s. Horace's minimum Falernis Invidet uvis. L. 14. Armiger Hectoris Misenus f. Aen. i. 166. 275 Hectoris hic Misenus magni fuerat comes.'


275. XCII. L. 15. Nesis Megesia, Limon, mali istand opposite Sur


L. 16. Euboea, i. e. Cumae. L. 27 dominis ambobus, i. e. Pollius and his is Polla. 276 I. Mygdonii senis, i. e. Tithoni. L. 2. Tirynthia auda Herculaneum. L. 6. Gargettius auctor, Epicurus. 277. CXCIII. L. 4. ungulae liquorem i. e. ireue, Hippocrene, L. Stat. Theb iv. 60 Amnis Gorgoneo percussus equo. CL Pere. Prol. i. donte caballino.'L. 7. gemina arteS, i. e. Poeto an Thetoric. Solut , i. e.

L. R. inputare terris. ou an elaim the credit os havin ovo Luean to the arth. Cf. Mart. III. i. 3. Lu . . . imputat aetherio ortu hae prima parenti.'The mord is common in the writers of the Silver Age. moedata imputant nec accepta obligantur.' ne Germ. XXI.

Cf. p. 286, l. 6. inputat undas; p. 30l l. 4. pereunt et imputantur Martiat. L. 8 dulcem Gallionem. Seo Farrar'. ais and Work of St. Paul, vol. i. p. 567 the epithet by Whic herulone of tho an eient is constanti designated, e . g. b his rother

278 II. Quod fulmen, i. e. quale esset fulmen Iulii Caesaris. L. 2 l. Et qui, etc. Vulerius Flaccus and Ovid. 079 L. . Natum, AleXander The masamonius Tonans is Iupiter Hammon Themasamones ere ea the Syrtis Major. L. 4. Post ortus, etc. i. e. aster ast an Nest erecΟuqΠered fulmino, passive ni in the Silver Age. f. Virgirs Caesar dum magnus ad altum Fulminat Euphraten bello. L. 20. sepulcra rides p. 266, I. 19. i. 29. matris lampade Saepe confessus Xagitari Se materna specie, Verberibusque Furiarum et taedis ardentibus. Sueton. Nero, 34. 280 L. 5. Falsi numinis Statues sed tot set up by Wido s


Polla has ut thoi hnshan dii the lihenes os Some god. rea statue os Lum Set UP. On his ather. Cicero' stigii montion os his ather sdeath, later nobis decessit a.d. viii Kal. DecV Ad Att. i. 6 is ne quote asin instanceis ilio hardnes os seel in en-genderodi habit among the Papans It is interestin tocontrast,ith it the tributeos refluod assection hic Statius, 15 years lator, pay to his decense Parent.' MeriVule, Conversio of the Roman Empire, P. 2I9. L. 20. modos aetendis Arati, i. e. bo uremo in R OSition to se surther than Aratus could. modos Atendis amplificare rationes, do carr further the method Whicli Aratus employed; enlarge the oundaries hicli confinexhim. L. 3. ille, Se Aeneas L. 9. Si Thessalicis Admetus in oris, i. e. Si domi suae iterum Versatur. Murhland conjectured si Thessalicas Admeton in oras, i. e. Si tizor rettulit Admetum si uxor retro rettulit ProteSilaum, cur, ete. L. 14. hic inarsit. Capaneus L. 15. illum Parthenopaeus. L. 17. hic ruit, Polynices. L. 17. hunc fuga, etc. Adrastus Wh ulone escaped.

L. I9. Hic nimbo Hippomedon, drowned in the Ismenus. Nimbus seem here tot used of the spray, as in Virgil os a Storm-cloud hic pascitur Tydeus, hen dying, devoured thobrat o Melanippus L. I. illum. Amphiaraus himself. Se P. 287. At puer, etc. he hild' nam mas Opheltes, calledasterWard Archemorus α χ, -ρου us Portending the Argives deseat. Statius excels in description os insanis. Cf. p. 285 l. II ; ut . 10, reptans, tri, is it must beadmitted in his orsi manner. L. 4. Incubuere. Cf. huc. vii. 84, o the passage of the

L. 27. Eaesolvi, etc. Al the Women o Lemnos mere d0stine to commit Some sin Hypsipyle lone ad sparo her


428 NOTES.

husband' lila. he has no , by ma os compensatio sorthis, ille this hild, en truste to e by his mollier Eurydice. L. 3. quae me mergat. Cf. Sed mihi vel tellus optem prius ima des hiscat Aen. iV. 24. L. 10. cui pignore nostro partus honos. hecis addressingspeciali Amphiaraus, at Whose instanc the Nemean games mere after avus founded. L. I 6. Cf. it these beautila lines Lucr ii 355 p. 31,NO XXVI. , Georg. iii 525 P. 90 NO LXXIV. . L. 5. Desiluit, etc. o Iuno in Aen. xii 151. Non pugnam adspicere hanc oculis non laedera possum.' L. 8. scit peritura, a Gree construction, us 'sensit medios stelapsus in hostis. En II. 377. L. . Therapnaei fratres Castor an Pollis morshippedat Therapnae, in Laconia. L. I benigna mercisu as breahingisy the confitet. L. 6. Nomentis, e. e. L. 10. Fratribus Eteocles and Polynices. L. 19. Qualis, etc. Statius hom minute observation Ofthe habit os blata. Sem ove, p. 284, O cXcVii., and p. 290,

L. 5. Occultus amor i. e. for Deidamia. L. 17. nepos herem pronepos, as Achilles Wasin his sather'sside great-grandson o Zeus caeli) on his mother' os

Pontus pelagi .

L. 27. Iam clipeus breviorque manu consumitur hasta Thesens is, ah shiel and spear-handi become malle audshorter feem to Ahrinti up and tot devoured asi graSpsthem in his haud. This seem belle than to tali brevioras . shorte than the thyrsus,' hic Achilles ad been carrying. Caecina Paetus Was putrio deat by the Emperor Claudius,

A. D. 42.



L II. Et numerat, etc. Though,O uremearly Sixty, Fouhave scareel everis fove lim vita an vivere are O Sed by Martiat. Se P. 294 l. 1 I. catenati, inlied Ogether, remitting. L. 1. utraque manu. The formi Whic a person homaintained the Deedom os a flavo laid his an oti tam ying Hunc liberali causa adsero, is ullude to. L. I 8 patrem, Cato Uticensis. L. I. nil objecture. Who cans not iam Pothinus, themurdere os Pompey. CL 'Pharium scelus, P. 268 l. 1.L. 2. Et levius, i. e. o whom the whole lis of the proscribed reflected les guit than the single deuthis Cicero. L. 3. Romana stringis. s. occulta polia, uv. iii 107. L. . nec ne quidem, osten in Martial f. p. 297. l. 2.L. . impius miles. Popilius Laenus, hom Cicero ad Once Successsuli defende in re criminui tristi. L. 10 togae, the bar, the professionis the advocate Sos 3I7 l. 14, O Cicero. L. 3. Proserpina, ho us belle vexto ut the loeli Ofiuir I95. CC IX. as an offering on the analog or the liuir pluelae Dom thevietim' forehead . that the spirit might depart. Cf. Virg. Aen. iv. 698 flavum Proserpina criDem, etc. L. . raucos, Mill the are oarse.' Puley . s. χὐρον τηλικούτον κειααεν. Dem. Olynth. III. 36. L. 10 frangere, o res an distur the arran gement of the couehes. Frange toros, Sh3k up the cvshions, it 69. L. II. Euphemus, Domitiati' si muctor, Who arrvnge thetabies an dishes. L. 15. Tunc admitte, etc. CL Hor Sat. i. i. I 8. nisi dextro tempore Flaeci Verba per attentam non ibunt CaeSaris nurem. L. 13. premis i. e. describe their deferet p. 75. l. l. L. 17. dum blanda, etc. 'hile the ratile os thea Ardotis ocis everywhere heard Do the Strollers in December Wit their seductive gumbling, and the trit kSter plays With


his cheatin dice. Vagus may perhaps mean the Deedom Do the restraint of the iam during the Saturnalia. Other ames for the fritillus are turricula, pymus, and phimus. The Ord tropa occursioWhere elSe. Some eadpopa C caupo). The talus is called nequior, a thrown homth hand, and there re bein more Opento cheating. 297. CCXIV. Se a passage O thi subject in Statius, Silv. v. 4, 78.

Dolia dum magni deficiantque lacus.'-Tib. II. V. 86. L. 12. Nec See ab OVe, o p. 294,l. 4. hoc licuisse. ero negavit quemquam principum Scime quid sibi liceret. Suetonius. O this there is here perhapS,

298. ccxIv. L. 4. Hinc septem dominos montes It mnsti remembere that themilis, afterWard commoni ealled the SeusnHilis, are entiret different Do th seVpn origina centresor morshi With Whic the Septimontium the Festiva of the Seve Montes, Xcludin the Colles i. e. the Vimina and Quirinalhwas connecten The enumeratio of the evenHilis, a male in modern times, is found in no ancientini ter, Burn. Ome and the Campagna, p. 38. He refers totve passages besides this ,here the number even is mentioned, but Without an desine topographica mean ing. L. 10. Annae Eremmae. CL O p. 29. L. 12. Gestator the rider in the lectieam palanheen thense of Whie in Rom se a unknown excepi sor invalid and funerais in the Republie Gestatio is some times sed sor a place ser ahing the atri a littes p. 300 l. 19).L. 14. celeuma, et: the cry of the boatmen to heeptime. helciarii P ιν), are the to erS, O baryemen. L. 6. Mulvius, Ponte Molle Martia homo his inseseem to apply the name aniculum to the Monte Mario. Whiche ver se the exact pol intended the greater eight of the auge of hilis o the est to that of thos o the east