장음표시 사용
pho. i. 13. Forsitan etemplo, etc. The orde is Forsitan
eXemplo poenae meae tu quoque Si facta ruina.
L. 13. qui, i. e. Aries a. 18. indocili sor indocto. et 23 234. CLXv. movetur CL Columella, i 2 26. Si tamen e gemmae
Martial. i. xlii. Cruda Virgine Marciave mergi.' L. 10. tria fora. The Orum Romanum, Forum CaeSaris, Forum AuguSti. terna theatra Those of Pompey, Balbus, and Marcellus. L. 4 ducis Tiberius, sentio Germany to aveng the deseas 236
L. 14. Aemilius Macer, of Verona imitate Nicander. L. 17. Ponticus rote a Thebaid. L. 1. C. Corn. Gallus, of Forum Iulii Frrius , he Dions 237 of Virgil, wrote seu book of Elegi es, ali of Whieli are lost.
QO oone has the Augusta age assed by thano in o egi tot conseious that Latin Literature has passed iis culminatin potnt. So deepi hasit heen corrupte in ali iis ranehes by the
In the nrst laee, the devote great an noto hollyuseles palus to description stud similes o subject hieli, wheu Ostier subjecis ere pre occupiodis proscribe by the evi daysin hiel the had fulleu, peued uti id stellit talent of the secoud rauli. AecordinHy the are much indebled totainting. especiallywhen the have to describe countrie O Scenery, tau themore so a this branchis theor se m no to have been developedie fore the Augusta age. In thi Wallii pose try. Statius an Claudian excel. u Some RSSages the ure perhaps more true to ut e than Ome'Venis the great poets though, must admit that thenio osten indulge in minute delineation, und cannot bring themselves o iveth filial ouch to thei picture. In the nexi place these Writers Vince no ordinar instein the way in hicli the Pan thro a poetic hal round ma tersis ordinaryclise, undisti the gentie Delings an emotions. Xample os his bound in the Silvas of Statius. Writ ten, res thenare, tu light an eas Style the subjecthein suggeste by the Statues, the country ou Ses, thebaths, o the sortunes of his friends, the are Steeped in ason and mello light, an investe With a charm peculiartythei O . Statius, indeed rises ut times to a higher night, sis in that lovely Epicedium in Glauciam, in hichio offersto his sono in Diend the consolations Ona tofi philosophy. In satire, in Spite of his genera harshness, Persius oce sionali approaches his muster, Horace. In Martiat, hose Witi epigram Seem armed With stings, me se the ulmost de emo tersenes aud subitetnos,hic tho Latin languages a capable. ut e must loo foro masculino anngenuinei Roman ulterane to Juvenal, the lust os horeatly Italia poets, and ne nequalle sor his poWer ofrousing indignatio ut evit. Silius Italicus and Valerius Flaccusare purposely omitted. Mue os the Puni War of the forme Scareel rige aboVO
th leve os prose and tho Argonauti ea os the lalter Seem, o the whole, to mant the elements and the char os realpoetry. Not that it ould se dissiculi to detect purpurei panni here and there. Valerius Flaccus, it shouldi re- membered, as ut os prematuret a mere uiso Persius an Luean , anxien his poem in an imperfeci condition. Mucii in the struetur of the po0m containe in his last book it is needlescio add, is no tot imitated Th0 final
an Eventu the imperative Juvenal has effri and vigilando in the gerund Tho Same licenc is alien in the advertis ergo,
turbo. e find. too Academ1 for Academia in Claudian De l. Mall. Cons. 94 . In place of the eontracted formis thes genitive, imperii eaeitii, etc. oecura res mel a dei deis,sor di dis In the poets of the Gollen Agoraeither of theselast form aro et illi tili me come to the later an lesspersect Work of Ovid. I thes an simila defecis are avoided the studentisi Latin in iis p est form mill derive no harm Do the perusaleveni Claudian in spite of his late appearane and his
Alexandria ori n. Poetry, unde his auspices, after iis long si umber of nparly three hundred years Seem to Waheto lis again for uaries intervat. O tho poets of the SilVer Age, Se MeriVale, Ol. i. h. liv. sub fin. Vol vii. h. HV. Champamy, e CeSarS, tome iii p. 220 sq. Nisard Eludes fur les Poet0 Latius dela De adenue, ed. 3. Conington' Persius, Introduction. Gibbon, De line an Fall, ch. XXX. Sub fin. Coptestori. Prael. Acad. V. iii Cruttwell, Hist os Latin Literature, Bli. III. Teusset Vol. i. 249. LXVII. Phaedrusi the onlypoet, ne may say the onlymritpr. tosillitis interval betmeen the age of Augustus and thatis Nesro.L.M. verbosis strophis, artifices. A metaphor Domwrest ling, a post-Augustan Word. s. in Cicero, Verbi laqueo capi.'
L. 4. hoc ridere meum 'this y laugh. See o Lucan, p. 249, t. 5.L.M. Tendo offer sor sale. L. b. C sinusi. B. C. 454. EupoliS, B. C. 29. Sene, S . Aristophanes praegrandi 'surpassing,' O referring to age. Seneae S Sed for a poet os bygone days, ac vita senis' os Lucilius Wh die ae t. 44 docti senis in Horace. Persius here set besore him as his modet the writers of the old comedy, hiel explain the dramatio character of someo his satires palles Eupoliden, palles pallorem Eupoli-
L. . decoctius, ,hieli has tost iis 11 Si Doth. Conington. Opposed to Spum OSUS. L. . numera, etc. Marti Wit arat One os more auspicious hue. Conington. s. o lucem candidiore nota. Catullus. Cressa ne careat pulcra dies nota. Horace. L. 23. tacita acerra, in imitationis Horace Labra movet m0 tuens audiri iste Ep. I. Vi 60.
L. 20. pulpa f the e Testamentis of σαρξ. L. I. f. p. 84 last line. L. 2. Stringere enas, etc., do Stri the eius os the glomining ors Dom heir primitive lag. Conington. L. 5. Dicite pontifces, etc. St. Bernar quotes his linet checli the eXtravaganee of his moulis Apolog. Op. i. 526 Illud interrogo monachus monachos, quod in gentilibus
gentilis arguebat. Dicite pauperes, non enim attendo verSum sed sensum, dicite paupereS, Si tamen pauperes, in Sancto
quid facit aurum γ' L. 7. Quin damus, etc.
24 I. Senio, alie sice. Seni ne nostrum cum cane the ace) quassat ebur. Mart. iii I. L. 2. damnosa canicula pra PropertiuS V. iii 45. Me quoque per talos Venerem quaerente SecundoSSemper damnosi subsiluere canes. 'L. 3 angustae Orcae. CL Nux Elegia, 85. Vas quoque Saepe cavum spatio distante loeatur In quod missa levi nux cadat una manu. 'L. 4. buzum torquere. I. Aen. Vii. 378 torto volitans sub verbere turbo, etc.
L. 6. bracatis Medis s. Arist. Vesp. 1087': εἶτα δ' εἱπομεσθα θυννα ντες εἰς τους θυλακους.
244. CLXXI lillita porticus. The ποικιλ.η ποα on hicli ho batile os Maratho was depicted hymi eo und his son Polygnotus. L. . Samios ramos Pythagoras is suid to have tulisen thetester cus a type of the divergin patiis os liseu ut the oldsormis the et ter inust e the ne tu tende to expluin the deaeter callis a the stoeperis the two the ο ὐιος οἶμος os Hesiod ramosa in compita, ueX Page l. I. This Satire a sola by Persius to his tutor, L. Annaeus Cornutus os Leptis, in Libya, the Stoic philosopher He usa Deedmanis the Annaei, unda uenia Was an Other of his pupiis. L. 20. Purpura, i. e. the toga praetexta Orn ill the toga virilis usissumed When the bulla ora Os Was hun u in the hape of the Lares lararium . succinctis, quaint. Gabino habitu cinctis. L. 23 candidus umbo, theaetiti sullied shieldis mygo . 'Umboris the gathering of the sold of the toga.L. 3. Tum fallere sollers, etc. Our ut With arilal Sur-pris strat glitens the morul Wisis that it deiecis. Conington. Socratico suggest an ullusion to the Socrati εἰρωνεία. L. . artiscem, plustic. Artificiat, artifices boves. Prop. iii 23 7. I. II equidem dubites, VI Would nota ave o doubi. CL Per me equidem sint omnia alba, l. II 8. Ii 12 consentire dies, etc. A good instance of Persius' imitationis Horace See des, II. I p. I 45 .L. 20. Frauge Cleanthea, i. e. it Stoic doctrines, os Whicli Cleanthes, the eae her of Chrysippus, a the rent X- under B. C. 263 220 . it the uallage inseris fruge aures sor frugem auribus. cf. cum animis corpora ins visset. Cic. de Univ. 12.L. 22. cras, etc. belo , Martiat, O ceXX.L. 25. egerit, Vis balingiui.'
L. 13. Sint licet, etc. i. e. No no ove though the heltha the armen men that prani rom heri rows soWn byJason it the dragou's ieeth. the terrigenae fratres. r. Ovid Her. ii. 99. L. I. Venient annis. For Simila ancient Prophecies, See
ORL. Annaeus Mela, the brother of the philosopher Seneca. Beingimplicate in Piso' conspiracy, he had his velns Openedi a bath, an died, ut the age of thirty-SeVen, repentingili liuos in his Pharsalia, Lib. X. 814 sq. For his character,
Se Tae. Ann. V. 56-70 tan Merivale ch. 53. Quintiliati'scritieis of him is, fi Lucanus ardens, et On itatUS et Sententiis elarissimus et ut dicam quod sentio, magis oratoribus quam poetis unumerandus. InSt. Orat. S. I. 90.L.M. negatum Stare diu. The substantiva use of the infinitive. s. ridere meum. Persius I. 122, P. 242 l. 4. Scire meum, ib. 27. L. 5. nec Se Oma ferens, i. e. et Roma Se non ferenS. Cf. Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit. . Hor. EP. XVi. 2.L. II. Eaecutietque, i. e. nor ilicit Lee of the ea. Cf. Carpentoque SedenS, P. 269, t. 10.L. I9. nec umquam, etc. alie balesulionil of tyranny neversasely entrustexto a number. Heitland Who refers t two passages in Ovid, here turba is used of u mali number, asit is hereis Caesar, ompey, and CPRSSUS.L. 12 Commisit, pitted againstine another. Securus lietit Aenean Rutulumque ferocem committas. IuV. i. I 63. L. 13. Temporis, etc. See eitiand's Xeellent note, here imo possibi interpretations stre ove a the hort- lived concordiudured but twas a jurrin concord manSit sed mansit discors; or b), the arrin concordis a ShortSPace endured, i. e. endured O a hortispaca
L. 20. Carras, . C. 53. Iulia die in the precedin year See Aen. i. 83I, P. 120 l. 3.
L. . piratica laurea. The Cilici an pirates ero puti Own in three monilis by Pompey, B. C. 67. Magne, the ille gi Venhi in by Sulla, B. C. 83. L. 3. Notide quis sor uter, induit lar induerit, and quisquem uterque in these linos. L. 20 sui theatri, therars Sion e theatre in Rome B. C. 55.
L. I 0 rium si in temerando arcere ferro. The SenSe is, Caesar ne Ver res ruinei froin tuining the word in civil
uritare. The constrin tion is unus uni, a temerando Seems
substitu ted sor temerare, o in to the gerund und thegerundive partaking of the nature os the infinitive. 0itiandrendercit Ne ver spare thera ordie needsmus distain. Withthe wOrd tenὶero, es temerataque iura, P. 255 l. 8, und Tae. Ann. I. 30. Castra inlauSta temerataque, i. e. by the Pan noni an mutiny. L. I 8. In sua templa, i. e. Viis Wn quarteris the heavens.
L. 6. Longa, etc. f. Pliny'. Tatifundia perdidere Italiam.'Hist. Nat. 18 6 ignotis, unknown to the wnerS. L. I 2. Plebis scita coactae. Oaetae a be the genitive, hut it is usuali talien vitii leges an Scitu, force lawS,
L 14 Sector, iis Wia agent in the Salem iis favour. i. e. sol iis influenco pent Without a rolier. The termoriginaton in the deduction seco made in the rice of estates sold a public property, a the purchaser ad to aliet hom illi ait thei liabilities. L. t 7 in temPora. The chole seem to li ho tween hosense i I l Oaus groed for the times of payment, thelialentis, te. or 2), mone lentis usurious uterest forstated period S. L. 20. motus, osten os civi Stir aud tumulis. f. motum ex Metello consule ciVicum.' L. . rapti secreta Quirini. Referring to the Quirinalia, the eas in memor o Romulus apotheoSiS.
L. 20 verbere. Cf. P. 59, t. 25. L. 26. Puniceus, red wit the drainage of the peat mosses Dom hie it descenta. eriVale, II. h. iV. L. 29. hiemps Caesar rosSed O Jan. Ibth, A.U. 705 Nov. 27 B. C. 50).L. I. Tertia, et: i. e. the third rain night. L. 13. Iustitium, in suspensionis bufiness. Cf. Hor. d. iv. . 'FOrumque litibus orbum. Juv. III. 223. Pullati proceres differt vadimonia prRetor L. 18. conclamata, giVenover sor lost. Cf. Desine iam conclamatum eSt. Ter Eun. II. 3, 56. L. I. ab aevo, non ub aevo sed ab hominibus numquam violatus per longum tempus. Schol. The abi datin horn. L. 6. arae, therioundation or Steps of the altaria. L. I. procumbentes. Notis seVen lines elow cui down ' Whic Would contradici l. 1, nunquam violatus , but is h0 fel domn the sproute again miraculously. Theye raret throw up Sucher When cui do 'ster Went orthirty years of age, und the prodignis regarde res equat lywonderfui for it toto so unor fallingis iiseis. L. 3. dominumque timet deprendere. Cf. τον Πανα δώκαμες.
L. 5. Operi Militar mortis, sortifications This se of the ori more frequently in the plurat is common in Caesar und Lira. C. Scribonius Curio mas entrappedi Iuba denate and Stain B. C. 49 See MeriVale, ch. Vi Dante places imamong the Fraudulent. Inferno xxviii. 102. L. 5. quam indicta. o Tacitus, Hist. I. 3. Nec umquam magis iustis indiciis adprobatum est, non esse curae deiS
L. 16. Caesaris auro Virgit'. vendidit hie auro patriam' has been thought possibinio reserito this. L. 27. cui ... concesga eSt. OppOSed to Sibifecerit ense above.