Anthologia latina, passages from the Latin poets, selected and arranged with notes

발행: 1889년

분량: 506페이지


분류: 미분류


caelestum numine rector, et .


I33 c. L. 3 caesa manus, etc. CL P. 152 No. XV.L. 14. L. 23. f. Milton' Par. Lost iv. 985, and vi. 29. I 35. H. L. 22. cernere ferro, borroWed Do Ennius Se p. 13,l, 7. 136. - . I 0. Fama Si cum conscendebat, a rure Se of the Indie. in Oratio Obliqua sor conscenderet.

L. 25 formidine, the technica term for the sollir cord se twithiright Dather i scare themam tuto the neta. 138. III. L. 26. Balteus f. uboVe P. I 33, l. 1.1i2 VH. L. 8. Nigro gregi, foris gregem. Eo viridi compellere hibisco, Ecl. i. 30, and so perhaps egessit rogis Prop., p. 203,l. 20.

143. CVIII. L. I9. Privata, etc.

H. C. 46.

L. 12. Ceae neniae Catullus, p. 52, t. 12.146. - . I 2 Consentit astrum, etc. s. Persius, P. 245 l. 12. Consentire dies et ab uno sidere duci, etc. Meri Vule, IV. c. XXXui 'it is a question hether hoministerior his hien survivendor a feminys Only. 'The following hendecasyllabies ere senti Maecena tO

Lucentes mea ita, nee SmaragdOS, Beryllos mihi, Flacce, nec nitenteS, Nec percandida margarita quaero,

Nec quos Thynica lima perpolivit Anellos nec aspios lapillos.' See ing, Antique Gems, p. 3I9.


NOTES. L. 17. Una de multis CL Aesch. r. Vict. 865. μίαν δε παίδων - ερο θελξει το μὴ

κτεῖναι συνευνον αλλ' ατταμβλυνθἡσεται γνωμην δυοῖν δε θατερον ερυλησεται, κλυειν αναλκις μαλλον ἡ μιαιφονος Cf. v. Her. i V. P. 209. L. I 0. Nec semper udum Tiour, et C. Nor grege o Tibur neve dried. -Conington.

i.e. mon' ista togagere it, hut come tolt. Those Whohaveseon ivoli und tho uda mobilibus pomaria rivis, Will Delthe appropriatenes of Oining Semper udum. L. 16 Fumum et opes strepitumque Nomae. And shoo torul tho libera uir Theiust uni diu and steam of O n. Tennyson, In Mem. XXXIX. L. II cetera urnDiis, etc. Observe ho the rhythm reflecti 159 the sense. CL Georg. iii 103, Sq. Nonne vides, etc. p. 89 . Aen. i. 465 Adgressi, etc. p. 104 l. II , and the econdStunZ of the nexi Passage, ruonte decurrens. etc. L. I. seu deos, etc. He reser SucceSSive ly O the παιανsς. 16I CXX.

L. . Teque dum procedis . Thyiam Will, pronounce 162. tho passest on, Ho Triumph. Triumphus is person insedand adda essed aes Epod. ix. I. Io Triumphe, tu moraris



L. 3. accurrit quidam. O the question hether Prope lius Was the objectis this satire, e MeriVale, IV. h. li. L. 25. tricesima sabbata probabi a pure inventio of the

L. 7. licet antestari Dete. i. e. may Umahe ou a Witnessp 'CL Est in aure ima memoriae locus quem tangentes anteStamur Pli ny II. N. i. L. 21. pueros elementa docentem. CL Iuv. vii 227. Curi totus decolor eSSet Flaccus et haereret nigro fuligo Maroni. 'L. 12. Messala M. Valerius MesSala Corvinus bellare, against Antonius D. C. 31.L. . Ibitis to setile assair in the East B. C. 30. L. 1. Gentis Aquitanae, etc. Tibullu accompavied Messalam this expedition.

This charmin poem, it the solioWing, is by Dissenassigne to Tibullus, though Heyne thought Othermise. L. 23. multos hoc sumet in annos. shali spen this happilyfor many years quod et hunc in annum Vivat. Hor. Cf. ei rei hunc sumamus diem. Ter Ad ii 4, 23. Lachmann

read sumite.

L. 20. credula turba, i. e. Os her Overs. Sedet, ither assidet Watches, attenda her of Wait ouiside. L. 13. mercato, PASSive M oblitu p. 76 l. 10 . Sortitus,

meditatus, metatUS et .

L. 12 Eveni scia, Marpessa. L. 13. Phrygium maritum, PoloPS. L. 2 Phasidos viam, 'the Voyage to Phasis.' L. 3. Athamantidos undis, the Hellesponi. Underitandeos illi adplicuiSSe. L. 10. his difficuli passage a suggested probably by a picture super, etc. The tWo brother hovering over Hylas, with their arm balaneed in the uir, are trying to steat hisses

Dom his upturned face, hile he in his perplexity pendens


L. 24. caecepi, sor suscepi What vows dides osses ' 188 CXL. L. 20. Euboico litore. s. p. 192 l. 1. 189. L. 21. duo litora the Symplegades. L. . Quod ion, i. e. In that, uisor the saei that. 190 CXLI. L. 12 Martius liquor the queduci made by Q. Martius ReX, V.C. 144. s. Hor. p. i. 10, 20. Purior in vicis aqua

tendit rumpere plumbum. Operosa antra, urtificiat grottos. Paley. L. 23. ab aevo eaecidet excidet et me vera virtus cum semel excidit' ra exstinguetur, hic accounts so the pre-Position aevum hein regarded a the regent L. 12 pro tuniatio, etc. f. Tennyson, In Mem. I. I9I CXLII. His heavy-shotted hammock-Shroud Drops in his vas and Wandering graVe.' L. 1. Sara, etc. Euboicae cautes ultorque Caphareus. I92. Aen. i. 260. L. 9. hic here On Shore L. 11. thyio, ei ther som Lindos cedar Orii arbor vitae is supposexto e meant. Manitie


nardi parvus Onyx. L. 6. publica aura viae, O nuru publieae via by Enallage. a. . trientibus m laur cyathi. CXLIV i. 21. Hic, i. e. ut Rome.

L. l. nulla-nec. Rchmann quotes nulla neque unte tuas orietur rixa senestras, Eleg iii 205. I95. - . 1 pacata, i. e. Paci Studi OSR.

CXLV. A fine elegyin the deat of the oun Marcellus through intemperate se of the Sulphur ballis, ut Baiae, B. C. 23. Cf. Virgil, Aen. i. P. 121.L. II ludit, uipples. Pontus is the Lucrine alie es. notem p. 82 l. II , Which hu nearly utSappeared. L. 14. sonat, it the dasti O the ea. Herculeo, te. Adylie, partinnatural parti artificiat, reputred by Agrippa, s calle fro Hercules legendar exploit in the neighbOur-hood, liene the nummos Herculaneum.

Both by adoptio and by murriage illi Julia. I96. - . I. theatro The Theatre o Marcellus, uili in his honou by Augustus, 1 3 B. C., ea the Fabriciun Bridge Ponte de Quattro Capi). t rutus, though dissigured by the liops Whie occupy the tome tier forches, re stillver Strihing. The nexi line refers to Oetavia' persorininglier son' duties Rs Aedile durin his sicliness. L. 7. Attalicas, i. e. the richest Attalicis conditionibus. L. 13. ille. aeta man encas himself.' L. 18 alter amor, i. e. Ch SeiS. L. I9. At tibi, etc. ' Let Charon ferry Ver Our OPPSE,

O Marcellus, thither iste.



L. 2. in radios, etc. ut in tengilis to fit heir hutiles. L. 16 docti dei. του σαγυ4εου του παιο- - ουπου PRley. L. 7. quo, i. e. quorsum. What is it to melo Quo pinus ingens γ' Hor. d. II. 3 9.L. . raris alendis, ini no and then on therars of th monili. adsueta, . E. PeriΓe. L. 16 tangi lucerna mero. Cf. V. Her. i X lGI. Sternuit et lumen, posito nam Seribimus illo, Sternuit et nobis prospera signa dedit, Ecce merum nutrix faustos instillat in ignes. CraSque erimus plures, inquit, 'et ipsa bibit. L. 22. Subdolus, etc. f. p. 88,l. 23, and note . L. 24 pura, ασίδηρος, PreSenten, ab adge of honou for thessirs distinctio in tar. Iuvenis pura qui nititur hasta.'Aen. VI. 760.

L. 27 portae Capenae, i. e. to the templeo Mars ad portam. L. . Curetis, Quiritis. i. e. Subine, DOm Cures, hei chies toWn. L. 20. per sor inter, RS Ren in Propertius L. 24. tingendas noctem flumine purgas. Persius. L. 3 primo fumo. It is oubisu Whether the orningsmolae, or the Smolae of the sires lighted sor the early Evening

mea is meant. L. 6. Vulnera, Ound os love.

L. 12 und fare et to Vesta, Who Dought o b ashamodos for myrain. L. II fraterni monstri, the Minotaur. L. 24. aye Spinosi There reo fe instances of this shorten in os a Vomel before p. Perhaps the 'a droppedas e se in the renc derivative pine. Paley. L. . nuptae NOS, etc. Y Sabine rides, frame a mediatin treat by m marriage ' lit. eddin dress . L. 18. Strymonis, an Amazon, oro Bacchante.

L. 19. Furilia, b dissimilatio sor Palilia, Apri 2Ist the


retur sor Four undeserVel miSsortune, in Four daughter'ssat ea

Thoirs te lines represent the poetin a prios abo ut o sacrifice. L. 14. Hedra, O hedera, a RSpri sor Sper, Paley's readinisor Cera Philetas os os by Cyrenaeas aquas, Callimachus o Cyreneri meant. L. I fugiens, receding. Cf. refugitque ab litore templum. Aen. iii 536. Athamana, of Epirus. L. 13. se vindice, unde his protecti On.' L. 16 in obliquam facem, liliem torch held astant.' L. 19. quali vultu. See Hom. Il. i. 40. L. 20. yessit rogis, it her to the Pyres, See o P. 142, t. 8; Or, irained emptiel With the pyres.' L. 22 lyrae, probabi copied DOm lyrae Dur lines above. Palensuggesis deae r chori. L. 23. ab Alba. f. Pastor ab Amphryso, p. 87 l. 15,

L. . regia vela the hips of Cleopatra The haled term remi OppOSext princeps L. 5. quodque, etc. 'And uisor thei threatening roms, carryin balteries os tone lilisthos hvrte against the Centaur, ou Wil finis, o triat, th0raro but hollo timber audiaintest terrors. Cf. Aen. X. 195. Ille Centaurus instat aquae, Saxumque undis immane


But perhaps, as Pale suggestS, Vehunt, vehuntur, and minantes mill the go 'er SaXa. On the hips, cf. Aen. Viii. p. 124, l. 23. . Tanta mole, etc. L. 28. Blanditiae rosae, the os cares of the rose, orchaplet of staint roses Puley. Cornelia, is of L. Aemilius Paulus, Censor P. C. 22, daughteris Scribonia, and P. Orn Seipio. L. I 5 infernas intrarunt funera leges, i. e. When Onc thedead have passed into the kiugdom Of themudermorid. L. 16. Torato, i. e. exorabili, a iuviolatus for inviolabilis.


L. 7. Aut si quis etc. Pule Potnis ut the ullusion to the judicia Drms of tho praetor' court. l Aeacus is quaesitor, appoint in the jur by ut ting the ames to edra n Writte On ta ballot pila), into an urn sortita pilum sortiendis judicibus. O sortita passiVe cf. On P. 184,l. 23. 2 The urnare alien Do the hades. X vindicare in to punish. L. I 2. Tantaleo lar Tantalo representingTαιπαλίω

L. 15. Ipsa loquor. The restis the poem is an addres tothe infernat couri, though containing much eXtraneo uS matter. sororum, the Danaides. L. I 8 avos. merruncestor on theriather' sido Numantina traxit ab urbe notum. L. 9. aequat, malae them equat to thos o theriather'sside. L. l. praefeTta, the maideuiress. L. 22. vitta, the matron's snood. f. crines vittasque habeat adsimuletque se tuam esse Xorem Plautus.

L. 26. Africa tonsa, Withialashor in totienis ies L. 27. The senseris Et testor proavum L. Aemilium Paulum, Lon p. 220 l. 19 qui fregit PerSen, quique fregit tua domos, Achille Here Achille is vocative. L. 4 utramque facem, that o marriage and that of the 207. funerat. GL Et sue pro thalami fax mihi mortis erit. v. Her. H. L. 7. quaelibet urna quilibet judex L. . Vel tu. Cf. v. ast iv. 300 Claudita Quinta genus, etc. L. II. Vel cui Aemilia the Vestat, hen accused os lottingthe saeredire go ut lighted part of her dress Do thoe hes











L. 17. increpat visisse mortuam Sse queritur Paley. L. 19. generosos Some privilege connected Wit th ius trium liberorum feem intended. I. 23. sellam geminasse, i. e. a both Aedile and Praetor. L. 21. Consule quo, etc. m apparently the Senseris, at thetime of Whos consul shi his sister Was carrie ossi L. 28 aucturis eis. I die reSignedio that So an oti childre furvive meri perpetuat m memorF. Paley. Two the interpretations haVe been SuggeSted- I A somany of m relations ill meet me evon the grave. 2 AsI leave so many relation to celebrate ue funerat. L. 3. Fungere maternis vicibuS, pater CL HOm. Il. i. 429. Eκτορ ατα συ μο εσπι παπιγ καὶ ποτνια μη ηρ κ.τ.λ. Hom. I l. i. 429. L. . oscula falle, disguis your eal Delings by ehoei sui Liss. Paley. L. 15. laudate, acquieScerin, lihelae iis in cῆσσα, τραπεζαν αινεσαι. Eur AlceSt. 2.L. 30 honoratis equis, i. e. in triumphat State. Cf. O. V. P. 152. L. 4. Hinc Even Dom these mali refources sumptus faciunt, benefit me for this absolute se of facio, meccaelum ne aquae-faciunt nee terra nec aurae. Trist iii. 8, 23. L. 7 desultor Lilae ne ho uult homone hors to

L. 14. quam, i .e Leda i. 15. Quaeque Europa.L. 7. Danaeius heros PerSeus. L. 5. Phaeacia tellus Corcyra, here Tibullus et ili, whil accompanyin MeSSala. L. 19. Clymeneia proles, Phaethon. L. 15 aulaea CL Georg. iii 24 p. 88. l. 17). Cf. Aen. V. 174, and Pope's Templo of Fame. L. 3. in incio, Vtrue torus. Cf. Liv. viii. I. . Fundanos in officio esse, reue to thei allegiance L. 23. melioribus, Ardea, restas, ou are olding ut against belle men. Dum restat barbarus Hector. Prop.