장음표시 사용
mysel a Considerable proficient; that Without ashing gave mygoVernor that hare of honour, and that ori frausiness, hiChthe Seeme to destre, and di not ut them os from time to time With promises and excuse; that L hal the happines of eingacquainted With hos celebrate philosophers, ApolloniuS, RUStiCUS, and Maximus fortavin a Clear de of the rule of practiCe, and the true a o living, and the impressio frequently refreShed, so that Considering the extraordinar assistanCes an directions of the gods, it is impossibi for me to mis the oad os nature and
Lucius Verus, ho was adopted by the Empero Antoninus Pius.
152 Conversalion os Emporor Marcus Ansoninus
right reason, untes by refusing to e uide by the dictates andalmos sensibi inspirations of heaven It is the favour of these superior being that m Constitution has held ut o eli, unde alis o fatigue an business thato neve had an infamous Corresponden emith Benedictam Theodotus, and that aster omeamour an intemperate salites, I took up an recovered that whenes fel out illi Rusticus, ascit frequently happened PWas nottransporte into any ac o violence that Phad the satisfactionis
man's fortune and that when I was,illincto rei leve the necessities of others, Pwas neve tol that the XChequer, O priVy-PUrSe, ereout os casti. An further, it is stom them that my is is o very obsequious an assectionale, an so remote sto the fano offigure an expense that I ad choice of good governor sor mychildren that remedies ere rescribe me in a ream, againSt
philosophy, Ι metieithe with a pedant norin knaveri instruct me; that Ι di no spen to much time in voluminous reading, hoppinilogi or natura philosophy. Nomal these potnis Could neverhave been Compas sed and uarde Without a proteCtion stom above, and the god presidin ove late an fortune. This as ritten in the country of the Quadi, in m expeditionagainst them.
action, and the deformit of an ill oneri since I am satisfied the person disobligin is of hin to me, and though, aremo jus os the fame est an blood, et ur ind are early related, eingboth extracte stom the deity since I a likeWis convince thal
154 Conversalis of Emperor arcus Ansoninus
Consider et the natur of the universe, and my wn together Withthe Communicatio an referenCe etwix them an in haldegre os proportiora an qualit stand with respectrio the whole; and that o mortat an inde me rom actin and Speahingsultabi to the Conditio of myieing. X. Theophrastus, in Comparing the degrees of aulis as e Commoni Speah), allis the a philosopher, here e affirm thatthos instances of misbellaviour hicli procee stom destre regreater than hos of whicli anger a the CCasion. For a manthat is angry seem to qui his hol unwillingly, to e leaged ut of his reason, an stari ut o rule efore hecis Ware. ut e that runs tot ut os appetite and leasure is Wayed by a libertine principie, and appear a more Scandalous offender The philosopher therefore a Certaini right in pronouncing po the differenCe of the case for the irs look like an injure person, an is exed, and a it ere, forCed into a passion, hereas the theriegins illi inclination, an Commit the fauit illi a gust. XL anage ali our actions and thought in suCh a manne asis o were just oin to te into the grave. An What great
the sirs cause an e Charged illi the want of OWer, hili, Orinclination to tali Care of these matters or that nature hould Commi SUCh an error a to suffer hings reatly good an evit to
This is sat hecause the Stoic esteeme ali sin equat. The emperor means that no an is unde a necessit os committin animmorat action.
156 Conversation V Emperor arcus Antoninus
s acuit Wil infor hi of the qualit an sige of the objects of
Sense, particulari those hicli Charmus With pleasure, frighten us With ain, or are mos admire tapon the Core os reputation. Alitile thinhing ili ho a maniso insignificant, despiCabie, and paliry thes thing are, an how oon the wither an go os . twili ho one hat ori os ut those eopte are L po WhOSelanc and good wor the ein os fame dependS. Thus a man may examine the oint of dying, hicli fine abstra ted from the pompand terror of the dea it ill e found nothin more than a pure natura action. o herilia dread the Course of natur is a Child. Besides, there is genera advantage in the Case. Lastly we hould Considerio nigh, are relate to the deity, and in hat artifour eing, and what ecomes of that honourable fide hen thecompositio is brohen. XIII. Nothin canae more unliappy than the curiosit of that man that ange eVerywhere, an digs into the arth for discovery; that is onderfuit bus to sorCe a passage into other eople'Sthoughis, an dive into thei bosom, ut oes no conside thathis own in is large nough for inquir an entertainment, and
that themare and improvement of himself,il afford hi sufficient business. An tio is ali his tot done Θ hy, byaeingieither
158 Conversa ton V Emporor arcus Anso rinus
and the interes of the universae so these Wo re both the oldestand the best ules e Cana by. XVII. The extent of human life is ut a potnt matte is in aperpetua flux the faCulties of sense an perception are eakand unpenetrating the Ody tenderi put together, and ut a remove sto putrefaction; the oul a ramblin sori os a thing. Fortune and futurit are notat be uessed at an fame does notalWay standispon desert and judgment. In a Word that hichbelong to theiod stream of like a river, and what the oui hasis butiream an bubble lise, to tali it rightly is no ther hana Campnig or OurSe of traveis an posthumous fame has litile more in it than silen e an obscurity. What is it then that illstic by a man an prove significant Θ hy, nothing ut isdomand philosophy. No the functions of this qualit consist in keeping the in stom injur anu disgrace, Superior o lea Sureand ain, ree rom staris an rambling, Without an varnish of dissemblin andanavery, and a to appiness, independent of themotion O another. Further, philosophy bring the in to ahethings a the fall, and acquiesce in the distributions of rovidenCe,
I. Emugiit nolint to remember that life is perpetuatly earing Off, and in a itera consumption, ut also to Conside that is aman' line hould appen to e longe than ordinary, et it is uncertain hether his indoill kee pace illi his earS, and afford him sense enough for busines an Speculation, an to ook
16, conversation V Emperor Marcus Antonin s
In his stor about Democritus the emperor seem tot Singular. The informers Anytus an Melitus. So the emperor calis the ou or reasOning faculty. An allusion to the diversion and wresilinii the circuS.