The apology of Tertullian

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 300페이지


분류: 미분류


XXVIII. There are severa soris of Candalou temperS, Ome mali Cious an Some effeminate, ther obstinate, brutish, and SaVage. Some humour are Childisti an silly, ome false and

XXIX. Not to know hat is in the worid, and notrioano Whatis done in the worid, comes muCh to the fame hin g, an a man Sy his sectio is levelle against the hypothesis of EpicuruS.


17s conversalion os Emporor arcus Antoninus I

one Waymo leS a Strange than the ther. To proceed hecis nobette than a deserte that renounces publi reason and the law of

Providen e. e is a blindia that winhs With his understanding; and he is a eggar that is no furnishe at home, ut ant theassistance of another. e that reis imself sore ecause things domo happen jus ache would have them, is ut a sortis an ulcer of the world by murmuring at the Course of nature, e quit theuniversat Ody, and gains ni the distinCtioni a disease, never Considering that the fame cause hicli produce the displeasingaccident made hii too An lastly he that is selfisti, narroWsouled, and et up for a Separate interest, is a in os voluntaryotitiaW, an disinCorporales himself stom mankind. XXX. his philosopher has neve a WaistCoat o his Coat, theother neve a book o read, and a third is half-nahed, and et theyare non of them discouraged. ne earne man has nothin fortiis stomaCh nor another formis leCtures hoWeVer the are resolvedio Starve on, andie is in despite o missortune. XXXI. Be satisfied illi ou business, and earn to love halyou ere re to an a to the remainder of our iis, beentiret resigned, and et the od do thei pleasure and lienthis idone, emeither lavemor tyrant to anybOdy. XXXII. To egi somewhere conside ho buSiness, humOUr, and fortune ent With the worid in Vespasian' time conside this, I say, and yo wil findisankindrius at the Same pas the are noW,


the have overtooked the dignit of thei nature, and thos bellersatisfactions in their Wn power. An here o must remember toproportion ou Concern to the eight an importance of hisines ;thus ou ill e fas against trifling, an part illi musements without regret. XXXIII. Those ord whicli ere formeri Current an properare no beCome obsolet an barbarous. Alam this is no ait: fame tarnishes in time, too an men ro out o fashion as ellas angvage Thos Celebrate nam es of Camillus, Caeso, and Volesus are antiquated those of Cipio, Cato, an Augustus illhave the fame fortune and those of Adria an Antoninus must

XXXIV. Pulsoursei frankl into the hand of late, and et her


174 Conversarion os Emperor arcus Ansoninus:

in that par of o that form judgments an opinions of things. Dolo imagine o areauri, and Ourare impregnable. SuppOSe, then, our flesti as haChed, eared, o putrefied sor our is letyour ancycli stilli that is, o no Conclude halcis Common togood or it me Canie good or evi in iself for that hich may beeverybody's tot must in iis Wn naturei indifferent. XL. Vola ought frequently to conside that the ori is an animal, Consistin os ne ovi an body that a universat senseruns through the whole mas of matter. Vou hould likewisereflectio nature acts by a joint effori, an a it ere altogether; and lio everythin Contributes to the ein os verything. And

XLIV. Whatever appens here is a common and wellonowna a OS in the pring or an apple in autumn of this in arediseases an death, alumn and undermining an severat therthings hicli ais an depres the spiriis sinthinhin people.


XLVIII. Considerio many physicians are dea that sed to


176 conversarion V Emperor arcus Antoninus e

L. To conside thos old peopte that resigne so unWillingi is,

face death, and contem ito sor hat are these long-live mortals more tha thos that went of in thei infancyJ What siecome of Coecilianus, Fabius, Julianus, and Lepidus Thei head are alliat somewhereri the burie a reat many, ut came a lastri itthemselves. Upon the hole, the differenCe etween long and shor life is insignificant, speciali is o Conside the CCidentS, the Ompany, and the CarcaSe o mustino through ith; therefore domo let a thought of this in affect ou one Way o the ther; do but look upon the astonishin notioni time and ternity What an immenSe dea has run ut atready andio infinite it is stili in the future; do but conside this, and ou illin three days and

three age of lis come much to the Same meaSure and rechoning.


178 conpenation V Emperor arcus Ansoninus e


much to the fame meaning e ma assirin that Providen ei thesou of the universe has ordere this o that person a disease, osso limb or estate, o some suCh other Calamity. For, as in theirst

CaSe the ordirescribed signifies a directio for theaealth of the patient, o in the alter it means an application prope so the constitutio an benefit o late. An thus these harsher evenis may be Counte fit for us, a freestone, phicli is elicioine and lies nuti a bullding may be salii ora it. Indeed the whole of

natur Consist of a harmon an Congruit os paris for a theu ori has it for an entirenes froni that universat matter of whicli it Consisis, o the character an distinctio os late resulis froin the qualit an ConcurrenCe of ait ther causes containe in


accident happens, ahe it quieti to ou it is for the good of the universe, an Iupiter imself is the belle forcit. Dependis ponit, his ad neve been sent ou i the worid adiso Mund iis

A Stoica paradOX. A gros error of the StoicS.