The apology of Tertullian

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 300페이지


분류: 미분류


helps him o good fortune in ali his bufines s Θ'

X. Things are so muta perplexe an in the data, that severat considerable philosopher looked pon them S altogether Un- intelligibie, and that here a no Certain test for the disCOver of truth. Even the Stoic agre that nature an certaint is ver hardio Comerat, that Our understandings a re alWays liable to error, and that infallibilit is mere vanit an prete Ce. HOWOVer, Urignorance is no S great ut that we a disCove ho transitoryan insignificant ali hings are that hos Ne commoni Cali hebes CircumstanCe are ometimes in the orsi ands, and that itis possibi for thieves, hores, an Catamites t run aWay illi theworid, and who the would Care threepenc for it Further, Conside the temper of those o converse illi, and o Wil findthe est ili ardi do noto mentio that a man has orhenough to mali himself tolerable to im self An since e have nothinibu darknes an diri to gras at since time and matter, motio an mortals are always ollin and running ut of them-SelVeS,-for these reaSons I say, I cannot imagine hat there is here worth the minding. O the ther and a man ought o heep phis spiriis for it illiso be long efore his discli arge Comes. In the meantime his potnt is to e asy, and satisf himself,ith these

The Stoic' maxim is, A is man an neve be uia sortunate, et hiScircumstances he what the wili. V of this opinion ere Pyrrho and the ne AcademicS.

3 See secl. 8.


18s conversation V Emperor arcus Antoninus

the distinction, therWis the would no distili the liberi in onecas and allo it in the ther. The felicities of riChes, luxury, and ambition are ali Within the privilege of buffoons, and liable to thelasti of the stage. NON, hat significanc Can there e in thesethings hen a poei's est ili ake place pon them And what comicat roli a be pati applied to the wner. He is sostussed, V say the play, with wealth and finer that he has no

XIII bein consist o matter an form that his, o foui an body. Annihilation ill reach either of them for a theyWere neVer produCed ut O nothing, so the Will alWays emain Something. The ConsequenCe is that ver par of me ili serveto mahe omethin in the worid and thus I shali e osse fromone figure to another, through an infinite suCCession o Change. An What wonderis at thii This constant methodis alterationgave me myieing, and myriather e re me, an So on to ternitybackward for I hin I may spea thus, though the ori is confine Withi a certain determinate period. XIV. Reason need si foreig assistance, ut is sussicient for iis OWn purposes This faculi moves illiin iself, and mahes directly for the oint in iew; foro tali the matte rightly honest is

io imas a man, or unde the definitio of his species This notion a be applied to ali externa advantages for these are notin lude in the dea; the are no require of US a men humannature oes no promiSe them, either is he perfected by them; Dom henc it follows that the Can either Constitute the clites en o man, o striCil contribute toWard it Further, is thesethings ere an rea additions ho Comes the Contempt of them, and the bein eas Without them, to e so great a Commendation ΘTo bal an advantage ouldie folly for ne Canno have o muChos that whicli is good But themas stand otherwise sor, knowthat et denia an indifferen e bout these thingiis the CharaCteros a good man, and oes for a mar of true greatneSS.


XVI. Vour manners ill depen very much po the qualit ofWhat ou frequently thin on for the out is, ascit ere, tingedwith the colour an complexion of thought. Be Sure, thereire, to Wor in such maxim a these. A man may live a he houldio, an bellave imself et in ali places by consequenCe, a se of Viriue, and that os a Courtier, are not inConsistent. Again that whicli a thiniis ad for it is made to ac for and that hicli itis made to ac forcit is naturali Carrie to an in the due ursuit of this tendeno the en of the agent ConsiSis. NoW, here the endo a thiniis, there the advantage and improvement of tris Certainlylodged. From ence the inference Will e that he happines of mankin lies in societ an CorrespondenCe, Si Ce that e erem ad for this purpos I have prove atready. For is it no plain that the lower order of eings are ad for thei bellers, and thehigher for the service of ach ther Now, as life is preferable tobare exiStence, o mongst ali livin Creatures the rationa are thelbest quality.

XVII. To expect an impossibilit is distraction no it is impossibi forcii me noto follo thei bias, and hos their

XVIII. There is nothin happens to an person but halcis in hispo ero go through ith. Some eople have ad ver Severetriais, and et, illi e by havin tes understandin or more pridethan ordinary, have Charge bravel through the missortune, and Come of Without a Cratch. No it is a scandalous inde encyclo letignorance an vanit do more illi us than prudenC and principie.


184 Conversation V Emperor arcus Ansoninus:

Cros Wind the ma hinde me in the executin part but ali his whilem inclinations standirna, and the reserve Da good meaningis SeCure to me. Bein righil disposed I an pas on to theeXerCis of another virtve and thus it is probabie I may gain by the opposition, and turn the diSappotniment to an adVantage. XXI. Amon ali hings in the universe direct your Worship to the greatest. And whichris that Θ It is that eing Whicli manages and govern ali the est. An as ou orsita the best thi in nature, SO O are t pay a proportionabie regar to the est thin inyourself ou illino iob iis relation to the Deity. The qualityo iis functions it dis ove it It is the eigning ower Withinyou, hicli dispose of your actions and ou fortune.

XXIII. Reflect frequently upo the instabilit of things, and

XXV. A man misbellaves himself oward me. What is that tome The actio is his, and the will that et hi upo it is his, and therefore et hi look o it Aisor me, Pam in the condition


able domo let ouraeason e Concerne With them confine theimpression to thei respeCtive quarters, and et our indaee herdistance an no run in It is true, that hicli resulis Dor thelaw of the union stom the force of sympath Or Constitution muStbe seli, o nature ill have iis course; ut though the sensation Cannot e topped, it must not e verrate no stratne to thequalit of good or evit. XXVII. e ought to converse illi the ods, and live the life that the do This is done by bein Contented illi the appotnt-ments of rovidenCe, and by obeying the order of that genius, whicli is both the deput and the of spring o Iupiter. No this


186 Conversation V Emperor arcus Antoninus

Into a state of separation.


By the communit is meant the worid. Se Boo Viii. Sect. 5. pulpit in ne of the quare a Rome, here the rea men Serio alie


188 Conversation os Emperor arcu Antoninus r

Change, an be either exhale into Common alter, o dispersedint thei respective elementS.

V. That intelligent ein that ouern the universe has perfectvlew of everything his linoWledge penetrates the qualit os matter, and sees through ali the ConSequenCe Ofli OWn operationS. VI. The est a of revenge is notu imitate the injurn VII. Be tway doin somethin servi eable to an hind, andiet this Constant generoSit be our ni pleasure, an no Orgettingin the meantime a diae reverenCe and regar to the Deity. VIII. It is the governing par of the min&whichlawahens thought, an alter the qualit oscit; hi h gives halini sile leases to herown likeness, an to ali the accident an Circumstances ithout


IX. The particular esse is in the wori are ali rought y one intelligent nature This universat ause a no foretgn SSiStant,no interlopin principie eithe without his urisdictioni Within it. X. For argument' salie letis use a disjunction themorid then, seither nothan but a rencounter os atom S, alea o Confusion, anda urr o Chance or eis it is the esseCt o design, an unde thelaw of orde an providenCe. I the sirst, hal hould Psta sor, Where natur is in su his ot h-potch, and things are so lindly

Some philosopheriheld ali matte was the fame an other maintaine that the ou elements were distinc and origina principies os hodies.


disengage an return to the element of earlli a Soon a may bes λWh should Pgive myset an trouble Let me do hales Will myConstitutio must e brohen, an in atom ali disbande in ali ille time. ut is there is a Providelice, and lae alter par of the disjunctio hold good, thera I adore the reat overnor of the worid, and am eas in the prospectis proteCtion. XI. When ou appen to e russie a litile, and throw of your

An expression o Homer. Falernus, a countr in Campania, hicli afford the richest ines in Italy. Purple a s nauch the privilege of the emperor that it a treason sor thesu jec to ea it.


and to assis ali mankind in the public interest. XV. Some things are pressin sortirili an being, and ther arepostin off, and that which was entire jus no i parti it pentatready. The worid is renesed by this Change and olling, no essthan time si a perpetua su CCeSSion. NoW, ho ould dote ponthings hurrie down the stream thus fast, and whicli it is impossibieto take hol ori Such a passion is much like fallin in love illia parro stying ver our ead-yo have a it ere ut neglimpse of her, an She is uti sight. To go on; fecis but a sorto exhalatio of the lood, and a litti ai sucked into the lungs.

NoW, o return ou breath for the Supportis life an expire ourtast, hen ou lose it, is muChWhat the Same action. XVI. Neither the perspiration o planis, nor the reati ofanimais, nor the impression os sensation nor the oppe motions O paSSions are priVilege of any great value To hicli, may ad the instinctis crowdin into herds, together illi the functionso nutrition this alter ein not unlike a separatin hin os evacuation. What then is it that ou Count orth Our Steem pHuggas an acclamations Θ Notis all. Why, then, o must notvalue harangues an panegyric for thi is ut a manneri sortis