The apology of Tertullian

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 300페이지


분류: 미분류


19s conversa sex V Emperor arcus Antoninus r

no thin ourselves in a batile, ut at a tria o fhili. e may lance, as I aid efore, an manage the contes With caution, butnot illi malice and ill-Will. I. I any one an convince me os an error, Pshali e verygia to Change m opinion, sororuth is y usiness, and right information huris nobody. No herilia Continues in ignorance and mistahe, it is herilia receives the mischief. XXII. I Willio, duty that is enough. As orithe things, Ιshali neveri disturbe about them. For is the happen to comecross, it is ut considering that the are eithe without lise, orWithout reason, or ithout judgment, and thus I an asil pass

XXIII. Aisor brute animais, and things undignisie With reason,

use them Deel and oldly, as ein os a superior orde yourSelfBut reat me like eings Dyour Kn ind, and member of the Same Society. An in ali ou assair invoke the od sor heirassistance. AS O the time o are to Continue his regularity, neve trouble ourself,hether it is long or hori for threeloursos life thus et spent illio ou buSineSS. XXIV. Alexander the Great an his groom, he Gad, ereboth upo the fame levet, an ran the fame fortune of bein eithersCattere into atomsi absorbe in the oul of the universe. XXV. What abundance of motion there are in the ody What abundance of thought an sensations in the in at the fame times What a vast number of operation are performed, and hoWmuchiusines is despalched within us in a single momenti Hethat consider thi Wil not onde so muCh that infinitet more productions hould stari ut together in the universe, o that thesoul of the world should by once exerting Himself lookiver actuate,


passio an reSeniment.

XXVIII. What is deati, It is a restin frona senSation and destre; a Sto upo the ambiing of thought, an a releas hom


194 Conversarion V Emporor arcus Antoninus

constanc of his good Conduci, in the quality, Weetness, and pietyo his temper, the serenit of his aspeCt, the modeSty an unpretendingnes of his bellaviour, and the generous ambition he had ob persecti master of his usiness. Further, it was his a to

fatiguin his delight He a so temperate in his diei that he was abierio sit at the counci board ill night Without illidrawing intoanother roo for the necessities of natur neve returne uponhim ill their usual time. He was fir in his friendship and steady an agreeable in the manne of showing t. e gave his courtiersali the Deedom imaginable to Contradici him, and was leased withthe proposa os a belle expedient than his own To ConClude, hewas a religious prince, ut o this fide superstition. ra imitate these good qualities of his that ou may have the satisfactio of them at ou laS hour. XXXI. Rous an recolleci ourself, and ou ill perceive your troubie lay oni in a Cene of imaginationi and when ouare et awahe, turn the tables, an Carry the Contemplationthrough life and then the wori in a ream, and the ori out fit, ill appea muchwhat the Same thing. XXXII. y person consist os foui and body. To his alter allthings are morali indifferent the odytein in no condition tomahe a distinctio of this init Andos o m mind there is

XXXIII. As longin the and and feet do the wor the were made for the move naturali and with ase Thus hil a man

The emperor seem to have made his reflectio aster a troublegometream.


performs the functions of his species, and heeps true totis Condition, he eelsi more eight than what natur lays pon him. Now that whicli is no beside the intentions o nature an neveri a real

XXXIV. What abundance of sensual satisfactio have thieves, Catamites, parriCideS, and usurper been possesse of W maygues at the qualit os leasure nil fallin to the hare of such

XXXV. Do o no observe among your artificers, though theybea the Contradictio an impertinenCe of the unskilful, et theywilliso compi so far a to e talked ut of their nowledge, orwor against the rules of thei trade Θ An is it no a scandalous bufines that an architectis a physician hould have more regard for thei profession than a man has for his For his, I say, in whichrae has the horiour of the gods for his pariners. An What is man' trade impi Considere as a mai Why, nothinibu thestud and practice of virtve an mora philosophy. XXXVI. The vas continent of Europe and Asia re ut Corners of the Creation. The Cean is ut a rop, and ount Athos ut a grai in respeCt of the universe; and the present instant of timebui a poliat to the extent of ternity. These things have allo them litile, Changeabie, an transitor beings. Remember like-wis that ali hings procee froni the oul of the universe, ithe bydirecti Consequentia Causality. Thus the rowlin deformit of

belon to the entirenes of her beautissit productions. Do nottherefore suppos them insignificant an unWorthy the eing ou Worship but conside the fountain rom hence ali hings pring. J XXXVII. e that has ahen a vie of the preSent age ha Seenas much ascis he had begu With the worid, and gone to the en ofit for at things arei a kin and of a Colour. XXXVIII. The mutua dependen e ali hings have, and therelation the stan in to ach other, is orti, Our frequent

observation. For ali the paris of matter are in Ome meaSurelinked together an interWoven, an for his reason haVe a natural


196 Conos salion V Emperor arcus Antoninus

sympath for ea li ther And thus notion and the continuit os

This sectio seem tote levelle against Epicurus' hypothesis os a vacuum. See Booti ix. Sect. 2.


figures in mature ins that Doggril dis in the play Chrysippus

nature an his species. O m nature has reason, SOCiable

principies, an publi inclination in it B ConSequenCe, the interesti m Counir musti my Wn. Tahe me then unde the particular distinction o Antoninus, an Rome S myoown and Country; Ut Conside me a ama in generat, andes beton to the corporatio of the worid. That, thereiore, and ni that, hicli is serviceablerio both these societies, is an adVantage t me. XLV. Whatever appens no particularc is servi eable to the universe that thought might satis0 But e can Carry the reason s


108 conversarion os Emporor arcus Antoninus

for acquiesCene further; for, pon observation, o Wil perceive that hat is prositable to ne an is in ome meaSure for the interes of the est. An here Ptake the wor profit in the senseo Common aCCeptation, and no in the language of the Stoics. XLVI. O ma remember at a play, o suCh reSemblin diver-SionS, Omin ove and ver illi the fame hin tires the sensean extinguishes the leasure Remove his Contemplatio intolife for here ali hings Come round and bring the Same CaUSOS


another. The voluptuar admires at home, an heeps illiin thereach of his senses; ut a man os underStandin depends ponhimself, and mahe action, and no appetite, hi PleaSure. LII. e re a liberi noto misinterpret an accident, an byconsequenC may be re sto disturbance Things have no suci, power ver thought a to mali us of What judgmen the please. LIII. Accustom ourset to atten to hat is diSCOursed, and, a farras ou an get into the ou of him that spealis. LIV. That hicli is no for the interes of the whole Warm is no for the interest os a single bee. LV. f the patient ratis at the doctor, o the re at the master of the esset, ho ill the mind, o What good is tot done pon


Io, conversation V Emperor arcus Antonimis

angry With any one Can o imagine that error and ignorance has es force pon the in than a ille ali or venom pon

x See Book v. Secl. 8.