장음표시 사용
b measured by the fige of his bufines and the qualit of his
Connexion give unit an ornamen to the worid. For the worid, tali it altogether, is ut ne there is ut ne sortis matter tomahe itis, nemo to overn it, and ne a to uiderit. For, run through the whole System os rational eings, and ou ill sindreason an truth is ut single and the fame. An thus eings os the fame hind, and endue With the Same reason, are made happyby the Same exerCises of it. X. At compositions os matterra os apace to the Common stOChan receptaCle spirit are quiChly wallowedi in the oul of the universe, an soci memor an fame in the gulf of time. XI. illi rational eings, nature an reason is the Same hing. B ConSequenCe, to Ct CCordin to the ne must e to acta cordinito the ther. XII. Elther stan upright upon our W legs, or et another support Ou. XIII. Does continuit an Connexion Create sympath and relation in the paris of the ody Θ hy, resemblanCe and a Onoma Say, OnSanguinit o nature oes the Same hin among
with ach other. his thought willi more intelligibi an affect-
have a minesto t. XV. et people' longues an actions e What the Will, my
XVI. Does no the in give the an the disturbances Doessite no bring ear an sits of the spleen pon herseis Let nyother od tryrio disquiet hercis the Can when the have donetheir orst, it is in her powerrio prevent the impression Andisssor his mali Carcase, let it Complain, and Dei and e rightened, is it no hos It is true, the ou is the seat an principi of
XIX. Ali particular hodie are qui hi dissolve an hurried
through the universa mass, here, at ast the in Corporate, grOWServiCeabie, an beCome a sorti limbs to the worid. How many SuCh eminent ages, a Chrysippus, Socrates, an EpiCtetus have
The old Stoical paradox. Stoica plece of vanity. That is a vulgar opinion concerning good an evil No ali eopte arethe vulgar it the Stoic except themselves.
eto Conversarion V Emperor arcus Antoninus
XXVI. That ein which overn natur Wil qui hi Changetli present face of t. ne hing ill e made ut of another by frequent revolutions and thus the wori Willi alWays Comin neWout of the mini.
Io; conversation V Emperor arcus Antoninus
unde lamand superior direction. V And what f the element onlyhad thei Course chalhed ut, and thei motions rescribe them ΘBut e ma Carry the ConClusio further, for there are, at the most, but ver se things in the ori perfecti turne ove to hance and liberty. XXXIII. et deam mahe atom o vacuum os me, o What Oupleage, i Wil Comerio his psho a last,-it illisither extinguishm bein or translate me to another State.
be bi enough to grapple illicit. Vour ind in the meantime, Wili fave hersei by the strength of thought hee undisturbed, and suffer nothing. Andrior Our limbs that lie unde the execution, is the can Complain and mahe ut anything, let them do it. XXXV. To moderate our ambition about fame, Conside thegeneralit of the eopte that are o Commen and ahe notice of you ho insignificant the are, and lio litti in their ursuit andaversions Conside also that as ne eario sand thrown ponanother overs the rst, socii appens in the usines of fame, ne glor eclipses an id ne and the alter age is a sori ofextinguishe to the former. XXXVI. A sayin os lato He that has alsed his in to due pitCh of greatness, that has ooked through the ori Domone en to the ther, an Carrie his te through the whole extento matter an time, do ou imagine suci a ne ili hin humantis an great busin ess Not at ali say the ther man in thedialogue); ha thei Will the ear of eath amici im2 Farfronicit. VXXXVII. There is a great dea o truth in that sentence of Antisthenes That it is the fatem princes tot ill spolieni sortheir good deedS. V XXXVIII. It is a liam that a man hould notae aster of his min as et asi his Countenance that his ill shouldie strongersor his looks than or his thoughis prescribe hat atrie pleage totheirst, and et the ther lie mutinous an ungovernabie.
The old paradOX. Plato De Resubtaci, lib. i.
Eurip. Belleroffi Here the emperor transcribe some sentences os the poets into his commonplace book. Thi advice seems intende sortis son Commodus. Eurip. HI sis. l. Aristoph. Acham si Plato, polo . Arrio . y Plato, Gormas.
with variet os barbarous eople beyon it. Tahe it altogether, iti a Strange medie O business, humour, and condition and et fyou Conside it thoroughly, ou illind the diversit an disagreement of the pari contribute to the beaut of the whole. VL. B lookin bach into history, and Considering the late and
and modest, more resigne and orgiving than yourself. LIV. As longis a man an alie se of his reason, and ac in Concert illi theaOds, he need not question the event. There Canbe no round to SuSpec miSfortune, provide yo stic clos tonature, and manage illiin the Character Ofjohar Condition.
LV. It is alWay and verywhere in Our poWer o resigito thegods, tote justrio manliind, and to examine ver object With that ni Cet a neve tot imposed on. LVI. Neve mahe any amblin inquiries after ther eople'sthoughis, ut loo directi a the mar Whicli natur has et ou. Nature, I say, ither that of the universes orsouriwn Theirstiead yourio submission to ProvidenCe, the lalter o ac as beComesyou. No that whiCh is uitable to the frame and constitutionisthingiis halleComes them To e more particular the res of the worllis designed for the service of rationalleingS, in Con SequenCeof this genera appotniment, by hicli the lower order of things aremad for theras of the more nobie; and rationa Creatures, Standingallipo a levet, are designed for the advantage of eachither. Ow, a beneficent an sociable temper is that hiChauman natur Wasprincipali intende the nexi hin designet in ur ein isto e proo against Corporea impressions It eing the peculiarprivilege of eason to move illiin herself, o fortis against anaSSauli, and not suffer sensation o passion to rea in upon her; for these are bothi animal an inferior quality. ut the under-Standin part laim a right to govern, and wil notiendo matteran appetite. An good eason forcit, sinC She a bor to Command an mahe se of them. The thir main requisite in arational ein is to secure the assent rom rastines an miStake. Let our in but compas these potnis an stic t them, and then sit is mistres of everythin Whichielong to her. LVII. e ought to pend the remainder of ur se a is t
LVIII. et ou late e our inclination, for there is nothing
LIX. When an accident happens, calicio in those ho have
The natur os the universe is God in the language of the Stoics.
LXI. Tahe Care that our motions and gestures may be graVean Composed for the Same at o sense an decency hicli theminu an ut into the face ought to e visibi through the wholebody But then ali his musti done ithout the leas affectation. LXII. The rightanach o living resembles resilin more handanCing for here a man does not know his movement an his measures eforeliand No hecis oblige to stan stron against Chance an SeCure himself a occasion hali offer. LXIII. ellicit seems o destre tot Commended. ut What Sortifieopte are the that mus do ou this hinoness, andio arethei understandings furnished Truly, is o do ut considerthe fige of thei sense and the disorder of thei passionS, O Willpit thei ignorant misbellaviour, an no care a rusti for their approbation. LXIV. It is a sayin o Plato's, that nobod misses the truth bytheir good-will. The fame may be aid illi referenCerio honesty, Sobriely good-nature, and the like. Be particulari Carela toremember his hint for it ill helint SWeeten yOUr temper. LXV. When o lie unde an corpora amiction, et his lenitive e at an to relieve ou that there is no Candat inpain that the overeign par of ou minxi neve the wors for t.
Plato charges ignorance an vice pon the missortune os constitution reducation; lato' Tininus.