장음표시 사용
the leaven of sinne, and iniquitie. As leaven turneththo creatures stom thoir natura, so doth ainno also chango the nature os man hom innocencis to lauis
os Christ's incarnation, doth liko unio him that dothsos th ambos flesh in Water; becauso that wator in this place signifieth mana underatanding; but πεshould understand that ali tho mystoris os Chrisis humanity was ordered by the power of tho holyGhost. And thon eat wo his body rosted withfiro, b auso tho Holy Ghost came in firos lihonessato tho Apostles in divers longues. The Israolites ahould eat tho lambos head, and the sest, and the purienance, and nothing thoreos must be lest ovornight. Is any thing tharsos were test, they did burno that in the firs, and they brahe not the bonos. Aster
hsad whon .s talis hold os Christa divinitio in Ourbelesse. Again; When κε takoios his humanitia Mith love, thon eat wo the lambes sest; becauso that Christ is tho boginning and ond, God basore Hl Worid, and Μ an in tho snd of this worid. What bo tholambea purienance but Christa secret precepis; and theae .s eat when κε receive With greedinesso the
APPENDIX. Mord of liis. Thars must nothing of tho lambo belast unio tho morning, cause that ait Goda sayingsam to M aearched With great carosul nesse: ao that althis precepta maybe knowno in underatanding and deed in tha night of this present liso, besors that the last day of the universali resurrection dos appearo. Is Wacannot aearch out throughly ali tha mysterio os Christa incarnation, then ought πε to betako therest unio tho might of the holy Ghost with truo humilitis, and not to aearch raahly os that daepe secret-nes above tho measuro os our understanding. They