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to speak of many adverse things Which have happened to
and confiscations too, and proscriptions, and spollings os goods, and losses os dignities, and despisings of Worldly honour, and
eontemnings of the laudations of govemors and counciliors, and patient subjections to the threatenings of the adversaries των εναντίων απειλων), and to outcries, and periis, and pe
secutions, and a Wandering lise, and the pressure os dissicuuites, and ali hinds of trouble, such as beseli me in tho timo os Decius and Sabinus,' and such also as I have been sufferingunder the present severities os bEmilianus But where in the worid did Germanus mahe his appearancei and What mention is made of him But I retire from this huge aci offolly into whicli I am suffering myself to fati on account of Germanus; and accordingly I sorbear giving to the brethren, who alaeady have sull knowledge of these things, a particularand deruiled narrative os ali that happened.
Septimum M that es Constantinopte, though these placea mero distanta me miles iram the cities. From thia placo it is iam inferred that in the daya ol Dionysius thero mas stili hut one church iu Alexandria, .here an the brothroti met for devotions. But in the timo of Athana-gius, When severat Gurchea had beon bulli by the various bishops, tho Alexandriana mei in different places, κατὰ μέρος καὶ διηρημένως, ω Athanasius mys in his firat Apology to Constantius ; only that in thooeat festivata, as at the paschal aeason and at Pentecost, the brethrendid not meet separalely, but ali in the larger church, as Athanasius also
λ Maximus, in the scholia to the book of Dionysius tho Areopagite, De
eoelesti hierarchia, ch. b, states that Dionysius was by professiou a rhetor fore hia conversion : o γουν μέγας Διονυσιος ο Ἀλεξανδρέων ἐπίσκοπος, o ἀπο μητορων, Dic.-VALES.
' This Sabinus had Mon prefect of Egypt in the time os Decius ; it is ot
Eusebius, Hist. Melas. U. 1, 10, 23.
under the year 2b7 A.D. , ch. 7. Tho teri is, καὶ τούτων μάλιστα τὰ προ αὐτοῖ ως ούτως ἔσχε συρονοειν' ἔως ηπιος, etc. Gallandi emenda tho sentence thua: καὶ αὐτοῖ τὰ μάλιστα προ τούτων, ως οὐχ ούτως ἔσχε, συννοεῖν, ως ηπιος, etc. Codex
to abandon stat courae, urging him in flay and persecuto thoso pure and holy men as adversaries and obstacles totheir accursed and abominabie incantations. For thero are, indoed, and thero mere men Who, by their simple presenc and by mereb shoming themselves, and by simply breaining and ultering somo Words, have been able to dissipato the artifices of Wiched demons. But he put it into his mind topractiso the impure rites of initiation, and detestable jug-gleries, and execrabie sacrifices, and to flv miserable chiudren, and to mahe oblations of the offspring of unhappysathera, and to divide tho boweis of the ne ly- rn, and tomutilato and cui up tho creatures made by God, as it bysueh means thu' Would attain to blessedness.
Ηs meana tho Emperor Philip, Who, many of tho inolenta have recordeo, mas ins sint of tho Roman emperora to profera tho Christianrision. But aa Dionyalus spinis in the pluria number, to Philip may M added Alexander Severus, Who had an imago of Christ in tho sives of his Larea, as Lampridiua Matifiea, and who favo in and auatainedine Christiana during the wholo period of hia empire. It is to bo noted further, that Dion tua ava of theae emperora oesy that they mere aiadand thought to bo Christiana, not that they Were M in reali .-
Baroniua thinis that this mas that Magus . , a litue While besorotho empiro os Decius, had inested ino Alexandriam to persecuto the Christiana, and of Whom Dionysiua amari in his Epistis to Fabi . What folio a here, hoWever, ahoWa that Macrianus is probably the
and over all. Wherefore he also became an enemy in Hiscatholio church; and besides that, he alienated and estranginhimself smm the mercy os God, and fled to the ulmost possibio distanco from His salvation.' And in this indoed hodemonstrated the reality of the peculiar significance of his
4. And again, after some Other mattera, he proeeeri thu82For Valerian was instigated to these acts by this man, and was thereby exposed to contumely and reproach, according
By the αὐτοῖς some underatand τοῖς βασιλέυσι; ostera bellar, τοις δαίμοσι. According to Valesius, the sense is this: that Macrianus having, by the help and prosages of the demons, attained his hope of empire, mado a due return to them, by aetting Valerian in arma againat tho
Christi S. ἐπὶ των καθόλου λόγων. The Greeha gave thia name to thom ossicia Whom the Latina called rationales, or procuratores summae rei. Under What Emperor Macrianua mas procurator, is test uncertain here. οὐδἐν εὐλογον οὐδἐ καθολικὸν ἐσρόνησεν. There is a play here on insimo senses of the Word καθολικός, M aoen in the ossiciat titis via, καθόλου λόγων, and in the note os character in οὐδε καθολικόν. But it can scarcely be reproduced in the English.' ουαὶ τοις προφητεύουσιν απῶ καρδίας αὐτων καὶ το καθόλου μη βλέπουσιν. The quotation is probably from Egeh. xiii. 3, of which Jerome inves this interpretation: Vae his qui prophetant eae corde suo et omnino
si Robertus Stephanus edita της ἐαυτου εκκλησίας, from his chureli, solio ing tho Codex Hedicaeus. But tho beat manuscripta inve σω
EPISTLE TO HERMAMMON. 233 to the word spolien by the Lord) to Isaiah: μ Yea, thoyhmo chosen their own Ways, and their own abominations in
Isa. lxvi. 3, 4. Christophorsonus refers this in Valerian. But ovidently the ουτος δέ introduces a different subject in Macrianus; and besides, Valeriancould not be aiad to have been originalty unmorthy of the pover Whicli ho aspired to. Joannea Zonaras, in his Annala, states that Macrianus vas lame.' ῶν So Codex Regius reads. But Codicea Mag., Med. , and Fuh. inve ηὐτύχει, in Which he succeeded. 'ε Eusebiua introduees the extrael thus: IIo Dionysius addressedatio an epiaue to Hermammon and tho brothren in Egypt; and alter giring an account of the wiehetares of Decius and his successors, he States many other circumstanees, and also mentions. the Peace of Gallienua. And it is best in hear his own reIation as folio S.
And he was at once an old emperor and a neW; tor he was prior to those, and he also a vived them. To this effect
is at present in a more vigorous and flourishing condition, and is noW seen and heard of at greater distances, and stretches ab ad in every direction. Tun he furiare indieates the Gaet time at whieli he wrote this aeeount, as follam :- d it occurs to me again to revie the dvs os the imperialyears. For I seo that those most implous men, Whose nam may have been once so famous, have in a ahori space bocomenameless. But our more pious and godly prince has passed his septennium, and is noW in his ninst year, in Which are to celebrate the festivat.
Macrianua the father and the two sona Ming slata, the nove ignw of Gallienus mas recogniaed alao among the Egyptia . And then GaIlienus gave a rescript in Dionysiua, Pinna, and Demetrius, bis pa M
EPISTLE XII.-TO THE ALEXANDRIANS.y Eusebius, Hist. Eccles. Vii. 22.
I. other men, indeed, the present state os matters mouidnot appear in offer a fit semon for a festivat: and this cer
Egym, to r eat liin the sacrin placea, boon Which he had granted in the former year. The niuin year os Gallienus, momover, began a utina midinmmer of this year; and the time at Which thia letter Mamriuen is Dionysius, as Eusebius observes, may be gathered hominat, and salla consequently belare the Machia Maaon oi 262 Λ.D.- PQRSON, P. 72. GALL. Eusebius prefacis tho 21at chapter of his aeventh book thus: When maee had Marcely yet Men eatabli ed, he Dionysius) ret nodio Moxandria. But when aedition and war again brohe out, and madeit impossibie lor him to have accem to an tho brethren in that ci , divideo M they then mere into different parties, he addreased them again is an epistis at the passover, as u he vere stili an exile immalaxandria.' Then ho inserta ine viatio to Hierax ; and therealter, in in. xxii., introducea tho present excerpi thua: Alter theae eventa, thepentilenee incce ing the War, and the festivia Ming no. at hand heagain addismed tho brothren by lettera, in Which he gave the solioWing
deseription ol the meat troubles connected vita stat calamiu.' οὐκ ὀπως των ἐπιλυπων is the reading of Codices Mag., Μω., and Savit. ; othera inve, leas correctly, ἐπιλοίπων. ne texi oves, ἀλλ' οὐδ' εἴ τις περιχαρής ον οἰηθεῖεν μάλιστα, Whichia put probably sor the more regular construction, ον osοιντο αν μάλιστα που κα-. Ni Phorus reata, εἴ τις πιρικαρης ων οἰηθείη. The idea is, that the heathen eouid hava no reat festia time. AB Mamna, si o parently most joyous, no lega than those evidently aorroWlul, m t
For thoro is not a house in Whicli there is not one dead. And would that ouen this wero alli 2. Many terribis calamities, it is true, have also besallenus before this. For first they drove us aWay; and though ve mere quite alone, and pursued by all, and in the way os being flain, Wo hept our festivat, even at such a time. Andevery place that had been the scene of some of the succe sive sufferings which beseli any of us, became a seat for our solemn assemblies,-the field, the deseri, the ship, the inn, the prison,-ali althe. Tho most gladsome festival os ali, however, has been celebrated by those perfeci martyrs Wholiave sat down at the feast in heaven. And aster theso things War and famine surprised us. These Were calamities
calamiu truly more dreadful to them than ali other objecta os dread, and moro intolerabis than any other hind of
other ills it proved an instrument for our training and probation. For it by no means hept aloos from us, although it spread With greatest violence among the heathen. To these
tainly very many oi our brethren, While, in their exceedinglove and brotherly-kindness, they did not spare themselves, but hept by each other, and visited the sich Mithout thought of their own peril, and ministered to them assiduousin and
palas derived from othera, and dra ing upon themselves theirnei Murs' diseases, and willingly taking over to their own persons the burden of the sufferings of those around them ἀναμασσόμενοι τὰς ἀλγηδόνας δ). And many who had thus cured others of their sichnesses, and restored them tostrennii, died themselves, haring transferred to their o n dies the Math that lay upon these. And that commonaving, Whicli else seemed alWays in bo only a polite torm of drem,' they expressed in actuat iaci then, as they departed
3 Somo mahe thia equivalent to mitigantes. It meana properly to .ipo in V and - ω become respontible ' for. Hero it is used adiparently to exprem muta the amo idea M tho tWo preceding clausea. μόνης φιλοφροσύν ς ἔχεσθαι. The pMMe πιρίψημα πάντων resera to1 Cor. iv. 13. Valeatus supposea that among the Alexandriana iι may have been a humbio and complimentary form ol salutation, ἐ- ώμι περίψημά σου; or that the expression περίψημα πάντων had come in bohabituat. applied to tho Christiana by the heathen.
EPISTLE XIII.-TO HIERAX, A BISHOP IN EGYPT. Eusebius, Hist. Melas. vii. 21.