Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


EPISTLE TO PHILEMON. 219 and Philemon, Who besoro agreed mith Stephen, and had

on Mot at Ptolemais, a city of Pentapolis, implous and fullos blasphemy against Almighty God and the Father of our H Jesus Christ; fuit of unbellos and perfidy toWaria


I indoed gavo attontion to reading tho books and caretallysindying the traditions of heretios, to the extent indeed os eorrupting my foui With their execrabis opinions; yet receiving rom them this Qvantago, that 1 could refute them in myo- miud, and detested them moro heartily than ever. And hen a certain brother of tho ordor os presbytera Mught in deter me, and Dared test Ι should bo involved in the same iched filthinem, bocauso ho said that my mind would beeontaminat , and indesd with truth, as I myseli perceived, I mas strengthened is a vision that was sent me from God. And a mord spolien to me, expressty commanded me, saying, Mad everything which shali como into thy hands, for thouari fit in do so, Who correctest and provest each one; and hom them to theo first os ali has appeared the cause and the



occasion os belloving. I received this vision as boing What Was in accordance With the apostolic Word, Whicli thus urges ali Who aro endo ed with greator viriue, Be ye shilles


EPISTLE VIII.-ΤΟ DIONYSIUS, AT THAT TIME PRESBYTER OF XYSTUS, AND AFTERWARDS HIS SUCCESSOR. He teaches that Novatim is deservodly to be opposed on account of his schism, on account of his implous doctrine, on account of the repetition ol baptism to thoae Who came to him.

For We rightly repulse Novalian, Who has rent the church, and has drawn away some of the brethren to impiety and blasphemies; Who has brought into the worid a most implous doctrine concerning God, and calumniates our most mercisul Lord Jesus Christ is it He wero unmercisul; and besides ali theso things, holds tho sacred laver as of no effeci, and rejecis it, and overturns faith and confession, Whicli are put sore baptism, and ulterly drives aWay the Holy Spirit iromthem, even ii any hops subsista sither that He would abido in them, or that He should return to them.

EPISTLE IX.-TO POPE SIXTUS II. Ol a man vho Mught to bo introduced to tho Gurch by baptism, although ho said that he had received baptiam, Mith other morda and mattera among the heretica.

the interrogatories and their ans ers, came to me in teara,

and bowalling his lol. And thro ing himseli at my feet, hobegan to contem and to protest that this baptism by whieli he had been initiated among heretics was not of this hiud, nor had it anything Whatever in common Mith this os ours, causo that it was tuli os blasphemy and impiety. And hosaid that his foui Was pierced With a very bitter sense of mrro' and that he did not dare even to liti up his ves to


222 THE MORKS OF DIONYSIUS. God, hecauso he had been initiated by thoso wiched Wortiand things. Where foro he besought that, is this purest laver, he might bo endowed with adoption and grace. AndI, indeed, have not dared to do this; but I havo said that the

Decius Was determined upon, Sabinus at that very hour senta certain Frumentarius' in mae aearch for me. And Ι3 οὐδεμίαν - ἐμαντον βαλλόμενος. In codex h. and in insmmmcon es Syncellus it is ἐπ' ἐμαυτρ. In Codicea vix and Med. itis επ' -αὐτόν. Herodotus employa the phraso in the genitivo form- βαλλόμενος εφ' εαυτου πέπρηκε, Le. se*3um in consilium adlisbens, sua Fonte et proprio motu fecit.' ἀλλα καὶ πρότερον. Christophorsonus and othem join the πρωρεν


remained in tho housst for Aur days, expecting the arrival of this Frumentarius. But he went about examining ali oster places, the mads, the rivera, the fields, Where he suspected that I aliouid either conceat myseli or traves. And he was amitten Missi a Lind of bliudness, and never lighted on thohouse; for he novis supposed that I should taro at homo heu under purauit. Then, barely aiter the lapse of Aurdus, God giving me instruction to remove, and opining the way for me in a manner Myond ali expectation, mydomestica and I, and a considerable number of the brethren, effected an exit together. And that this mas brought about by the providencs of God, Was made plain by What followed:

in .hich also Wo have been perhaps of somo service in certain parties. 2. Then, after a eertain breia, he narrates the eventa .Heli

ith me, by the soldiera, and was carried oss to Tapostris. But by tho providence of God, it happenod that Timotheus as not present With me then, nor indeed had he been apprehendod at all. Reaching the place later, he found the ho edesisted, and ossicials h ping guard over it, and o solves

3. And after some Other mattera, he proereri thua:- d.hat vas ins method of this mar vellous disposition os Provi- neo in his case For the real facts shali ho related. When Timotheus Was fleeing in great perturbation, he was met' bya man iram the munim. This person asked the reason for


224 THE MO S OF DIONYSIUS. his haste, and lio told him the truth plainly. Then theman he was On his way at the time to tahe part in certain marriago festivities; for it is their custom to spend the

his courae to the scene os the rejoicings, and went in and narrated the circumstances to those Who Were seated at the


Iolly and sensetessness, placed as I am under the necessityos giving a narrative of the wonderfui dispensation os Gossis providencs in Our case. Since, hoWever, as one sus, it ismod in heep close the secret os a Ling, but it is hono abloto reveat the works os God, I shali come to closo quartersinth tho violence of Germanus. I came to Emilianus notatone; for there accompanted me also my c presbyter Μaximus, and the deacons Faustus and Eusebius and Chaeremon ;and ono ol the brethren who had come from Rome went also

othera Mould also sollow me in thati But I answered himnelther unreason ly nor in many Words, μ We must obeyGod rather than men.'' Ilorisver, I testified openly that I morshipped the only true God and none other, and that I eould netther alter that position nor ever cease to be a Christian. Thereupon he ordered us to go aWay to a villagenear the deseri, called Cephro. 5. Ηear also the words Whicli mere ultored by both os uscis they have been put on record υπεμνηματίσθη . When Dionysius, and Faustus, and Maximus, and Marcellus, and

Tobit xii. 7. το τώλευταῖον ἐπὶ το πρωτον ἀνατρεχοντι, Le. to begin by interdictingtiis frum holding Cbristian assemblim, While the great question Maa.hether ho mas a Christian at all, Would have been to place fiαι What



but you shali be despalched to tho paris of Libya, and setiled in a place called Cephro: for of this placo I havo


io more Libyanaiis districis; and he gave orders to draW allis every direction into the Mareotic territor' and assigned villages to eata paru throughout the count . But he issuedinstructions that we should bo localed specialty by ths publiemay, so that me might also be the fidit to M apprehended ημας δὲ μαλλον ἐν ὀδω και πρώτους καταληφθησομένους eταξεν); for ho evidently made his arrangements and plans

Misa es tho Methren before the persecution brae ovi, and of racter Providiu for hia oo salely is moti For When persecution buret onthem, tho Hahopa mero uont firat to eonvene the people, in order toe ori them in hold fast tho fatin es Chriat; then infandi and eatechumena mere baptizod, to provido againat inela departing this life mithout hamiam, and tho Euchariat mas oven to the faithfui. ALER



region was one destitute of brethren, and even os men os character, and one exposed to the annoyances of travellers

our sacred assemblies on a more extensive Scale, yet there,on the other hand, as the city Was in the nearer vicini , Wecould enjoy more frequently the figlit os those Who vero thereatly beloved, and in closest relationship With us, and dearestio us: for these Would come and tahe their rest among us, and, as in the more remote suburbs, there Would bo distinctand special meetings.' And thus it turned out. 8. Then, after 8ome Other mattera, he sives again tho Dἰ-

τα Κολλουθμος, supplying μέρη, M Dionyalus has Hready used inophraso τα μέρη της Λιβύης. Thia Was a district in tho Mareotio prefec

ture. Thua Wo have mention miae iam os τὰ Βουκόλου, a certain tract

in Egypt, deriving ita namo Dom the old mastera of the Mil. Nicephorus writea Κολούθιον, πhich is proh ly more correct; lor Κολλουθίων is a derivativo from Colutho, Which mas a common name in Egypti Thus a certain poet oi noto in the times of Anastasius, Mi ging to the Thebaid, Waa ao named, m Suidas informa us. There mas also a Coluthus, a certain schismatic, in Εgnt, in the timea os Athanasius, Who is mentioned osten in the Apologia; and Gregory oi Nysaa names him Acoluthus in his Contra Eunomium, book ii.-YALES.' κατα μέρος συναγωγαί. When the suburba mero ameWhat distant from tho city, tho brethren resident in them mere not compelled toattend the meeungs of the larger church, but had mistinga of their omnin a b ilica, or somo bullding suit te for the purpoae. The Grecta, i , gaVe the name προαστειον to Placea at wme considerable distancolaom the city, as Weli as in suburba immodialely connected mith it Thus Athanasius cassa Canopus a προαστειον; and so Daphne is spinenol M the προα-ειον of Antioch, Achyrona as stat os Nicomedia, and Dj0jtjgsd by OOOle