Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


As tho case stands thus, me mae the following statementand explanation to those Who seeli an Oxact account of the

-ε reprehend as remiis and intemperate, and as almost



CANON II. The question touching Women in the time of their separ tion, Whether it is proper sor them When in such a conditionto entor tho house of God, Ι consider a superfluous inquio. For I do not thinh that, ii they are belleving and pious Women, they will themselves be rash enough in such a conditioneister to approach the holy table or to inuch tho body and blood of the Lord. Certainly the woman who had the issue

ller cure.' For to pray, hoWeVer a person may be silualed, and to remember the Lord, in Whatever condition a person

may be, and to offer up petitions sor the obtaining of help,

To these canona are appended the commenta ol Balsamon ana Zonaraa, Which it is not necessary to give here. η Matti ix. 20; Line viii. 43.


Referring to the relationa ol marriage, deest viis in 1 Cor. vii. 5,



1. But it Would be a superfluous tash for me to mentionis name our martyr frien , Who are numerous and at thesame time unknown to you. Only underatand that thyinclude men and women, both young men and old, bothmaidens and aged matrons, both soldiers and private citigens, Very elass and every age, of Whom some have sus red bystripes and fire, and some by the sWord, and lime mon the victory and received their crowns. In the case of othera, hoWever, even a very long lilatime has not proved sumetonito secure their appearance as men acceptable to the Lord; asindeed in my own case too, that suffcient time has not aho nitself up to the present. Wheresoro He has preserved mct foranother convenient season, of which Ηo knowa Himself, as ΗΘ says: In an acceptable timo have I heata thoo, and

2. Since, hoWever, you have been inquiring out Whathas besallen us, and wish to be informed as to how - have fared, you have got a fuit repori of our fortunes; hoW when W-that is to say, Gaius, and myself, and Faustus, and Peter, and Paul-were ted ost as prisonem by tho centurionand tho magistrates,' and tho soldiers and oster attendandi


' στρατηγων. Christophorsonus mould read στρατηγου, in the aenaeos commander. But the word is usod here of the duumviri, or magistrates of Alexandria. And that tho mord στρατηγός mas used in thiaeivsi acceptation, as Wolt aa in the common militata application, me meis many examples in Athanarius, Ammianus Marcellinus, and oster Thus, as Valesius remaris, the soldiers στρατιωτων) here mill bo thoband with tho centurion, and the attendandi υπηρετων) Will be thooivit foliomers of the magistrates.



aceo anying them, there came upon us certain parties hom Mareotis, Who dramed us With them against our Wis, and though Me mere disinclined is follom them, and carriodus aWay by sores ;y and hoW Gaius and Peter and myself havo been separatia hom our other brethren, and shut up alone in a d eri and sterile place in Libya, at a distance of threeta ' journey Dom Paraetonium. 3. And a tutis furiare on, he proeeeri thraa: nd they comemted themsolves in tho city, and secretly Visited tho brethran. I reser in tho presbytera Maximus, Dioscorus, Demetrius, and Lucius. For Faustinus and Aquila, Who are persons of greater prominence in the Woriri are Wandering about in Egypt. I specisy also the deacons Who suoived those whodied in the sichness, viz., Faustus, Eusebius, and Cha remon. And of Eusebius I speah as one Whom tho Lord strengthened hom the beginning, and qualified for the t h

Thia ha enod in tho fini persecution under Decius, vhen Dion ius .as earriod ofi by tho decision of tho prefeci Sabinus to Ta atria, Mhe informa ua in his optatio to Germanus. Certa ly any ono comparea that epistio es Dion ius to Germanus With thia one to Domitius, .iss have no do i that he speisa ol one and the fame event in both. Beneo Eusebina is in error in iniuring that in thia epistie of Dionysiusto Domitiua me have a narrative of the eventa relating to the pera cution es Valerian, possition Which may many bo refuted hom Dionysius himaeis. For in the persecution under Valerian, Dion tua πω -ι --ed off into exile under military custody, nor vere there any menlroin Mareotia, Who eamo and Move ost ins soldiera, and boro his a vnn illi in and aet his at liberty again; nox had Dionysius in thato Mion ine presbytera Galaa and Faustus, and Petor and Paul, misthim. Ut ineas thinga tappenin to Dionysius in that persecution.hita binan a lituo boloro Docius obtainin the empire, M he testines himself in his optaue to Germanua. But in the persecution under Valeriam Dionyai accompanted in exile by the presbyter Maximus, and tho deamna Faustus, and Eusebius, and Chaeremon, and a certain Roman eleris, he tella ua in the epiaue to Germanus. ALESIUS. ἐν τῆ -φ. Rufinus reaci νησφ, and rendera i But of the deam , mmo died in the taland alter the pians es confession. But Dion tua resora to tho pestilenoe Which traversed the wholo Roman.orid in tho timis of Gallus and Volusianus, M Eusebius in his Chroni-eon and othera remes. See Aurelius Victor. Dionysius moes mentiones ista iactarea again in ino Machia epistis to the Alexandriana, Whorehe also spinis of the deacona Who vere cut oll by that plague.-VALES.Dj0jtigod by OOOle



of discliarging energeticatly the services due to the confessors Who Wero in prison, and of executing the perilous ossice of dressing out and bu ingy the bodies of thos sected and blessed martyrs. For even up to the present duthe governor does not cerae to put to death, in a cruei manner, as I have atready said, Some of thoso Who arebrought besors him ; While he wears othera out is torture, and wastes others away Willi imprisonment and bonti, commanding also that no one stiali approach them, and mahingstrici scrutiny lest any one should be seen to do so. Andnevertheless God imparis reliei to the oppressed by the tender hindnem and earnesinem of the brethren.

ὸ περιστολὰς ἐάτελειν. Christophorsonus rendera it: to prepare thesinen elotha in Which tho hodies of the hiemed martyre .ho departinctis life might he wrapped.' In this Valesius thinha he erra by loohingat the modern method ol buriat, Whereas among the ancient Christianaine custom Was RomeWhat different, the hodiea heing dismed out in fullattire, and that osten at great coat, as Eusebius ahoWa ua in the mae of tyrius, in the Hist. Eccles. vii. 16. Yet Athanaaius, in his Line of Antonius, has thia sentence : The Egyptiana aro accustomed to attendpio ly to tho lunerata es the bodies of the dead, and repecialty those of the holy martyra, and to wrap them in linen clotha: they aro not ont, hoWever, to conaim them to the earth, but to place them onmuches, and heep them in private aparimenta. Jerome, in his Catalogus, Whero he adduces the Minning of this opisile, oves Novatianus for Novatus. So in the Chronicon os Georgius Syncellua me have Διονυσιος Νανατιαν-. Rufinua' account appeam tobo that there mere imo suta epistiea, ne to Novatua, and another in Novatianus. The confounding of theae t o forma Mems, ho ever, tohave been frequent among the Greeri.


sion of the church, Would not have been moro inglorious1han one endured sor refusing to morallip idols; δ nay, in myopinion at least, the sormer Would have been a nobier thingthan the lalter. For in the one case a person gives such a testimony simply sor his own individual foui, Whereas in tho

1. The persecution With us did not commenco with tho imperial ediet, but preceded it by a Whole year. And a ce lain prophei and p t, an enemy to this ci ,' Whatever elsehe mas, had previousty roused and exasperated against us themasses of tho heathen, inflaming them aneW with the fresos their native superstition. Excited by him, and findingsuli liber sor the perpetration Oi Wichedness, they rechonedλ We read, missi Gallandi, και ην οὐκ ἀδοξοτέρα της ενεκεν του μη ἰδωλολατοευσω sio γινομDης, η Dεκεν του μη σχίσαι μαρτυρία. This is substanti the massing of threo Venotian codices, as also of Sophroni onJeromela De vir. illustr. ch. 69, and Georgius Syncellus in the Chronogr. p. 374, and Nicephorea Calliat. Hist. Eccles. vi. 4. Pearson, in the Annales Cyprian. Num. x. p. 31, proposea δυσαι for σχισαι. Rufinus rendera it: et erat non inserior gloria sustinere martyrium ne scindatur ecclesia quam est illa ne idolia immoletur. Certain codicea read Fabianus, and that form is adopted also by Rufinus.

Eusebius introduces this epistie inus: Tho fame author, in an epistie .rium in Fabius bishop ol Antioch. oves tho fosso ing accountes the oonflicta of thoso vho sufferod martyrdom at Alexandria. ' καὶ φθασας ὀ κακων, etc. Pearson, Annales Cyprian. ad ann. 249, 3 1, rendera it raster inua: et praevertena malorum huic urbi vates et auctor, quisquis ille fuit, commovit,' etc. Disitigod by OOOle


.ith tho eommon usage of διαδέχομαι. ἀσκωλίαν του πρὸς ἡμας θυμου λαβόντων. The Latin Verrion oves, dum illorum magaret furor.' W. Lo in rendera, dum non Vacaretipata lurorem suum in noE exercere.'



modated themsolves to the decree in fear det ντων δεδιότες ;others, Who mere engaged in the public service, Were draminio compliance by the very necessities of their officiat dulios; others were dragged on to it by their sriends, and on beingcalled by name approached the impure and unlioly sacrifices; othera yielded pale and trembling, as is they were not to offer sacrifice, but to bo themselves the sacrifices and victima forthe idols, so that they were jeered by the large multitudo Sur unding the scene, and made it plain to ali that they

λείας as signibing a change in the emperor's minil toWard the Christiana, in Which error he is followed by Baronius, ch. 102.-VALES. In this sentence the Codex Regius reias, et o προρρηειν υπο του Κυρίου ημων παραβραχύ τὰ φοβερωτατον, etc. the one intimated heloretimo

by Our Lord, very nearly the most terribie one. In Georgius Synoelluait is inven ἡ παρὰ βραχύ. But the reading in the texi, ἀποφαῖνον, Aetling forin,' is found in tho Codices NM., Med. , Fuh., and Savilii; and it Mems the best, tho idea heing that this edici os Decius Was soterribie M in a certain me ure to represent tho moat fear ut os ali times, vig. those of Antichriat. ALES. OI δε δημοσιεύοντες ὐπο των πράξεων ηγοντο. Thia is rendered by Christophorsonus, alii ex privatis aedibus in publicum raptati ad delubra ducuntur a magistratibus. But δημοσιεύοντες is the same asτὰ δημοσια πράττοντες, Le. decurions and magistrates. For When theedici os Decius Waa conveyed to them, commanding ali to sacrifice totho immortal goda, these ossiciata had to convene themaelves in tho mur houae M usual, and stand and sisten While tho decree πω bring publiebrecited. Thua they mero in a position ossicialty vhich led them to bothe sint to sacrifice. The word πράως occura osten in the senae of thoacis and administration es magistratis: thus, in Eusebius, viii. 11; in Aristides, in tho funerat oration on Alexander, τα δ' εἰς πράξεις τε

πολιτείας, etc. There are similar passages also in Plutarch. Πολιτικὰ παραγγἐλματα, and in Severianus'a fixa oration on tho Hexameron.