Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


beon Christians at ali besore; of Whom our Lord's propheticdeclaration holds most true, that it will be hard for suchto be saved. οξ the rest, some followed one or other of these parties Hready mentioned) ; and some fled, and somewere Miged. And of these, some Went as far in heepingtheir salth) as bonds and imprisonment; and certain personsumong them endured imprisonment even sor severat days, and then astor ali abiured the faith beiore coming into the muri os justice; Whils others, aster holding out against the torture sor a time, sank beiore the prospect oi further


5. But there Were also others, stediast and blessed pillars of the Lord, Who, receiving strength irom Himself, and obtaining pomer and vimur Worthy of and commensurate withtho fores of tho saith that was in themselves, hine proved admirabio witnesses sor His kingdom. And of these tho first

mediately dented Christ); but the other, a person Iaamed

Cronion, and surnamed Eunus, and together With him theaged Julianus himself, confessed the Lord, and were carrie lon camels through the whole city, Whicli is, as you kno , a very large one, and were scourged in that elevated position, and finalty wero consumed in a tremendous fire, while the hole populace surrounded them. And a certain soldier who Mood by thom When they Mere led aWay to execution, and who opposed the wanton insolence of the people, Was pudisved by the outeries they raised against him; and this most coura ous soldier os God, Besas by name, Was arraigned;

riona τοὐς τὰ πιλιτικὰ πράττοντας. The MOH δημοσιεύοντες, hoWeVer,

may alao be explesned of thoae employed in the deparimenta ol law orsnanee; so that the clauae might be rendered, Mith Valesius: alii, qui in publico versabantur, robus ipsis et reliquorum exemplo, ad sacrifieandum ducebantur.' Me tho note in Migne. ἰσχυριζομενοι here sor διῖσχυριζομενοι.-VALΕs. 3 προς το απειπον. It may also mean, renounced the laith in


210 THE MORAS OF DIONYSIUS and aster bearing himself most nobiy in that mictu conflicton bohali os pie , he was beheaded. And another individual,

who was by birili a Libyan, and who at onee in name and in real blessedness Was also a true Macar a blessed one in , although much was tried by tho judge is persuade hii tomaho a dental, did not yield, and was consequently burnedative. And these Mero succeeded by Epimachus and me ander, Whο, aster a long time' spent in chains, and aster sussering countiem agonies and inflictions of tho acraper ξυστηρας and the s urge, Were also burni in astas in animinense fire.

6. And along with these thero mere four Women. Among them Was Ammonarium, a pious Virgin, Who Was torturedior a very long time by the judge in a most relenums ma ner, because Ahe declared plainly from tho fidit that shewould ulter nono of the things which he commanded her torepeat; and after she had made good her profession ine Wasled off to execution. The others were the most venerable and aged Mercuria, and Dionysia, Who had been the mother of many children, and yet did not love her Ompring bellis inanher Lota.' These, when the governor mas ainamed in subjeci them any surther to profitiem tormenta, and thus in Mehimseli beaten by Women, died by the sWord, Without more experience of tortures. For truly their champion Amm narium lita received tortures for them all. 7. Heron alis, and Ater,' and Isidorus,' Who Were Egyin

Georgius Syncessus, read μετ ου πολυν, after a ahori time. . Hero Valesius adda from Rufinus the moria και Ἀμμωνάριον σερα, and a seconi Ammonarium, there are four Women mentioned.

' In Georgius Syncellus and Nicephorus it is oven as Asteri Rufinus malim the name Arianus. And in the old Roman martyrology, inhonlargely imm Rufinus, .e find the form Argentus.-VALES. si In his Bibliotheca, cod. cx ., Photius alatea that Isidorus mas suilbrother to Pierius, tho celebrated head of tho Alexandrian school, and his colleague in martyrdom. He also intimates, hoWever, that Althoughsomo have reported that Pierius ended his career by martyrdom, othurnaay that he spont the closing period of his life in Rome aster the pex


tieither submittin to his persuasions nor gave Way to his terrore. And the rest, aiter their dies had Men laceratod

ineless been maintained, ho consigned also in the flames. t Dioscorus he dismissed, Wondering at tho distinguishinappearanco he had made in public, and at the extremo mi dom os the ansWers he gave to his interrogations, and d elaring that, on account of his age, he granted him surthortime for repentanee. And this most godly Dioscorus is missius at present, inreying ior a greater conflici and a more longthened contest. Α certain person of the name os Nemesion, too, Who Was also an Egyptian, Mas salsely a Eused of bring a companion os robbera; and astor ho hadelearia himseli of this charge before the centurion, and proved it to M a most unnatural calumny, he was informia against as a Christian, and hia to come as a prisoner besoret governor. And that most unrighteous magistrato inflictedon him a punishment twice as severe as that to which ther bera mere subjected, mahing him suffer both tortures indamurgings, and then consigning him to the fire botweon therobbere. Thns the blessed martyr Was honoured aster the Patiem os Christ.

8. There Was also a body of soldiere,' including Ammon, and Zeno, and Ptolemy, and Ingenuus, and along With theman old man, Theophilus, who had taken up their position in

a mam in front of tho tribunal; and when a certain person

συοαγμα, ορατιοσιών. Rufinus and C atophoreonna maho itrermam militum. Valesius prefera manipulum or contubernium. Theso



was standing his trial as a Christian, and was atready inclining to mahe a dental, these stood round about and mound their ieeth, and made signf with their faces, and stretchedout their hands, and made ali manner of gestures Withtheir bodios. Αnd whilo tho attention os ali was directod

selves to bo Christians, and made such an impression that thogovernor and his associates mero filled mith fear; and thois Who mere under trial seemed to be most courageous in tho

prospect of What they Were to suffer, While the judges them-selves trembled. These, then, Went With a high spirit fromthe tribunals, and exul ted in their testimony, God Himselfcausing them to triumph gloriously.

9. Moreover, others in large numbers were torn Munder bytho heathen throughout the cities and villages. of one of these I shali give some account, as an example. Ischyrion served one os the rulers in the capacity of steWard sor sintsdWages. His emplVer ordered this man to offer sacrifice; andon his refusal to do so, he abused him. When ho persisted in his non-compliance, his master treated him With contumely;

I mention the multitudes of thoso who had to wandor about in desert places and upon the mountains, and who mero cutoss by hunger, and thirst, and cold, and sichness, and robbera, and wild beasta Tho furvivors of such are the witnesses of their election and their victo . one circumstance, homever, I shali subjoin as an illustration of these things. There Was a certain Very aged person of the name of Chaeremon,


thing of them, although they made frequent search; and th

never could find either the men themselves, or their bodies. Many Were also carried ost as flaves by the barbarous Saracens y to that fame Arabian mount. Some of these Wero

experieuce of them. 10. Those satiated martyrs, accordingly, Who Were Once Withus, and Who noW are seated with Christ,' and aro fharors in

Who aci as His judiciat assessors,si received there certain os tho brethren who had fallen aWay, and who had hecomoehargeablo with sacrificing to the idols. And as they saWthat tho conversion and repentance of such might be accept-3 - Ἀράβιον ορος. There is a Mons Arabios mentioned is Herodotus T 83, .HAE Ptolemy and othera cali Mona Troicus. A S. Thia passage is notabio from the faci that it m ea mention of tho Saraee . For ol the vestera Whoso Worha have eomo domn to ua therois none more ancient than Dionysiua of Alexandria that haa named tho Saracena. Ammianus Marcollinus, hoWever, uritea in his fourteenth oh that he has mado mention of tho Saracena in the Acta os Marcus. Spartianus algo mentiona the Saracens in his Niger, and mya that tho Roman soldiere vere beaten by them.-VALES.

to the marum' immediate departure to the Lord, and their ahodemith Him, aes Tertullian, On tae Resurrection os tae Fleah, ch. xliii , and On the Mul, v. 55. at the martyra mero to. M Christya assessors, judong tho morid ith Him, Waa a common opinion among the fathera. So, aiter Dionysius, Eulogius, biinop of Alexandria, in his filth book, Againat the Novatians. Photius, in his Bibliothees, lolloming Chrysostom, objecta to thia, ande laina Paulla morda in 1 Cor. vi. 2 M having the mme intention as riat, morda touching the men ol Nineveh and the queen of the muta. ould riae up in the judment and condemn stat generation. - συνδικαζοmo See a nobio passage in Bosauet, Presae. svr rhoea




man was sicli, and was consequently unable in come. But


viri: των λίων δωρων της μεταδοσεως ἀξιουσθαι καὶ οὐτως ἀφιεσθαι, ho

deemed vorthy of tho imparting of the divino guta, and thua bo -




In addition to ali these, he writes lilio iso to Cornelius at Rome, after receiving his Epistio against Novatus. Andin that letter lio also fhows that he had been invited by

Helenus, bishop in Tarsus os Cilicia, and by the othera Whowere With him-namely, Firmilian, bishop in Cappadocia,

and Theoclistus in Palestino-to meet them at tho Councit os Antioch, Where certain persons Uere attempting to estabiisti the schism os Novatus. In addition to this, he writos that itWas reportod to him that Fabius Was dead, and that Demetrianus Was appotnted his successor in the bishoprie of thechurch at Antioch. He writes also respecting the bishop in Jerusalem, expressing himself in these very words: Andtho blossed Alexander, having been cast into prison, Went tollis rest in blessedness.

λ ομολογηειναι. Langus, Wolfius, and Musculus render it confieri, consem.' Christophorsonus mahea it in numerum confessorum referri,


Underatand, hoWcver, my brother, that ali tho churches Iocated in the east, and also in remoter districis,' that were formerly in a stato os division, are noW made One again ;' and ali those at tho head of the churches everyWhere are ofone miud, and rejoico exceed ingly at the peace Whicli hasbeen restored beyond ali expectation. I may mention Demetrianus in Antioch ; Thooctistus in Caesareia; Magabanes in Elia,' the successor of the deceased Alexander ;' Marinus in Tyre ; Heliodorus in Laodicea, the successor of the deceased

Thelymidres; Helenus in Tarsus, and with him est thechurches of Cilicia; and Firmilian and ali Cappadocia. ForI havo named only the more illustrious of the bishops, so as

In the second chapter of tho seventi, book of his Ecclesiastical mstom, Eusebius avs: To this Stephen Eusebius Wrote tho sint os his ematim on the matter of baptism. ' And ho calla thia the frat, becauso Dionyalus also vrote oster four episties to Xystus and Dionysius, tWo of the successors ot Stephen, and to Philemon, On the fame subject oline baptizing of heretim.-GALLANDI. Eusebius introduces tho lettor thua: When he had addressed many reasonino on this subject to him Stephen) by letter, Dionysius at laat ahomed him stat, as the persecution had abaled, the churchea in au parta oppoaed in the innovations os Novatus mere at peace among

καὶ ἔτι προσωτέρω. These Words are omitted in Codices Fulli. and Saviu, as also is Christophorsonus; but are given in Codicea Reg., Maz., and Hed., and by Syncellus and Nicephorus. Baronius infora leom this epistic that at this date, about 259 A.D. the Oriental biinops had given up their error, and fallen in mith Stephenla opinion, that heretica did not require to be rebaptized, an inferen , ho ever, Which Valesius deema false. - The narue Maimod by the pagana to Jerusalem maa AElia. It masao eassed even in Constantino'a time, M me Eee in the Tabula Peutin- serorum and the Itinerarium Antonini, initten alter Constantine's reim. In the aevonth canon os the Nicone Councit me also find the namo AElia.' The morda κοιμηθέντος are given in the texi in connectionvith the clause Μ Ανος is Τυρμ. They must be transpos , hoWever, asin the translation ; for Hagabanos hin succe ed Alexander the biinopol AElia, as Dionysius informa us in his Epiaue to Cornelius. So Rufinua puta it also in his Latin version.-VA S. Disjtjgod by OOQ le



notther to malis my epistie too long, nor to render my di course too heavy sor you. All the districis of Syria, howevor, and of Arabia, to the brethren in Which you frem timoto timo have been forWarding suppliesy and at present have sent letters, and Mesopotamia i , and Pontus, and Syria, anil, to speah in brief, ali parties, are everyWhere rejoicingat tho unanimi and brotherly love no tablished, and am gloriWing God for the fame.

EPISTLE VI.-TO POPE FIXTUS. Dionysius mentiona lettera that had been written is him men to tho Presbytera Dionysius and Philemon as to Pope Sisphen, on thebaptism ol heretica and on the Sabellian hereV.

Helanus and Firmilianus, and about ali Who mero esta lished throughout Cilicia and Cappadocia, and ali the neigh- bouring p Vinces, giving them to underetand that for that fame reason he would depari from their communion, causothoy ro-baptized heretics. And consider tho seriousness of the matter. For, indeed, in the most considerable counciis