장음표시 사용
ali tho apostles, that am not meet to bo called an apostle.
smahing in me' ' and when lis expresses himself in similartems, of Whicli me havs Hready spolien above. Thus, tοο, ho seias his testament for us as for his salthsui heira, and like a fallier ho addresses us in these mords in his Epistio
3 Aedi ix. 15. Rom. H. 15, 16. Rom. ix. I. ' Rom. xv. 18. 1 Cor. H. 9, 10. Archelaus hero iure novissimus omnium apostolorum ' for tho ελακιστω of tho Greta, and the minis of the Vulgate.' Massing magnifieo honore' lor the magnifico hoc ore' ol tho
to tho Corinthians: μ Ι dplivered unio you firet os ali stat whieli I also received, hoW stat Christ died for our sim ad- cording to the Scriptures; and that He Was buriel and that He rose again the thies day according to tho Scriptures; and
that He Was seen os Cephas, then os the eleven apostles sum decim apostolis et alter that He Was seen os abovo five hundriabrethren at onm ; of Whom the greater pari remala unis this present, but some are fallen asi p. Aster that he was semos James; then os ali tho apostles. And last os ali hs Wasseen os me also, as os one bom out os duo time. For I intho last os the apostles. There re, Whether it Were Ι orthen so We preach, and so Π helieod. d again, indelivering over to his heira that inheritanco Which he galaedfiret himself, he says: μ But Ι fear, test by any means, astho serpent bemiled Eve through his subtil , so Dur tantishould bo corrupted from tho simplici that is in Christi For ii ho that cometh proacheth another Christ Christum), Whom We have not preached, or is ye receive another Spirit, Which ye have not received, or another gospei, Which ye have not accepted, ye might weli bear mith him. For I supposethat I did nothing tres for Du than tho other apostlas' nihil minus feci vobis a eoeteris apostolis '
And once more, in another place, he declaros os himself thathe was a minister es Christ more than ali othera: as thoughater Um none other Was to be looked sor at Hl; for he en-joina that not even an anges hom heaven is thus to be received. d hoW, then, shail Wo credit tho professions os this Manes, ho comes fram Persis,q and declaros himself to bo tho
shali depari hom tho salth, oving heed is seducing spiriis, and doctrines of deviis; spe ing sies in hypocrisy; haring
Massing percipiendum Min the Vulgate. But the codex Casine ia
chambers; bellovo it not.' ' And yet, aster ali theso dire tions, this man, Who has neither sigii nor portent of any kindio stlow, Who has no assinity to exhibit, Who never even hina place among the number of the discipies, Who nevis mas a sollower os our departed Lord, in Whoso inheritance me rejoice,-this man, I say, although he never at d by our Lord in His Woahness, and although he never came for ardas a Witness os His testament, yea rather, although he nevercamo even Within the acquaintance of those who ministeredio Him in His sichness, and, in fine, although he obtaius the testimony of no person Whala ver, destres us to belleve this prosession Whicli ho mahes of being the Paraclete;
stili havo to rechon you a salse Christ, and a false prophe according to the Scriptures. And thereiore it is Heli forus to act With the greater caution, in accordance With thowarning Whicli the sainted apostle oves us, When, in the epistie which he wroto to the Colossians, he speata in tho
deceth aster the rudiments of the worid, and not alter
head.' M And aster ali these matters have been thus car
os inal to his testament: μ Ι have fought a good fight, I
faith of Christ. Yea, even although you Wero to Work si Sand Wonders, although you mere to raise the dead, althoughyou mere to present to us the Very image of Paul himself, you onld remain accursed stili, o Satan.' For Wo havo been instrected beforeliand with regard to Four Wo have been bothmamed and armed against you by the holy Scriptures. Youare a vemel of Antichrist; and no vesset os hono , in sooth, but a mean and base one, used by him M any barbarian ortyrant may do, Who, in attempting to mahe an inmadon a peopte living under the righteousness of tho laws,'senda fome select Vesset on besoreliand, as it wero destinedio death, with the vie os finding out the exact magnitude and character of the strennii possessed by the legitimatoking and his nation : for the man is too much ahaid to mahetho inroad himself wholly at unaWares, and ho also lacha
' The codex Casinentia has Galatam facies vicit, o nostras feras, lor .hiis me adopi tho correction, Galatam facies, nec ita nos. The Codex Caainentia invis anathema eam an UAE may bean error, either lor anathema es, Satana,' or lor anathema ea et
has de alched you in a similar character, and is it vere destined is death, in us Who ars a peoplo plaeed under the
entilled in enterlata such sentiments concerning u. Fae e are given to. underetand beiorehand that tho dsvil timself is to be transformed into an anget os light, and that his servandi are to mahe their appearanco in similar gesse, and that they are in Work signs and wondere, insomuch stat,
to all, and knowa ait Ends os longues, and has undeditand-ing oi est things, and is made ali things to ali men, so that the very thoughts of the heari cannot escape His cognizanest. For What says the Scripturo That every man heard the
apostles speis in his OKn langvago throuo the Spirit, st.
Paracleis.' in But Why should I say mors on this subject Barbarian ' priest and cxasty coadjutor of Mithras, you Willonb M a Worshipper of the sumgod Mithras, Who is the illuminator os places of mystio impori, as Du opine, and theminconsciuus dei eo elumi; that is, you Will spori as his Woeshippera do, and you Will celebrate, though mith leas et gance as it Were, his mysteri But Why should I talio allinis so indignantly Is it not accordant Mith ali that is
isech by that terror of arrogance in Which ho entrenches himaali, and emplaying threatenings against othera, and mahing ori of them by the changing of his countenancis and his
Massing barbare, for Which tho teri offers barba. In this sentenco tho senso is some hat obscura, in consequenm esino meruptiona of tho teri in tho codex. Wo adopi tho emendationa Ioctorum mysticorum' sor mysteriorum, and apud eos Iudes' lor ludis. In tho end of tho clauso Μigne ovea, as in the translation, et tanquam minus elegans,' etc. But Muth reada mimus m and like an elegant pantomimist, etc. ε Tho Codex Casinensis ovea tho senteneo thua: M. . . QVeniat' suseitana mortuos ' pene usque ad gehennam omnes persequens, qui si ut ιε eram noluerit, plurimos deterrena arrogantiae metu, Quod eat two cireum tua, aliis adhibet minas vultus aut conversione circumdatio
Iudificat.' Tho emendationa adopted by Migno and Muth constat in removing theso tWo interrogativo marhs, and in re ing qui sibi lar quias κε, noluerint for noluerit, quo est for Quod eat, adhibens for adhibet, ander circumductione ludi ans for the laat ino Worda.
the opposite appears eVer to be the case, the person can only
i The senso is again obscuro inmughout this sentence, o ing to thostato of tho texti The codex oves ua this clause, nulli alio atque s terum,' etc., for Which nulli alii aeque in posterum ' is proposed. 1 Cor. xiii. 9, 10. . Mining qui solus, ' for the sed, etc., of the codex. See iam Lino
THE DISPUTA NON FITH MANES. 357 ignorance Which is in us. Let him theresoro teli us what hohas done a V With, and What he has brought inis the spheroos ovo knowledge. Is hs is ablo to do anything of this nature, let him do it now, in ordor that ho may bo belloved.
These very Worti os Paul's, it ono can but understand them in the fuit pomer of their meaning, will only secure entire creditio ius statementa maade by me. For in that fini Epistieto the Corinthians, Paul spealis in the following teris of the persection stat is to come: Whether there be prophecies, they inali fail; Whether there bo longues, they shali cerae ;Whether there bo knowledge, it shali be destroyed: for mehnoW in pari, and me prophesy in pari; but when that whichis perfect is come, then that whicli is in part shali bo dono aWayT Observe noW What virtuo that whicli is pectectpossesses in iiself, and of What order that poesection is. Andiet this man, then, teli us What prophecy of ths JeWs orHebreWs ho has done aWay With; or What longues hs has
ship idols; or What alien dogmas he has destroyed, Whetheros a Valentinian, or a Marcion, or a Tatian, or a Sabellius,
or any others of those Who have constructed for themselves
their peculiar systems of knowledge. Lot him teli us whichos ait theso he has atready dono a V With, or When he is yet in do aWay With any one of them, in this character of
do indurias fortassis aliquas quoeril But not thus
manner of the advent of Him Who is the truly perfeci one, that is to say, our Lord Jesus Christ. Nay, but M a hing, hen he Maws near to his city, does first os ali send on foro him his lite-guardsmen,' his ensigns and standardsand banners signa, dracones, labaros), his generals and chleis and prefecta, and theu sortii illi ali objecta ars roused and excited in disserent fashions, Whilo some become inspired
must needs bo that tho race os man shali then bo in fear and in vehement agitation on account of the many offences it has committed. Then the righteous alone Will rejoice, as in
tinen and put up against the splendour of the sun, at on perishes trem the vie , so the whole creation, ali prophe , ali knowledge, ali longues, as we havo said above, shau be d stroyed. But sinco the capacities of common human natumare ali insufficient to set forth in a feW Wotas, and theso so
λ Rom. viii. 21, 22.' Tho tot oves simply, sicut enim parva. Re may adopi, With Mut