Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 20: The Writings Of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius Of Alexandria, And Archelaus

발행: 1871년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


of mrod they did appem to retian a hinoom in somo sori; and it Was by Augustus that the fini enrolment tooh placo among them, and that they began is pay tribute, and to beraled eensum daro. it Was also fram the time .henour Loes Jesus Christ began to bo prophesiod os and loaedfor that there began to bo princes from Judin and leadem of the pe te; and these, again, salied iust at the approach of His advent. Is, then, tho Veii is inhen a V Which is put onis that reading of theira, they Will underatand the truo virtuo of the circumcision; and thsy Will also dis ver that thogeneration of Him Whom me preach, and His cross, and allius things that have happened in the history of our Lord, aret se very mattere Which had Men predicted of that Pr phet. And I could Wish, inde , to examine every such pa sage of Scriptum by itself, and in potnt out ita impori, as it

subjeci stat is noW urgent, these passages ahail be di

e sed by us at some season of leisure. For at present,


Pharisees, transferred them to an eternat salvation Thore,



gavo us salvation. But there are in deed many other matters

dorus, as I am in haste to send you this littio book with aliconvenient speed; and these omissions of mino you Will bo te Fourself to supply very eastly by your oWn intelligence. Write me, ho ever, an account of ali that this servant of tho adversary's cause may do hereaster. Μay the Omnipotent' God preserve you Whole in fovi and in spiriti 45. On receipt of this letter, Diodorus mado himselfmaster of iis contenis, and thon enlered tho lisis against Manes. This ho did too with such spirit, that he was commonded greatly by ali for the caresul and satisfactory demonstration which he gavo of the faci that thero is a mutuat relationship between tho tWo Testamenis, and also belween thetno laWs. DiscoVering also more arguments for himself, howas ablo to bring forward many potnts of great pertinencyand po er against the man, and in desence of the truth. Hoalso reasoned in a conclusive manner against his opponent

uam x. 34. Ex. xxiv. 18. R Matti xiv. 25. - Εx. xiv. - Massing in mari. But the codex Bobientia has in navim on a ahip. ' Matti viii. 26. 7 Εx. xvii. Tho texi oves in justis. But tho Codex Bobiensia has in istis in in thoae men. The truo reading may be in injustis - in the unrighteo . See Eph. ii. 2. Buι the Codex Casinensis ives Deus omnium V in tho God os all. ' Ex nominibus. The codex Bobiensia offera the extraordinary reM

ing, ex navibus.


fame time, or rather eternity; and is there are in this Waytwo, thero fhould be either tWo old testamenta or ino nistestamenta. Is, hoWeVer, you do not alloW this, but assim, onthe contrary, that there is one old testament and that thereis also another neW testament, that Will oesy provo again stat there is but one author sor both; and the very sequente will sho. that the old testament belongs to Him to vhomalso the nem testament pertat . - may illustrate this by the case of a man who says to somo oster individual: Leue me Four old home. For by auch a modo os addrem does henot pronounco the man to be also the omer of a neW homel

δ m read, missi the Codex Bobiensis, dicat homini, Mea mihi,' et Tho Codex Catinentia Ma tho meaninglem re ing, homini diriti,


' Tho tot of inia obscure passage runa inna: Quia ex quo duo savi, ingenitam habentes naturam, ex eo necesse eat etiam habere unumquem quo ipsorum Vetus Testamentum, et fient duo vetera Testamenta; utamen ambos antiquos et sine initio esse dicta.' Tho Codex Bobis is inves a briefer but evidently corrupi readlag: ex quo duo sunt ingenii habentea naturam ipsorum Testamentum, et fient, etc. Disjtjgod by OOQ e


itself, but some other one, either beller or morae; as Paulalso gives us in understand When he writes in the solio ing tems in his second Epistis in Timothy: μΑs Jamnos and Mambres Withstood Moses, so have these also resistedine truth: men ot corrupi mind, reprobate concerning the

is manifest unto ali men, as theirs also was. δ Do Fouobserve hoW he compares Jamnes and Mambres to men os

corrupi mind, and reprobate concerning the faith; whilo ho liuens Moses, on tho other hand, to tho truth But theholy Jo , the meatest of the evangelista, also telis us os

praestare et dissereri; for he indicates, indoed, that me have received the law of Moses out of the fulnem os Christ, and ho means that for that one grace this other grace has been made persect in us throuo Jesus Christ. It was also tostoW this to bo tho caso that our Lord Jesus Christ Him- seu spiso in theso tems : Do not thinh that I mill accuseyon to the Father: there is one stat accuseth you, eVen Moses, in Whom yo hope. For had ye belleved Moses, yewould indeod have belloved me : for ho Wroto os me. But is ye belleve not his mestings, hoW inali ye bellove my words V And besides est theso mords, there are stili many other passages that might bo adduced both fram tho postlo Pauland Dom tho G peis, by Which me me able to prove that

the old la. bolongs in no offer ono than stat Lord lo Whomatio the neW testament appertains, and whicli it Would suitus Very Wess to set sortii, and to mae me o in a satisfactoo


46. Nexi morning, hoWever, Archelaus suddenly mado his appearance at this residence castellum in Whicli Diodorus Was staying, besore any one Was yet stirring ab ad. Manes accordingly, ali unconscious os the faci that Archelaus was noW on the spol again, challelaged Diodorus publicly toengage in a disputation With him ; his intention being tocrusti him With a verbal display, becauso he perceived thatho Was a man os a simple nature, and not very deeply learnedin questions concerning the Scriptures. For he had now hada iuste of the doctrine os Archelaus. When, thereiare, thomultitudes had again collected in the place usualty set upartior the disputation, and when Manes had just begun to reason, ali on a sudden Archelaus appeared among them, and em-bracod Diodorus, and saluted him With an holy him. Thentruly Were Diodorus, and ali those Who mere present, filledwith wonder at the dispensation os divino providenco whichthus provided that Archelaus aliould arrivo among them atthe very time When the question mas being raised; for iureality, as must be consessed, Diodorus, with ali his religion ness, had been some hat asraid of tho conflict. But whon Manes caught sight of Archelaus, ho at once drow bach from his insulting altitude; and with his prido cast down not alitile, ho made it quilo plain that he would gladου fleo fromthe contest. The multitude of hearers, hoWever, loo dupon the arrival of Archelaus as something liho the adventos an apostle, because he had shown himself so thoroughlysurnished, and so prompt and ready for a delance of the truth) by speech. Accordingly, aiter demanding silenco homthe peopte by a Wave of his right hand ior no inconside


I know and am certain, brethren, that Ι now talis the placeos Diodorus, not on account of any impossibilities attachingio him pro ipsius impossibilitate)J but becauso I came toknow this person here at a previous time, When he madehis Way with his miched designs into the paris Where I reside, by the favour os Marcellus, that man os illustrious

and faith, with the objeci, to Wit, os mahing him an effective supporter of this implous teaching. Neveriheless, in spiteos ali his plausibio addresses, he salied. to move him or turn him aside frem the faith in any one particular. For thismost devout Marcellus Was only found to be lius the roch onwhicli tho houso was bulli Mith the most solid nundations; and when tho rain descended, and the floods and the windsburet in and beat upon that house, it stood firm r for it hadbeen bulli on the most solid and immove te foundations.'And the attempt thus made by this person Who is no before Fou, brought dishonour rather than glory upon himself.

abis it ho proves to bo ignorant of What is in tho futuro ; sor

is it M truo indeod that tho Spirit of tho Paracloto dwelis in him. But inasmuch as he is reatly a person blindod withtho darkness of ignorance, he ran in Vain When he journeyodio Marcellus, and ho did but shom himself to bo like tho star-gmor,' who bustes himself With describing things celestiat, whilo ali the time he is ignorant os What is passing in his oWn

nonnulli assecuti sunt, tamen hoc vos deprecor ut eorum quae ante medieta sunt, testimonium reservetis.' Rouili suggesta prudentis Although

is their prudenm mme have mined HOW, etc. But Muth suggesta that the impossibilitate ia just an inexaet translation of the ἀδυνατια m impotentia, incapacity, Which may have atood in the Greeh text. 3 Massing Maroelii viri illustris gratia.' The Codex Casinensia has, viri in legis gratia.'δ Mau. vii. 24. ' ris texi oves similia facere astrologo,' De Which Muth proposes similia factus est,' etc.


as a commencement to any treaiment of the subjoet and the

who speata tho truth the proper honois and the palm. 47. Then Manes, aster silence had Men secured among ali, thus began his address: Lihe othera, Archelaus, you laosmite me Mith the most injurious Words, notWithstanding that my sentimenta on the subject of God are correct, and that Iliold also a proper conception of Christ; and yet the iamllyof the apostles is raster of tho character that bears ali stingsand endures ali things, even although a man may asinit them mitti revilings and curses. Is it is your intention to pedi Secute me, I am prepared for it; and is you Wish to involve

serve as a sussicient compensation vortheless, What

' Tho texe is, quibus utique repensari non possunt,' etc. Roust pro'


you have got the opportunity of speining fidit, teli us fidit tovhat particular head of the subject you Wish us to direct thodisputation. Manes arid: Is yon do not offer a second timoan unsala resistanco to tho positions which shali bo statin


you are a strange sheep ; neveriheless hereaster you Will baintroduced in to the number of the fame floch, as the voleo es