장음표시 사용
ea bis of underatanding ait Scripture, and did thus constituto themsolves leadem' sor those who mero Willing tollaten to them. But notniinstanding this, not one of theae dared in proeliam himself to be either God, or Christ, or the Paracleta, as this sellan has done, Who is ever dispuling, onmme oecasiona a ut the ages s Meusis , and on othera about thε sum and ho theso objecta mere made, as though hs Were superior to them himself; sor overy person Who offers an
3 Reading sic ut istius comparatione,' sor tho sicut istiua paratione
of tho codex. massing se ductores, tor tho seductores, etc., of the codex.
Tho Preciae meaning and connection are someWhat obscure here. The teri inves, verbum enim ducis obtinet locum, opera Vero regis.'
entrusted to his administration; so also does tho blessed Paulgive us to underatand our position When he uses these Wotas:
os event that advent of tho perfeci Mng is destinod lo bo lDo you not perceive that it Will not be such a perfection consummation) as you alleget But ii tho great day of judgment is to bo looked tor aster that Κing, s ely this man is greatly inferior to Him. But is lis is insorior, hocannot be perfeci. And ii ho is not to bo perfeci, it is notos him stat tho aposito spuaks. But is it is not of him that
the aposue speas, While he stili mahes the mendacious state-
adduced, timo Mould iail us for tho accomptishment of solarge a lask. Henco I havs d med it abundantly suffcientinus to have brought under Four notice only a feW thingsout os many, leaving the yet remaining portions os such a discussion to those who have tho inclination to go throughwith them. 39. On Maring these matters, those Who Were present gave great glory to God, and ascribed to Him such praiso as it is meet for Him to receive. And on Archelaus himself thoybesto ed many tokens os honour. Then Marcellus roso up; and casting ofi liis cloah, ho threW his arma round Archelaus,
courae aliould Eound so-What inartistic or boortis: sor thogrear thing Which Me have had in vioW has boon, that thameans of knowing What i h place on this occasion ahould not fati to bo brought within the reata es ali .ho dosirin tounderstand tho subjeci. Thereaster, it must be addet Whan Manes had onco inhen to flight, ho made his appearanea n whero there again . His attendant Turbo, ho ever, Washandod ovor by Marcellus to Archelaus; and on Archelausordaining him as a deaeon, he remained in tho sutis of in eoilus. But Manes in his Bight camo is a certain villam .hich was at a considerable distanco fram tho es , and hora tho name of Diodorus. NoW in that place there Was also a presbyter Whose name like ise Was Diodorus,' a man a quietand gentis disposition, and weli reputod both sor his fata
and for the excellence of his generat character. N- When,
on a certain day, Manes had gathered a crowd os auditore amund him, and Was haranguing ' them, and putting bes etho peoplo Who Were present certain ouilandia assertio alto ther forsim to the tradition of the fastera, and in noWay apprehending any opposition stat might bo mado in hison the part of any of these, Diodorus perceived that ho mas producing somo effect by his Michedness, and resolved then
This Diodorus appeam to be cassed Trypho is Epiphanius, on thia
Manichean here , n. 11. y Readiu comesonaretur for continuaretur.
to send to Archelaus a letter eouehed in tho sollowing
dva there has arrived in our paris a certain person namedmnes, Who oves out stat he is to comptoto tho doctrino of the M. Testamenti And in the statomenis Whicli ho has made iners havo been somo things, indeed, Which may hammonias mith one faith; but thero have been also certainammations of his Which seam very far removed hom Whathas eomo doWn to us by the tradition of our factere. Forho has into resed some doctrines in a strange fainion, imposing on them certain notions of his oWn, Which havea eared is me to M altogether foretgn and opposed totho faith. On tho ground of theso facta I have noW been indueed to writo this letter is you, Homing the completensas and fulnem os Dur intelligenco in doctrine, and boing
Thia optauo is also mentionsd, and ita argument noti vi by Epipha
liave received, let him bo accursed. y And consequently, in addition to What has been once committed to us by the apostles, a disciplo os Christ ought to receivo nothing neW as doctrine.
the samo time with persect confidence, and without any hes, talion or fear; so that I verily bellove he has that serpent ashis helper, Who is ever our adversa . Well, he declared
mention oster instances For With many different assertions M a similis nature these domas of his Were propounded Withthe ulmost energy and the most fervid geH. Thus, too, onthe auctori of an apostle, ho endeavonred to establish thoposition stat tho lan os Moses is tho law of death, and that the law of Jesus, on the contrarn is tho law of liso. Forho based that assertion on the passage Which runs thus: In
which also may God maho us faciat Deus) abis ministersos tho New Testament; not of the letter, bnt of the spirit: sor tho letter killeth, but ins spirit giveth lila. But ii thoministration os death, engraven in letters on the stones sinlitteris formatum in lapidibus), Was made in glom, so that theehildren os Israes could not stodsastly belloid tho faco os Moses for tho glory of his countenance; Which glory Was tobo don away; hoW shali not tho ministration of tho Spirit rather glorious' For is the ministration os condemnationbe glor' much more doth the ministration os righteo nossexceed in glo . For even that which Was mado glorious hadno glorγ in this respeci, by reason of the glory that ex-eelloth. For is that which shali bo dono aWay is glorious, much more that whicli remaineth is glorious.' ' And this
Passage, as Fou are also meli amare, occurs in tho secondEpistis to the Corinthians. Besides, he added to thisanoster passage out of the fidit epistie, on whicli ho based his assimation stat ths discipies of tho Oid Testament Were
Ι destroyed, I mata myseli a transgressor. Further, heaverred that the fame aposue mado this statement most obvio j on ius subject of the resurrection of tho flos .hen ho also said that he is not a J- Who is one ou, Wardiri nesther is that circumcision which is out es in theflesh, ' and that according to tho letter tho lan has in uno aduintage. d again he adduced the statement, that
41. on receiving this epistis, Archelaus mas astonishedat tho man's bolanem. But in tho meantime, as tho caseeassed sor tho transmission os a speedy reply, he immediatelysent in a latior missi refersnco to tho statementa made is Diodorus. That epistio ran in the fosso ing terms : Arehelaus senda gresting to the presbyter Diodorus, his
camnensis. Rouin suggesta parare proximos fieri benignae ac diviti
menti et eontinuo . . . consequemur' m to talis eam to dram near to
prove that the law os Moses is not consonant missi sto iam os Christ; and this position he attempted to sound on thoauthori of our Scriptures. Well, on the other hand, notonly did we estabiisti the law of Moses, and ali thingswhicli aro written in ii, by the fame Scripture; but We also proved that the whole old Testament agroos mitti tho NEWTestament, and is in persect harmony With the fame, and
that they form reatly one texture, just as a person may see one and the fame robe made up os mest and warptogether.J For the truth is simply this, that just as me tracetiis purple in a robe, so, ii We may thus express it, mecan discern tho New Testament in tho textum M tho old Testament; for We see the glory of the Lord mirrored in
manhood, simply because he needs his services' no longer, but can mae his course Without any assistance fram that
Reading ex subtegmine atque stamine,' etc., mith ine Codex Bobiensis, insisad of subtemine et, quae stamine,' etc., as it is inventu tho Codex Catinensis.' We rein here, gloriam enim Domini in eodem sphculamur.' The Codex Bobiensis ia vitiared here, iring gloriam um Domini, Whicli Maachanged by Valesiua into gloriam Jesu, etc.. Massing, Wiin tho Codex Bobiensis, speculum, cum nobis ipsam imaginem,' etc., instead of speculum nobis per ipsam imaginem,' etc.' Adopting qui ad doctorea a paedagogo,' insisad of qui a doctore iis a paedagogo.'β Dehonorare,' or, M in tho Codex Bobiensis, dehonestare. ' Mining opera ejus non indiget.' But the codex Catinensis oves ore ejus, ' eis. Disitigod by OOQ e