장음표시 사용
yon ought to hold that samo utem y also of this oster pa sago in Which the expression siti a dona is usta. It is aclear matter of necessi to tahe these things in tho fame Way, for only thus can We find out the real senso of whatis Written concerning Him in tho Scriptures. Arehelaus inta: As Du cannot do so much lar yo self, liri a thoroughmaster of your ut, so neither should I caro is put this question right and with ali patiencs to mino it clear, and in ove ths
happens to be compelled by the ignorance of an opponent both in say and to do things Whita timo Would mas him)decline; ' and accordingly, because tho necessity is laid Monme, is consideration lax tho multitude present, I may give abriet ansmer to thoso statements Which have been made so erroneo ly by you. Let us suppose, noW, Four allegation tobe, that is Wo understand Jesus to be a man made of Maπalter the co se of nature, and regard him consequently as
3 Massing sicut homo, hae opinione,'' for the sicut homo ac opinio of the Codex Casinensia. The codex Casine is retas, hano quaestionem dissigenter aptare
TNE DISPUTATION UITE MANES. 401 sor Ho might havo dono What Ho destred in do, though
heaVen, Whose Was also or perhaps, m Which Was also, quod erat tabernaeulum, etc.) indeed a great tabemacie, and ono that eould not have been prepared by any other: Whence, ωο, ΗΕ .ho Was nailed to the cross, on rising again hom tho
Matti iv. 3.' The codex Casine is oves, Ignorabat antem propter qui genuisset Filium Dei praedicabat regnum coelorum, qui erat,' etc. We lollo generalty tho emendationa adoptod in Migne: Ignorabat autem propter quid genuisset Filium Dei, qui praedicabat regnum coelorum, quod erat habita-Qulum magnum,' etc. Muth Muid read genitus esset Filius Dei,' etc.. Jota rix. 37.
had disconded in tho torm os a dove. 51. When Archelaus hia finished this speech, the croWds of ople marvelled at the truth of his doctrine, and expressed
their vehement commendations of tho man with loud ou, eries, so that they exerted themselves most energetically, and
ever, they Withdre . Aster somo time, again, When in Were gathered together, Archelaus persuaded them to accedeto his destro, and listen quietly to the Word. And among his auditore Wero not only thoso vho mere Min Diodorus, but also est Who mero present hom his province and fremtho neigh uring districta. When silence, then, Was Secured, Archelaus proceeded to speah to them os Manes in the folio ing manner: You have heard, indeed, What is tho character
his appearance among us, and Whence he comes, and Whateharacter he has, exactly as a certain man of the name of
Sisinius, ono' of his comrades, has indicated the facts to me; .hieli individual I am also prepared, is it please Fou, to sum
in truth, this person did not decline to assim tho very fame
sor sto abou mentioned individual becanio a bellever of Our doctrine, as did also another person Who Was With me, named Turbo. Accordin y, ali that these parties have conveyed in their testimony to me, and also ali that we ourselves have di covered in the man, I shali not suffer to be hept bach homyour cogniZance.-Then, indeed, tho multitudes became allthe mors excited, and crowded together to listen to Arehelaus ; sor, in good sooth, the statements Which mere made byhim offered them the greatest enjoyment. Accordis y, theycarnestly urged him to teli them ali that he pleased, and allthat he had oti his mind; and they declared themselves readyto liston to him thero and then, and engaged to stay on mento the oening, and untii the liola should bo lit. Stimulatia therelare by their heartiness, Archelaus bogan his addremmith ali confidonee in the solio ing tems:-My brethren, you have heard, indeed, the primam causes superioreε quidem causas Domini, etc. relating to my Loes Jesus, I mean thoso whicli aro decidod out of the la. and the propheis; and of the subsidiam causes also relating to myLord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, you are not ignorant. Andwhy should I say moret From tho loving destre sor the Saviour me havo been called Christians, as the wholo Woriditself attests, and as the aposses also plainly declare. ria, further, that best maste bullder of His, Paul himselu has laid cur foundation,' that is, the foundation of thechurch, and has put us in trust of tho iam ordaining
describing in the places severalty assigned to that purpo in What manner and with What character the ministera os
Tho codex Casinonsis ives, ipso quidem me dioero re savit,' et: Ne adopi tho correction in Migno, sed no ipso quidem dicere rem
Earit,' et .' Mading sed et optimus architectus ejus, fundamentum,' et Tho Codex Catinensis has the corrupi lection, aed et optimos arcti
God ought to conduci themselves, of What repute tho presbytera ought to be possessed, and hoW they should be constituted, and What manner of persons those also ought to be.ho destro the ossico os bishop. d ali theso institutions, which mero onco setiled Wess and rightly for us, preservetheir proper standing and order With us to this day, and tho regular administration of these reses abides amongst us stili. But M to this sello , Manes by name, Who has at present buret boasisutly sortii upon us hom the province of Persia, and belWeen whom and me a disputation has noW for thesecond time been stirred, I shali teli you about his lineage, and that, too, in ali tuinem; and I shail also fhon you most lucidly the fourco from Which his doctrine has descended. This man is neither the firsi nor tho onb originator of this typo os doctrine. But a certain person belonging to
Scythia, Maring tho name Scythianus, and living in thetime of tho apostles, was the founder and leader of this seci, just as many other apostates have constituted thomselves Dundera and leadem, Who from time to time, throuo the ambitious destre os arrogating positions os superior impor anco to themselves, havs given out salsehoods for tho truth, and have perverted tho simpler class of peoplo to their oWulustiui appetencies, on Whoso names and treacheries, homeVer, time does nos permit us at present to descant. This Scythianus, then, Was tho person Who introduced this self-
contradictory dualism; and for that, reo, he was himself indebled to Pythagoras, as also est the oster tollo ers of this dogma have been, Who ali uphold tho notion os a dualism,
and tum Mido from the direct coures of Scripture: but theyshali not gain any surther succeas therein. 52. No one, hoWever, has ever mado such an unbiushingadvanco in the promulgation of these tenera as this Scythianus. For he introduced tho notion os a seud belWeen the tWo un-begotiens, and ali those other sancies Which are the conse-
3 Various other forma aro found for this namo Scythianus. Thus me d Scutianus and Excutian ,-forma Which may have Misen throuomere clericia errore. The codex Reg. Alex. V givea Si ianua.
406 THE REMAINS OF BIS P ARCHELAUSquences of a position of that End. This Scythianns himsol bolonged to tho stoch of tho Saracens, and took as his miso acertain captivo hom tho Upper Thebaid, Who persuaded himio dweli in Egypt rather than in tho deseris. And wonld that he had never been received by that province, in Which, as ho dwolt in it for a period, he found tho opportuni forte ning the wisdom of the Egyptians ly for, in speah truth,
he Was a person os very decided talent, and also of very liberal means, as those who know him havs lihemiso testified in accounts transmitted to us. Moreover, he had a certain disciplo named Terebinthus, Who Wroto four boas for him.
To the first os these books ho gave tho titio of the Mysteries, to tho second that of tho Heada Capitulorumi, to the thies that of tho Gospei, and to tho last of ali that os the Troasum Thesaurusin. He had these four books, and this ono di
cipio Rhoso namo Was Terebinthus. As, then, theso tWo persons hia determined in reside alone by themsolves fora considerable period, Scythianus thought of mahing an excursion into Judea, With the purpose of meeting Withali thoso Who had a reputation thore as teachors; but it came to pass that he suddenly departed this life mon aster
Thia geoma tho generia idea meant to be conveyed. ThB teri, hich is evidently corrupi, runa thus: in qua cum eum habitaret, cum AEgyptiorum sapientiam didicisset.' me Codex Reg. Alex. Vat. reada, in qua cum habitaret et AEgyptiorum,' etc. In Mimo it is pro sed to fili up the lacunae thua: in qua cum diu habitaret, depravatus est, cum AEgyptiorum sapientiam didicis t.' Muth auraeat in
Tho Codex Casinensia reada Terbonem sor Terebinthum. But in Cyril ot Jorusalem, in his Catechesis 6, as meli as in othera, me regularly find Τέρβινθον, Terbinthum, or Terebinthum, inven M tho name of the disciple of Scythianus. Tho lam Tereventus is also gium; and tho Codo Reg. Alex. Vat. haa Terybene . The Malament mado here asto theso booka Ming Wriuen by Terebinthus is nos in accordan missi statomenta made by Cyril and othera, Who Mem to recogniae Scythianua Hono as the author. As to the namo Terebinthus itaeis, C. Bittor, inhia Die Supab, etc., p. 29, thinis that it is a Greciaed lam es a predicate of Buddha, vix Tere-hintu, Loes of the rundo . Othera tine itatasy to M a translation ol the Hebre tho terebinth. Seo a note
at present is held by tho Perstans, and which is distant noW a journey of a ut sta dus and n his hom our paris. ω arriring there, Terebinthus succeeded in oving cum rency to a monderfui account of himself, declaring that homas replete mith ait the Wisdom of the Egyptians, and thathe was reatly named noW, not Terebinthus, but anothor Buddas,' and that this designation had Men put upon him.
He assertia further that he was tho son os a certain Virgin,
tai . A certain prophet, hoWoer, of tho name oi Parcus,
as osten reproVed, he continued, neVeriheless, to mine d elarations in them on matters Which mere miscedent to tho orld ante areulum, and on the sphere, and tho tWo luminaries ; and also on tho question Whither and in What mannorthe fouis depari, and in What modo they return again into tho dies; and ho made many other assertiona of this nature, and othera even moras stan thes'-as, for instance, that Warmas mised mith God among tho elementi or, in the origins of things, in principii , that the prophel himself might babellavia. However, as ho mas hard pressed for assertiona
The Codex Reg. Mox. Vat. inserta here, omnibus quaecunque ejus fuerant congregatis' m gathering together ait that πω his. Massing habetur.' But codex Reg. Alex. Vat. inves habitatur, is inhabited. Tho Codex Casina ia oves, sed aliud cujusdam homine.' We adopi sol alium Buddam nomine,' mith vhich tho narratium os Cyril, Epiphani , and othera agrae. Rouin promaea alio Buddam nomine V- by another name, Buddas.' me tot oves natum esse, simul et ab angelo.' The Codex Reg. Alex. Vat. reada, natum so esse simulabat et ab angelo. - ω inoso Persian primia, Me Epiphanius on this heresy, num. 3.' Massing arguebant, With Muth, for argue LDj0jtjgod by OOOle
considered that, ii ho mas convicted oi playing false Wist, orholding ot littio account, the religious belless of the people, he would bo liable to be punished by the real princes of the eountry. And as he was revolving these things then in his mind, God in His persect justice decreed that he should bo thrust beneath eariti by a spirit sub terras eum detrudi per spiritum); and fortii ith he was cast doWn fram theroos of tho house; and his body, being precipitaled Itielem to tho ground, Was inven up in pity by the old woman mentioned above, and was bised in the wonted placo essepulture.