장음표시 사용
and genuine. For this reason the Lord spake in parabies tothoso who were incapabis of hearing, but to His discipies He explained theso parabies in privato. For tho illumin tion of tho glory is sor thoss Who have been enlightenod, whilo tho blinding is for them Who belleve not. These mysteries, which the church no declares to Fou Who are tran sorred from tho lista os tho catechumens, it is not ita customto declare to tho Gentiles. For We do not declare tho mysteries touching tho Father, and the Son, and tho Holy Spiritto a Gentile; neither do We speis of the mysteries plainly in
prosenco of the catechumens; but many a time Me expressourselves in an occuli manner, so that tho salthful who havsintelligence may apprehend the trullis resereed to, Whilothose Who havs not that intelligenco may receive no huri.
ix. 5, . . . 24sX. 7, . . . 2480. s, . . . m
225 HL 2I, 106, 392iii. 16, . 146 xvi. 22, 392
380 vi. 29, 365iL 13, . 380 xvii. 5,
31 Ixxiv. I, 2, Issvi. 22, 23, 152
REVELATION. L I, 2, . . IML s, . . . I 67ssi. 7, . . . 74
ADAM, tho sau es, and ita consequences, Ial. Advent, ino glorious aeoond, of Christ, 357, 358. 2Emilianus, the preloci of Mexandria, Dionysius brought bolore, 225, 226. Agony, the, and bIoody a eat, ofδ us, 253, 25 Alexandria, persecution of the Christians in, 205-216 ; tho effecta olaedition in, describin, 235,238-240; pestilenes in, 236, 237 ; conductos ths Christians and heathen in, during tho pestilenco, contraated, 237, 238. Ammonarium, a Virgin confessor, at Alexandria, 2I0. Anathemas, i elus, Pronouncedagainst twelvo different sorta oferrorisis, 103, eto. Angei, tho Mardian, of GregoryThaumaturgus, 46. Angeis, tho fiat es, 340. nunciation, tho, of tho anget tosis Virgin Marn IIs, ela.. I 25, etc., 13l, etc. Apollonia, a Christian virgin os Alexandria, tho barbaroua treaimentos, 206, 207. Apostasy, the, of Christiana in Persecution, 208, 209. Archelaus, blahop of Cascar, a Aeschol tho Isso and writings os, 267, etc. ; tho disputation os, with thoheresiarch Manea, 272, etc., 292, etc. lare Μanes); haring onmished Manes, ho reatriana the multitudeafrom doing violenco to him, MI, 362 ; letter of Diodorus to, aining help to enablo him to encounter Manes, 363; letter os, in reply to Diodorus, 367, etc.; auddenlym ea his appearanco in tho Maemblywhere Diodorus and Manea are metfor disputation, 384; engam. R eond timo in disputo With Manea, 384, 385, etc. ; oves an Romunt of tho origin and adventurea of lanos, Ut l2 ; fragmenta es the disputation os, Min Manos, 4I7,
Cantatus, tho momengor of Mareotiuato Manes, 28I. cutiVes, a canon respecting tho Orcivio detention es thoso .ho hineacaped from tho barbariana, M. Cascar, Caschar, or Caachara, thebishoprio of Archelaus, Whero auu-
errore respecting, anathematized,
colluthion, minis Dionysius banishodis, 228.
Constitution, tho human, urged in refutation of the atomio theory of tho formation of tho universo, I79183. Constitution of tho uniVersa, an προ- ment againat tho Epicurean thooryos ins formation of tho universe, IT 179. Consubstantiality, tho, of tho Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit, s3, 267,
Coracion, induoed by Dionysius togivo us hia chiliastio vioWa, 160. Corbicius, tho original name of mnes, 409. Cornelius, tho Roman Ponta, an optatio os Dionyrius to, 216.
mutuat opposition, 28l, eto. Democritua, his eatimate of tho morthol tho knowledge of R true onus 138. Devit, tho, nonplumed and vanquishel
343. Diodorus, presbyter, a Iether os, to Archelaua rospecting Μanes, 362, Mo.; Archelaus' reply to, 367, etc. ;ontera tho Eata os controvorsy With Manea, MI, EM.; Archelaua comen
preloci, and hia hantisment, 223229. Dioscorus, a Fouthlia martyr at Maxandria, 2II. Disciplina ior offendera, M.
Germanua, an ematio es Dionysiua againat, refuting tho calumniea os, 222, etc.
ΗΘ ammon, an epistis es Dion tuato, 230. Hierax, an epistis of Dion tua to, respecting a aedition in Alexandria,238, 239. Ηoly Spirit, os, 5; nos mino holm
Human constitution, the, R is ut tion ol Epicurea' atomio theory o tho foundation of tho univerae, on
363: Diodorus disputea mith, in publio, MI; Are laus auddanly
Mother and brothren, tho, ol Jesus,
Natures, tho tWo, in Christ, 97; tho tuo independent, Maerted by Manea, 296-298. Nepos, an Egyptian blahop, I 61, 162.
Nem nothing, under tho tun, 8. Novatim, 222. Novatus, an optaue os Dionysius to, 204. OMOPHORUS, in tho vatem ol Manes,
many branchea os science, 56, Mo. Ina an exporitor, 73, 74; invocationos, M. PANEGYRIC, a, on Origem 37, etc. Paracleto. Manea' etiam to M tho, m-
Prophet, os, lino Μ es, 379, 380.
QUINTA, a Christian woman in Mexandria, the barbaroua troatment a auffered, 206.
405; and Terebinthua, 406. Maling, 298 and nota. Serapion, a lapsin but penitent Christian, tho peculiar caae es, 21 216. Serpent, the, tho father of tho dorix
Siege, an ancient, described, 3IR Sixtus, Pope, epistisa es Dionyalus t 218, 221. Soldiora at tho tribunala in Alexandria during persecution, avo them- solves Christians, 2II, 212. Son, the, os God, 5 ; not Maumed out of nothing, nor constitutod by di