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But the wholo city took hold of Simon Cephas, and theyreceived him gladiy and affectionately; and he ceased nothom doing signs and wondera in the name of Christ; and many belleved in him. Cuprinus, moreover, the fallier of him that Was restored to lite, took Simon Mith him to his house, and entertained him in a suitabis manner, Whilo heand ali his housohold bellovod in Christ, that Ηo is tho Sonos tho living God. And many of the Je s and of the pagans became discipies there. And, When there Was meatrojoicing at his teaching, ho bulli churches there, in Romeand in the cities round about, and in ali tho villages of thepeople of Itab; and ho served there finJ tho rank of the
λ Perhapa Cyprianus, Whita is found writian in Syriac in tho ame
d at that very time, as ii by a righteous judment, Nero
andoned his emplas and fled, and there Was a cessation sora litile .hile frem the persecution which Nero Caesar hadmised against them. And many years alter the great cor
Whilo ordination to tho priesthood mas proceeding both in ali Rome and in ali Italy, it happenin then stat there Was a
Hero endeth tho teaching of Simon Cephas.
under his dominion that sacrifices and libations should boincroased in ali the cities of their administration, and thatthose Who did not sacrifice aliould be selaed and deliveredoVer to stripes, and to filio tearing o combs, and to bitterinflictions os ali fkinds o tortures, and should asternatas
receive the punishment of the s ord. Nom When the command arrived at the toWn os Edessa of
notarii notaries , Iactuarii,J or sat a later periodJ exceptores, is Whichname they are mentioned toWarda the end of this extrael; the Greehacassed them ταχυγράφοι. They Were then arranged in proper order hypersona called by the Greeis ὐπομνηματογράφοι and by the Romana Ab Ariis.-The use of ὐπομνηματα and oster Greeh Morda Mema in aho. that these Acts were originalty Written in that language. Αὐτοκράτωρ.Jη That is, A.D. 112. But the Greeli era commencea 311 or 312 B. ., and therefore A.G. 416 Would a Wer to A.D. 105. There appeam to Maome error in tho date.
something srom them, thou pultest thine ear near to one and
and is a creatura, and in iis nature is not God: even as ye
and created. Be persuaded, thereiore, by these inings WhichI have said to thoe, which things ars the bellos of the church: for I know that ait this population ars loohing to thee, and I am meli assured that, ii thou be persuaded, many also Willbe persuaded with thee. Sharbil said in him: Very acceptable is me are these thy
for those Who turn, and healing for those that are Wounded. I mysoli .ill bo furetv to theo for tho abundant mercies of tho Son Christ: that Ho wili pardon theo ali tho sius whichthou hast commiuod against Him, in that thou hasi Morehippedand honoured His creatures insisad os Himself. For that Gractous One, who extended Himself on the crom os death,
3 B. haa the work of men's handa. B. mahea a conciderabis addition here, inita it is hardly necessa to quote, tho morda Ming in ali probability only an interpolation. Cureton elao hero remacta: I have almoat invariably found in theso Syriae vis. that the older aro the ahorter, and that subsequent editoram transcribera fest themaolvis at liberty to add stoJ occasionalty paraphram tho earlier copiis Which they used '-a remain uis pily of very Wide application in regard to early Christian literaturo.J
done meli in that thou hast been concerned about me. But
to tho church, there began to be a consternation among thamultitude; and they arose and went doWn to him, and sa
And, When they had heard theso things, thero remained withhim a great congregation of men and of Women; and Labualso, and Hasses, and Barcalba, and Avida, chiet persons os
also renounce that Whicli thou hast renounced, and we con