장음표시 사용
reserence. For on this account it is necessary for tho man
shali chooso a pleasum at a certain time, and of a certain hind. thε martyr chooses the plemure stat exista in prospectthrouo the present pian. Is pala is conceived as existingin iniret, and plemure in drinhing, the pian that has preceded
comes the essicient causo os pleas e. But evit cannot besto incient cause of good. Neither, then, is the one stingnor the oster erit. Simonides accordin y as also Ari
Says the Chalcidian Euphorion:
Riches, then, and extraVagant luxuries, Wore for men the morat training ior manliness.
whicli is the communication os immortali . He therefore, ho, in accordanco With the word os repentance, knows his
bo result inJ the diminution and extinction os victous propen-
dispenses in ali according in deseri, His distribution beingrighteous. Despising, thereiore, the possessions Whicli God portions to thee in . thy. magnificence, comply With Whatis spolien by me; hasto to the ascent of the Spirit, Mingnot only justissed is abstinenco from What is erit, but in addition also perfected, by Christitho beneficenco. In this instance He convicted the man, who boasted that ho hadfulfilled tho injunctions of the lam of not loving his neigh- bour ; and it is by beneficence that the love Whicli, accordingis the gnostic ascending scale, is lord of the Sabbath, pr
claims iraeli. Wo must then, according to my Viem have reco se to the word of salvation neither hom fear of punishment nor promise of a gist, but on account os the good itself. Such, as do so, stand on the right hand of the sanctuary; but
fidi dissors fram that whicli is illuminated. Israel, then, istho light of the liueness which is according to the Scripture. But tho imago is another sting. What means the parabie of Laaarus, is shoning the imago of the rich and mor d
Μammon ' V he Lota in terming the love os money. Forinstance, the covetous, Who mere invited, responded not tothe invitation to the supper, not because of thela posse
prepared rq And the commandinent is expressed in thesevery Words, Tvke heed, therelare, of covetousness. For aman's liso does not consist in the abundance of those things
-E MISCELLANIES 155 again, For your Faster knoweth that ye have noed os all
these my discipies, shali not lose his reWard. M And again, the differences os virtuo according to morit, and the nobiero ards, He indicated by the liours unequat in number; and in addition, by the equat reWard given to each os the labourers hat is, salvation, Whicli is meant by the penn He indicated sto equali of justico; and the differenes of thoso called Ho intimated, by those Who Worhed for unequat po
philosophy have been suffciently purged irom those things, livo without bodios entirely for ali time. Although they are
inforted παρακληθροαι). And there are two sules os penitents. That whicli is more common is fear on account of
misti by the oti os money or by personat effori in do meren
the pure in heart blessed, sor they shali sos God.' And is me reatly look to the truth of the matter, knowledgo is the purification of tho leading faculty of the wes, and is a good
activi . Some things accordin*y are good in themselves, and othera is participation in What is Mod, as We say good actions are good. But Without things intermediato whita hold the place of materiai, netther good nor bad actions aro constitutia, such I mean as lila, and health, and other nece
reat lusis, and puro in respect of holy thoughis, he means those are, Who attain to tho knowledge of God, When thochios faculty of the foui has nothing spurious to stand in tho V of iis pomer. When, therelare, he Who partahes gnostieatly of this holy quality devotos himself to contemplation, communing in purity With tho divine, he enters morenearly into tho state os impassibio identity, so as no longerto have scienco and possess knowledge, but in bo sciencs and knowledge. Blessed, then, ars tho Maceminers,' Who havo subduedand tamed the laW Which wars against tho disposition of thomind, the menaces of anger, and tho baits of lust, and theother passions Whicli War against the reason; Who, havinglived in tho knowledge both os good Works and true reason, inali be reinsisted in adoption, whicli is dearor. It follows that the perfeci Macemaring is that which heeps unctangedin ali circumstancea What is Macesia; calis Providen holyand good; and has ira being in the knowledgo os divino and human affalas, is Whicli it deems tho opposites that ars in themorid to bo the falaest harmony ot creation. They also are
of sin to have roco so to satin and pea . And it is thesum os ali viriue, in my opinion, When the Loes Daches us