장음표시 사용
' Rom. viii. 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 28, 29, 30.
mys a Woman acting mansulty in the tragedy. And Antigone, contemning the proclamation os Creon, says boldly :
In allusion to Eph. vi. 12. 1 Pet. iv. 12, 13, 14.3 Rom. viii. 36, 37. Rom. x. 10, 11.
For great Fates attain great destinies,' according to Horaclitus:
What I declare, receive hom me, madam: No mortia exista Who has not test; Ho buries childron, and hegeta othera, And ho himself dies. And thus mortala are amicted.'
through God to the domolition of fortifications, demolishingthoughis, and every high thing Whicli exalteth itsoli against
ye who, While stili in the body, lihe the just men os old, eni impassibiliu and tranquilliu os foui
SINCE, then, not only the Esopians, and Macedonians, and the Lacedaemonians endured When subjected in torture, as Eratosthenes sus in his morh, On Things Good and Mil: but also Zeno os Elea, When subjected to compulsion to divulgo a secret, held out against the tortures, and consessed nothing; Who, When explaing, bit out his longue and spat itat the tyrant, Whom some term Nearchus, and some Demulus.
Theodotus tho Pythagorean acted also similarin and Paulus the friend of Lacydes, as Timotheus os Pergamus says in his Work on The Fortitude os Philosophos, and Achaicus in The Ethies. Posthumus also, tho Roman, When captured by Peucetion, did not divulge a single secret; but putiing his hand on tho fire, held it to ii as ii to a plece of bram, mithous moving a musese of his face. I omit the case of Anaxarchus, ho exesaimed, Ρound aWay at the sach vhicli holds Ana archus, for it is not Anaxarchus you are pounding,' When by the tyrant's ordere he was being pounded with iron pesties. Neister, then, tho hope οξ happinem nor the love os Godiises What besalis ili, but remains laee, although thrownamong the wildest beasta or into the Hl-devouring fire ;thono rached mith a tyrant's tortures. Depending as it doeson the divino favo , it ascends Host unensiaved, surrende
up in Christ. For tho individual .hoso lito is framed as
oure is, may philosophiae Mithout Learning, Whester barbarian,
Whether Greeh, Whester flave-Whester an old man, or aboy, or a Woman. For self-controi is common to ali humanbeings who havo mado choice of it. And wo admit that thosame natum exista in every race, and the fame virtve. Assar as respecta human nature, the woman does not possessone nature, and the man exhibit another, but the samo: soalso Min virtve. Ii, consequently, a seinrestriant and right- eousness, and whatever qualities are regarded as festo ingthem, is the virtus of the male, it belongs to the male Honoto be virtuous, and to the woman to be licentious and uniust. But it is offensive even to say this. Accordingly Woman isto practise seliarestriant and righteousness, and every other Viriue, as Weli as man, both bonil and irae; since it is a fit consequence that the fame nature possesses one and the fame virtve. We do not say that Woman's nature is the fame asman's, as ahe is Woman. For undoubtedly it standa in re onthat somo difference should Oxist bet en each os them, in virtve of whicli ons is malo and the other semate. Preynancy and parturition, accordingly, We say belong to Woman, as ahe is Woman, and not as ine is a human being. But is there mere no differenco belWeen man and woman, both would do and suffer the samo things. As thon thero is SamenesS, as far as respecta the foui, ine Will attata tothe fame virtu ; but as there is difference as respecta
man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Forneither is tho woman without the man, nor the man without tho moman, in the Lord.' For as .e say that the manought to be continent, and superior to pleasures; so iam me rechon that the woman aliould bo continent and practised in
soting against pie ures. μ But I say, Walh in the Spirit, and yo shali not sulfit tho lusis of the flesli,' counmis theapostolic command ; for the flesti lusteth against the spirit,
ould. tho Works of tho flesti are manifest, Which are, fornication, uncleanness, profliga , idolatry, Wittacrans, enmities, stritis, jealousies, wrath, contentions, dissensim' heresim, enuings, Munkennem, revellings, and such like;
Women are theresere to philosophige equalty With men, though ino males ars best at everything, unless they ham como effeminate. To tho wholo human raco, then, discipline and virtus are a necessi , it they Would puraue alter happunem. And hom rechlessty Euripidos writos varioustyl ononB occasion, For every Wiso is inferior in her huinand, though the more excellent one mar her that is of fair fame. And on another:
the wronginoer shali receive the wrong, Whicli ho hath dono; and there is no respect oi persons. Masters, render to Four servanis justice and equity; knowing that ye also havo a Master in heaven, Where there is neither Greeli nor Je' ci cumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythim, bond, Dee: