An epitome of the priestly life

발행: 1921년

분량: 444페이지


분류: 미분류


thee in the morning ; let it say with theeste psalms of thy breviary. In churchlet it precede and follow thee; let it sit

stains that thou mayst have contracted from the dust of the world; when fleepcomes upon thee let it close thine eyes; let it dweli ever With thee. Μark well, my son, I do not commendmerely that form os prayer stat the lawobliges thee to recite with attention and devotion, but especialty the secret prayer of the SOUl. In the closed chamber of thy hearithou fhouldst pray to thy Father. Thereat ali times and in ali places thou canstraise thy mind to me, offer to me thyselfand ait thou hast, lay thy petitions before me, and with sentiments of love and humili cast thyseis in adoration at my


nat fountain and weli is the consideration of my commandmenis; to this thoushouldst devote Some time Gery day. Do not fati to choose Some potnt of Christian doctrine for thy datly meditation. Place it before thee, meditate uponit in my presence, apply it to thyself, and Dom this consideration deduce a practical rule os conduci.

out light.



Is thou hast not wings like the ea ethat mounts upwards to the stars, thoucanst at least have the opinions of thoelowly dove stat mahes iis nest in thehollow places of the wali; thou cansi atteast meditate upon my Wounds and humiliationS. Have confidence, my son; thou inaltacquire more sanctity by meditatingumn my passion than ali the learnedmen and philosophers in their study of sublime mysterieS. is thou cansi not say thy prayerS and mahe thy meditations without distractions, proceed nevertheless; offer them

to me.



distraction, this exile os my poor heari. en again, my son, there is another Simple means appropriate to thy needs. ke up a book and read it.

Supported by this, as by a stafr, the


attention of thy mind will be steadiedand thy wandering imagination more quickly arrested. Rivet thine attention upon this plous reading by pondering over each Sentence. In a stiori time thine intelligence ivili beenlightened and thine affections aroused by considering over and over again What thou readest, not for the purpose oflearning or studying the doctrine but toobtain an increage of charity and Viriue.

of whicli thou hast partaken; recali tomind the truths whicli thou hast considered; reneW thy good resolutions thatthey may be more essicacious; and inflame thy heari more and more by holy
