장음표시 사용
to honor a mortat man and to receive a corruptibie reWard.
compunction, and, belloid, a greater than Ionas is here. Τhe queen of the East wili rise up and condemn you; for she came from theends of the worid to listen to the wisdomos Solomon. And, belloid, a greater than Solomon is here. The men os Ierusalem Will rise up against you; for When Ι conversed withthem they wished to mahe me hing. And,
When thou leavest the altar retum tol isten to me, who have the words os elemnal lise, that thou mayst iaste and See
thy servant. Grant to me What thou demandest and command what thou Wili. ach me to love thee so that, merithough late, at least with assurance I maybe able to reply: Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. Thou hast the right disposition, my
and in longue, but in deed and in truth. He who truly loves a friend, ostenthinks of him and freely converses With
to offend me and to gladiy grue thy life
sor the salvation and the sanctification
that thou lovest me: yes, with thy lipsthou honorest me, but thy heari is far