장음표시 사용
iis the just became stili more justand the hola stilli more holy; thus their tristing faulis became raster an incentiveto virtve than an obstacle to perfection.
Look, my Son, at Very economicat menor those Who are passionalely fond of money. See how caresul they are that nothing is tost or that nothing is wasted, but stat ali inings even the smallest and most trifling are put to prosit. See how others carefulty occupy their time test a single moment of it should be
Imitate them, my gon, and leam fromthe prudent of this Worid the true wisdomos the fons os God. Learn to perform ali thine actions, even the stightest and most trivial, insuta a manner that they may not Iosetheir reWard. Learn to put to good use eVery quar-ter of an hour os time that it mav bearfruit for thee in eternity. Courage, my son. Those things whichare most ordinary in themselves loverenders ali the more extraordinary;
negligently thou shali gain no merit; yea, even thou incurrest damnation. Νoenthesess, thou must bear the burden.
thy work. See to it that thy labor is not
siones to be offered upon the altar of heaven to me who sit upon the throne.
With the walis initewashed on the out-side, With the exterior of the chalice purified, thou Wili mink thyseis secure. That is, it will sussice sor thee that nothing may be detected in thy liso that
duties, but in private thou Wili grue lintecare to the priestly rule of Iiis. In thy ministry, honoring me With thylips thou inali dishonor me with thylleari; hearing confessions thou Wili carelitue for the salvation os the penitent; preaching thou inalt be linte solicitousabout the fruit of thy Wotas. Since men belloid but the face, thouWili consider it mite sussicient is thou