장음표시 사용
a multivde of sins thou bringest domupon thy head is thou dost not frequently summon thy floch to the tribunal of pen-ance, is thou neglectest to hear them hen they come, or is thou hearest their confession Without care, Without mal, and without discernment.
haps years he has been forgelsul os God his Creator and unmindsul os the salvation os his foui; but at last he says Within
Or he will mahe his confession without confidence, thinking thee to be a tyrant and not a fallier. Or he may even conceat the more dan- gerous and hidden Wounds of his foui, imagining he has found in his consessora torturer, not a physician.
mate occasion os sin, restores ill-gouen
goods, becomes reconciled with his ene-mies, and repairs the injuries that he has