장음표시 사용
ious; beWare test for this reason thougr- indolent and neglect it. I Was in labors hom my youth; it is very litve theretare is thou devotest daysand monssis and even years to the Work of the salvation os fouis, since I ined
nis ministry indeed is noe in the be- ginning one os joy but raster of sonoW; later on, hoWever, iis exercise bears abundant fruit os peace in the foui.
ere indeed labor is fruitsul, there the lost sheep are found and brought bach to the sold to the meat joy of heaven and to the deliint of the angels.
ere me impure hecome chaste, theunjust honest, evit longues are silencedand enmies are reconcilia. There the ignorant acquire knowledmand the prudent Wisdom. There stains are Washed aWay, WoundSare healia, sins remitted, innocence restoria to the fallen and beau to thedisfigured foui. There milli is seven to the weali and λω to the strong; there the faint os