장음표시 사용
loves them and for their sanctificationita gave himself to the apostles and besto ed upon them his gilis. s, for the sata os fouis, he goestem the gift os longues, the poWer in inter et speeches, to Work miraeses, andio heal the sich. For their salie the Hola Spirit neverceases and never Will cease to MVernand direct our holy mother the Churin, to inflame Wissi charity the hearis of herministers, to open their lips and is descend upon them at the imposition of
self reservedly to the service os fouis. lnus thou seest, my son. that the willos God is the sanctification os fouis. I heresore, is thou ari his minister and helper, thou ouit, as far as in thee lies, devote thyseis to this one Work, the Salvation os fouis. Verily, the most divine os ali divine wOAS is to cooperate with God in thesalvation os fouis. Give him, thereiare, fouis, and therest take to thyself. Give him fouis stat thou mavst inebriate with gladness thelieari of thy God, give joy to his angeis, become Worthy thyseis of doubie honor, save mine οὐ soul and shine as a starsor ali eternity. Lovest thou me, my son3 Show methy love by thy WorkS.
shali lay up for thyself in heaven is thou
thou inali fave men, inali become a participator in their conversion, their sanctity and ali their good Works. Ρreast theresore the word, be instant
Irae good inepherd counts his sileep asthey enter the sold, securely bars thedoor, retums to them at break of day and sollows them to the paSture. Irae good mother Walches over the actions, the language, the needs, the health the spiritual exercises of her children, and ali their budding traiis of character that she may provide for them, correctthem, assist and guide them along the path os virtve. The good inepherd caresully observes What ineep are pasturing and what onesare not, those stat are healthy and thosethat are sichly, those that are sat and those that are lean. those stat are quiet
nus thou inalt know What ones areptous that thou mayst perfeci and Sanctify them more and more; What oneS arecaretess and sinful stat thou maysi r Prove them and induce them in do
Thus by thy vigilance thou inali beable to cure ali their ilis, to procure larthem the greatest blessings, and be allthings to ali of them as becomes theminister of d. But Without vigilance, no matter hoWΡious and Iearned thou mayst be, What
dies for eviis Whicli are not, and eviis Whicli are spread abroad thou Wili permitto increase and multiply. nou shalt be like a learned, indeed, but seolish doctor ino, Without loοkingat the sicli person, prescribes for his healthy stomach When he should attendio his diseased iungS.