An epitome of the priestly life

발행: 1921년

분량: 444페이지


분류: 미분류


As the harvest dependg upon the Seed, so does the sanctification os man dependupon his early training. SoW, my Son, that thou mayst reap;

cast the seed of piety and holy fear into the bearis of children, Water it frequently with the dew of exhortation; sproutingsortii it will grow and bring sortii fruit


With a spirit of piety and furniis milli



and bring forin fruit a hundredfold, and what thou hast sown in humility thouinali reap in exaltation. Instruci, therefore, the chilaren and instruct them frequently. Do not dis- murae about losty things nor about many things, but repeat and emphasim in amanner inited to their capaci , a feWsimple trulli S. Be noe too stem With them but hindand affectionate, test they become Stub-bom and disobedient; be not too familiarbut patemat, indulging in no levity, butdeporting thyself in a plous and dignified

Be noe satisfied Wissi merely explaining the doctrines and precepis, but Suggest to the children examples and

taed in Seir hearis and ever remain there. Give noe thy Whole attention to instruction alone. Of What value is knowledge


fore, over their conduci.

Frequently during the year gather thy


the fame Church for a mollier On earth, the fame spiritual food in the sacra

a more, my Faster has Sent me topreata the gospei to the pοοr; and thou, in son, hast the fame miSSion; See thew- fore that thou fulfillest that mission. nou dost preach and catechiae, butis it not true that there are many Whoare oulside the pale os thine efforis 3Αre there not many of the flock who, deprived os instruction, are sunk in the vices begotten os squalid poveriy3


tive about their lack of means or sultableclothes, are ashamed to come in inurinor tο be present at instructions7 Are there not many Who, on account




instructed her. See h- my apostles travelled throuintoWns and villages, rude setclements and

in an opportune time.


that they axe instructed by Wise and prudent teainers. But do thou thyself direct and watch-er inis Work, frequently demand w- Poris, and do not rest untii thou artassured that ali are Walking in iiii and holiness, that they are devovi and instructed. A formidabie task, sayst thou, Per haps. Cease to complain, my Son. at axe thy labors compared With What I and my sainis have wrouit for the Salvation of fouis 3