장음표시 사용
house any statue, book or picture stat would even be suggestive of such. ou teachest in peopte that theymust not Hory excepi in my cross, stat in it is salvation, life and protection fromenemies; let there re my cross be thespectat adornment and Hory os thyliouse. Set it up as a sim stat it maybe to thee thyseis a reminder os my love
and an ever-present incentive to Viriue; and that sin-laden fouis ino enter thyhome may look upon it, be converted and liveo
others, and in the meantime customers
But, my son, the kingdom os heavenis lita unio a merchant. Ι ain the Muster of the business os fouis, and Ι have placed thee over that business that thoumayst dispense my mysteries at ali timesto ali δεο seek them. But is thou, my son, weary of this watchlat watting go oss here and there, it may eastly happen stat someone in imminent danger of death may urgently request the last sacramenis; that another, moved by an extraordinary grace, may seek with true sorrow for his sing the wine and oti os penanee. But thou ari absent and thus gain
Irae gain of that sicli person who passes to another life with his singunremitted. Τhe gain os that sinner moved to pen-ance who when he did not find theo atine moment of grace became goon fodigetsul of holy fear and will not again return to thee. For monilis and years perhaps he will rema in impenitent in his sins: O lucrum cessans, O damnum emergensi
evit man comes and throui his scandalenters and tahes away the word out of
should never leave their litile childrenalone to themselves but inould everguard and watch over them test perhapsthey fali into the sire or into the cistem,or test some other accident might hefall