장음표시 사용
tion sor relatives. Is they frequently Visit thee, and freely bring others Withthem, thus interrupting thee in thyPTayer and Study, say to them: Rhy do Fou Seek me, Why do you bother me Τ
Widows or of Virgins, nor to be longalone in the company of any Woman. Learn to beware os suspicions, and to
capitulate to corrupi naturet Seeli, therefore, a suitable time to give
thought to thyself that thou mayst stir up in thee the grace whicli thou hast received throuo me imposition of hands. Ine greatest of the saints were surelymore holy and more vallant than thou; nevertheless they did not belleve matthey could, without the a id of set periodsos recollection, persevere in their first charity. In holy retreat the saintly St. Charies was stili more sanctified, the just St. Francis was stili more justified, and the pure St. Ignatius was stili more purified.
io remain alone in the desert for fortydays that thou mightsi learn to sanctisy thygelf in like manner. Μy son, give to thyseis an account os thy steWardinip. Consider not thine early years Whichthou spentest in sin and whicli thou hasthewailed in the bitterness of thy foui, but the more recent years whicli thou hastpassed in the angelic state, in the priest-hood and the apostolate.
yet experience a distaste for heavenly
Perhaps thou hast omitted many good Works, done much evit, and dost not ad-Vert to it; perhaps thou ari not in thestate of grace, and yet don not fear. Perhaps thou hast neglected important desies and givest litue thought to it; thouremainest trusting and confident becausethou hast the name of being alive. Verily, my son, it osten happens thatinose ino are the more holy in the estimation of men are in ali the meater
danger on account of their ino great confiden . Return to the heari, come into soli-
tude, purisy thy foui in order that is thoube worthy of hatred thou mayst be madeworthy os love. I have told thee, my son, that thoushouldst be perfeci as thy heavenlyFaster is perfeci. Dost thou earnestly destre this 3 Dost thou strive to attain to this perfectiony