장음표시 사용
never found a more essicacious means of
salvation3 See to it that me more fiercely the devii and his agenis attachthe Roman See, With ait the greater Zealthou and thy floch remain s ly devotedio it, knowing that there can be but onesold and one paStor. Watch caresully, my son, and standimmovabie in the faith of the See os
Hold in horror and detestation as thouwouldst the very works of the devit books that impiousty attach him, and strive assar as possibie to remove them hom theliands of the people, knowing that theyare incentives to rebellion, not against anearthly prince but against me, the Supreme Ruler of the Church and the whole worid. Retain there ore the greateSi respectiar the Holy See, manifest for it sincere love, unshahen fidelity and due obedi
my son, to be obedient to thy pre lates, to be subject to them; and thouliast promised to do so. Inou hast promised obedience to thybishop and his successors. Keep that promise and thou shalt be precious in my siit, for obedience is beller than
commands of thy superior seem to thyrain judgment useless, assuredly the observance of his commands is notunimportant. Ηme a care to thyself. nou inali render an account not of the command but of the observance of the Precem.
head. Without hesitation or murmuringit does Whateuer it is commanded to do