장음표시 사용
him. Prevent one another in honor, com
thy good example and direct him With
Love not in Word and in longue, but in deed and in truth. LoVe one another; and never Wound any brother by detraction, humiliate him by contempt or offend him by arrogance. LOVe one another; and do not even in secret harbor in thy heari any enVy Ordislike or suspicion against any of thy
natural and carnal, but few in a holy and spirituat manner. In many the old Adam, proud, graSping, enVious and impatient, stili abides. Let me explain, myson, and thou ghali understand. One disti es another hecauso the lalterobtained an ossice or a dignity to whichhe was himself aspiring, was promoted toa high station while he was appotntedio an obscure and lowly one.
one Vesset unto honor and another unio
Ι will the ornament and fame os scholar-
one emies another b ause lic is more successsul in converting SoutS.
O my son, is thou Wishest to preservethis necessary charity towards thybrother priests, keep ali thy passioris in subjection, abstain from ali inordinate
Learn os me that thy conversations with them be few, bries and seriouS. Learn not to talk to vain Samaritans, uniess it be to suggest conversion and
haughty, indolent, talkative, attired in the latest fashion or devoted to the vanities of the worid, but rather to visit and