Book V

발행: 1894년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 미분류


1, locum hept tili the en os the sentencessor emphaSiS. I a gis annus Liv probabi sollowed the annalisis in his scheme fchronology See Introduction, P. XXit n. 2.13 Iam diu with a present in the fame sense a iam diu. Tam diu Seem more frequently to e sed with a perfeci, ut cf. ac Germ. 37 tamdiu Germania vincitur. cum intere L ali the while that 16 inter duo maria f. 33. . I g G. malum perhaps for malum sit plague on ou 3, O a mere exclamationis indignation. Cicero osten combines it illi an indignantqueStion; cf. de O . ΙΙ. 5. 53 quae te, malum, ratio in istam spem in

iam ut grantin sor the ak of argument'. Si iam, ut iam or, as here, illi the orde reverse iam ut are osten se to impi that, even supposing one plea satis, halcis maintaine is stili rightin thergroundS. Cf. XXI. 47 5 Cic. de Fin IV et . 66 ut iam omnes insipientes sunt miseri Caes. B. G. III. 9 6 iam ut omnia contra opinionem acci


et g ubi musti talien illi the abi. abs. et re onsum est The eer so interprete the Omen ; Cf. I. 55. arcem eam inseri caputque rerum fore. . . cecinere vates. The legendo the human head ein Mund is relate in that passage. et augurato liberaretur bein cleare in accordance illi the auguralrites'. iv I. 55. - relates that, heia the great temple of Jupiter wa goin to e uili, the began to lea the Capito by exaug ratio Se n. Ο 52 7 an deorum evocatio Se n. n I. 33, ut the augurieSdidio allow the temple o Terminus tot moved Thi was taken aSanime of the permanen et Roman POWer. 23 Iuventas no mentione in I. 35. , ut sterward combine with

et hic Vestae ignes Camillus at the en of his speech return to annsums up the religiou motiVeS. caelo demissa See n. O 5 I. 7. CHAPTER LV. 26 a1 ovisseJ toliave madean impression ' See Critical Appendix. cum alia. Tum GP Alia m reliqua, an ea is sed in an analogous way for ea parte orationis Cum alia tum m essecialθ; αλλος τε καί is similarly used in Gree in combination illi a Substantive.


di missa See Critica Appendicandis On I. . et postfaulo See n. on Ius aliquanto 22. . in crιma Hostilia See n. na. his buit ling may have escapeddestruction, o the meeting may have been hel in the ruing. 31 in comitis See nn Ona. 9; O. 8. p. 68 ae a antiquata leg I Lex is used in the sense of rotatio, asi 25. ix sor antiquare, Se n. On O. 7. g gula saxi mauriae are ali concrete nouit used in a collective Sense. Materia denotes timber used sor bullding. praedibus acceptis Praedes usuali denotes person givin Securityto the State. For the ace an inf. dependent on raedibus acceptis See

cauSa nata St...tit solentia Senatu minueretur.

Teteres cloacae i. e. the sewer buit in the time of the kings, in contrast to thos bulli later, hich would follow the line of the streets. I occupatae . . . divisae hastil occupied by individuals rather than portioned ut by the state)'. Occusare is the word used os individual occupyin public land etc., dividere reser to the customis mari in Outa town illi augura rites.



The mos important manuscriptiso the isti Book of Liv are the Medicean writte in the leventi century, and the Paris manuscriptwritte in the tentii. Both of these are founde on a recensio of the texi carried ut toward the en os the Murth centur hymicomachus Flavianus and Nicomachus Dexter. With ne exception ali the ther manuscript whicli e no are also derive hom his recension This exception is the Cod Veronensis, a manuscript of the ourth century, hicli contain a considerable parti book II VI. Professori ominsen has published a transcript of this manuscript λ. He comes to the conclusio that it Wasoriginali derive sto the fame archetype a the ther manuScriPtS, Sincerit has many mistahes in common illi them he hinks that it is inferior to the est manuscript of the ther class, ut it has preserved

the true readin in many cases, here the ther are corruPt, and confirme many conjectures of the early editorS. MANUSCRIPT S.


2. Di farfa This reading hicli is found in two inserior ΜSS. is preserable to arata, the reacting of most S S. Pacem parere OCCur in III. I9. I X. 37. XXX. 3o. 3o There i the Same varietyof readin i 6. I. a. vestris ΜSS. vg. proposes nostris, as e Says that Appius Claudius could not doub that the plebeians ad sufferediniuriae, uti di dispute that the were due to the patricians. The

emendation i no necesSary, a Si quae . . . erunt minimiges ut oesno den the existence of iniuriae in the past. g8. cum SerPD. . . alienis cum servis. . cum alienis S S. One os the repositions must be omitted, and the meanin intended is obviousty that stranger are to e refuse acces to laves an not vice

9. quicquam ... civilis sed humani Μost editor insert animiaster humani, ut se explanator note.

Wante a a contraSt to nunc. vg. tum, ut his is to definite. Olim a suggeste by Heidenheim. 7. uno tenore V uno ten ore S S. G. I. sa=Ya V parata SS. See o I. I. Here farra victoria, denotino victor Won', is more appropriate than parata vis oria. Victoriam parere occurs illi the greates frequenc in Livy. 2. recessus V recesstim SS. I 5. aequi Rhenanus for qui of SS. A,ord qualisyin dudire in an adverbia sense eems anted Other emendations have been Suggested quieti, Quirites a a voci . F. sedestris ordinis aiunt nunc esse operam ThemSS. alirea sedestris ordinis se aiunt nunc esse, operamque Fro the first claus it is no possibi to extracton SatiSfactor Sense, and theomission os se an que a SuggeSted by Cuper The passage SeemScorrupi in the ways extra ordinem in the ex line aster sedes risordinis is clumSy.

B. g 3. occupaverat The SS. and editor rea occupaverant. The plura aste two substantives in the singula separate by aut is irregular n a probabi inserte in error by the copyist. D. in concordia hominum It is probabi that Liv wrote in concordia ordinum. The tribune are constanti accuse o wishin to


disturi, the good Pelin belween fatres an plebs cf. 3. ); e re speciali tot in . I that the concordia ordintim ad heen estahlished by the disaster a Veii, an it was his state of things hich ivyrepresent the tribune a wishin t upset. For the phras concordia ordinum, L et Ia VI. 2. II. Hominwn is tame and the corruptionprobabi arose Domiti erasure of the rs three letters of the word in the MSS.Io. 4. consciebatur Μvg. sor conferebatur of SS. partho the wkwar repetition conse ebatur, conferentibus the PhraSeea pecunia tribulo conferebatur is dolabisul in potnt of construction. ΜVg. potnis ut that in II 65 5 the SS. rea ferebant hereresciebant i required. o. legis Treboniae Most editor have accepted his emendationo the SS. D is tribamiciae Lex tribunicia denotes a la pasSed onthe proposa of a tribune cf. III. 56. I and the simila phrase lex consularis); it couldiso denote acia concerning the tribunate. The Lex Trebonia is of course referre t here cf. 11. 1 and legis by tself whichivg. and H. J. . read icto Vaguo. 11. I. cui ThemSS. rea qui The explanations of the

editor salicio give a satisfactor sense to qui vi Eretur. I have there re venture to ea cui Cui videraurm a man who thought it his dui etc.' et quod petissent satres quondam, primo incepto refulsi, tandem Iribunos militum exsu nasse J The SS. rea quidam, tamen forquondam, tandem, and expugnassent. The passage i evidenti corrupi; quidam is in appropriate, as obviousty the patrician a a ClaS were concerned. SSb., in his hird edition proposed nequiquam prinio i=rcepto repulsi Μvg. quia in primo incepto repulsi Si=at, taII GII etc. But halcis the force os quia Τ 6 accusatores' is a necessar change or accusatorem of SS. Fro learn that here ere three proSecutorS. I ac pavorisI Mssb. sor ac pavore of SS. Nug. uva favore.

12. 4. a Cn. Cornelio a whicli is no found in the S S., is obviousi required. nec ossa nata =aec is no in the SS. The genera sense of the passage requires iis inSertion; simila operation are describe in et . a in the fame districi. 1 . go et nec ita mulso post lana palatis veDιt titi format oblati populatores apertatis agri reliquias ux=rae absumpsere This is Madvies reconstruction The MSS. read pala=t se an veluti forte for


whichmvg. suggest fatalis and wδει tuli forent. Talanus ould have tot talien in agreement illi fosulatores, but, S V . Potnt Out, talari si, ould referri people ho are attache when in diSorder, notato the attackers the qualification os forte by veluti is meaningless. Simila consuSion o present an perfeci participies palantes, palatis is requent in SS. so the tense of palatiae explanator note. 14. 2. excieban Drahenborchrior excipiebant of SS. 15. DII. Si quanae, Lib. sor, quando of SS. os editors

1H. I. graerogativae creans The SS. read praeromativa creant; et ther the Substantive o the ver mustae emended. It is possibi that Liv is confusing the Comitia Centurias and the Comitia Tribula se explan. note ona et an is thini in of the tribus praeromativa flateriays, ut it is ases to give him the benefit of the doubi an read

et C. Manliuniri inserted homo et I and Fasti Cap. to complete the number of the tribunes here are ni sive ames in the SS. 7. fraecipitavere is ni found in soni inferior MSS. ostΜSS. praecipitavere se Liv in his firs te book uses the active os an unintentiona sali, the reflexive os a deliberate action. 21. i. similia eris oni in three inferior SS. The est similia ve=ά. Livy, however, though e se the genitive illi thesingular o similis seem to preser veris illi the Plural cf. . o. 5;

24. 7. utique D Reid thiniis that utique is corrupi. It would impi that iv doubte the truth of the traditio that the proposaiwas oote at this time. The uti a be a corruption 1 Some participi parallel to captam perhapidistιtam. 8. partem plebis, partem senatus estinabant ad habitandosyWssb. sor partem plebi parten senatus desti=aabant habitandos of SS. The emendation is light an gives a belle sense than partim plebi partim senatui destinabant abita=ados, hici Rhenanus suggested. V has partiva plebs sa= tim senatus habitando destinaba/II. 25. Q tunt The reading of the SS dum is ungatissa tory.


have writte tum, hicli fornis a good antithesis to ad religet os

I. sollicitae. . aurum omnia ornamenta detulerunt ThemSS. read aurum et omnia ornamenta. Ug. PropoSe t omit et ache SaySaurum is no appropriate to detulerunt, nor ornamenta to sollicitae. The miSSion o et improves the sense, the matrons undertook o findthe gold, and thermore brought heir ornamenta to the treaSury. et is retained, must alie follicitae rasollicitae sunt. a G. Q. metuerant ΜSS. ost editor Change needleSSi tometuebant.


6. quod ΜSS. Some editor emen to quoad se critica note


in D Sabinis muchleare the SS. silvis than Salluviis, hicli mos teditors inSert. 8. salientibus Sal ADthe emendationi Valesius sor the sensetesssalentibus silvis of the SS. per Taurinos saltus vallemque Duriae Alpis The SS. have sal usque ullae or uriae. vg. inseris vallem an emend Duriae. He Say that Isis musti talienis an accusative plurat, o that Iuliae lach a Substantive moreove the Julia Alps are sar distant stom therout Liv describes. g9. cog omittens emendationis ronoviuS; SS. cognovzine. B5. DI Cenonianorum Glareanus mSS. Germanorum. s. goo. siforte Μvg. forforte of SS See explanator note. s. crederetJ a necessar emendatio sor crederent of SS., is the ordinar readiniis hept. The passage seemihoPeleSSi CorruPt,as part DO the anacoluthon the clause cum ... Rouram hould e Subordinate O nemo. . . crederer. It is possibi that crederentishould beretatne and that nemo hould e emende to neminem. Omitting

7. ratis V rati the ther SS. rati se. os editor adoptrati Lib. Suggest ratis, se explanator note. The PaSSage ouldie improvecti the omission of the clause a1rte nocteva raris invaSuroS, Sit add nothin and might be a glos explaining Sub occaSum SoliS. 1 o. inde ex loco munito The SS. have ex loco inde munito Dom hicli it is dissiculi to et a satisfactor meaning D Reid Suggest the transpositionis inde. Ao. Q. quod humani superesset nata Finckhrior quod humanis Suge; esset vetatis of SS.

6. Sequentes bivg. sor exequentes of SS.g9. vehens Lib. MSS. habens; vg. avehenS. Val. Ma I. I. 1o in describing the fame incident ha vehenS. Io. sublicasDVaassen or publicos of SS.ἀ1. Q. praefa=atri SS. Mug. adopis the emendation os Dulieran read praeeunte, a praeire is technicatly used in his connection. Se explanator note. 42. Q consisere Lipsius o co=rcisere of SS. 6. lux ... inquiet, The SS. have inquinam in agreement illa noctem, ut lux require Some attribute.


ga. DI. nequaquans I hava ritie nequaquam sor nequiquam os the SS. The change is licti, and the error may have arisen Domne etιiquam occurring two line above. It is dissicultato extractin satisfactor SenSe hom nequiquam Ierritor it would naturali mean terrifie twith ain ears' cf. 28. 3 nequiquam exterrita civitate); the editors interpret it a meaning terrifieo ithout result' and say that emus understand that the Roman were in a panic, ut stili theywould not ield. ut e learn rom thecias sections of the precedirigchapter that the panic a past, the were hardene an determined; nequaquam terrisoni theresore exacti appropriate. QQ. LI. exuit emendation o Wallier for egit of SS., hiclica scarcet be applied tofo; tuna. vg. cogit; omm se voluit. sis. Det cinctu V the other ΜSS. cinctus. Ssb. SuggeSis that w should rea Gabino cinctu cinctus. 9 custodia Most SS. have custodiae, ut L the PasSages quote in the explanator note.

II. consererisDthe reading of the late SS. is preserable to conserit,hicli occurs in the best ΜSS. I. g 6 in1 balis mentibus Μvg. sor in Iurbatis mentibus of SS. AB. Q. abducere is the readin o almos ali the SS. ostos the editor on the authorit os one late S. emen to adducere. 9. vae victis The SS. rea vae victis esse. Vae victis is theuSua phraSe, an is quote by Festus, p. 372, in connection illi this incident. GO. Det quod ea ostis possedisset Quod is emende by most editor to quoad The Same emendatio has been propoSed in 6, but the se of quodm quoad seem to e sufficienti established See

9. terra Gronovius for terrae. The locative terrae is Mund in the poets o the ground 'ὶ cf. Verg. Aen. XI. 87 proiectu corpore terrae; ut iis se in prose is no est lished. 52. DI. momenta Glareanus for monumen a of the SS. vg. potnt out that rerum eventa cannot e properi describe a monumenta culti numinis. The fame change is ound in some SS. atra. 7 6 II. 7. IO. 5a. I. at enim aggaret quidem sol, omnia nec Ius iacutis expiari osse These Word are not ound in any S. except V. Thenex claus obviousi contain an objection hicli the spealter immediatet answers; this objectio could carcet he introduce by seae.

L. V. 13


It is best there re o solio V. The letters pollui m are illegibi in

V, Some or such as follui or violari is required. 5. Romani The SS. have quam Romani. Μvg. mit quam: he thinlisitu has used the wellanown formi pultin a question and concludin an argument; s. 52 8. 5Q. Q. meaeque calamitatis H. I. . for quam meae calamitatis of the SS The comparison is salserimvg. Omit meae. eani ivg. foris of SS. remonem Italiae mediamJ vg. sor remonum Italiae medium. 6. ista exsertis The SS. have expertis P exsertis latos Theobjectato exsertis musti expressed, and various emendations have been propOSed. 55. I. movisseJ V the ther MSS. movisse eos Movere Sed absolutei meto mali an impression is Mund also in III 47 4 XXVI.