Book V

발행: 1894년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 미분류



in Capitolium atque in arcem The repetitionis the prepositio Servesto distinguisti the wo places sonae en to the Capitol, ther to theciladel. iuventari a poetic ordirs used in prosei Liv who tWays Sesiuventus in a collective senS fm iuvenesin. tirbis placedrars in the sentenc sor emphasis fontinacis attracted into the relative Sentence. 6 a. digredientibus abi. abs. the subject to the participi i containe in the relative clause ui. . ferebant, and the pronou i omitted hecause eis occvribelOW. species Da savourite ordis Livy's cs. I. belli speciem. muliebris The adjective is used instead of a genitive seem on et I in and the participi sequentium is put ascis mulierum actuali occurred. Io AOS..HIOSImroos μέν, οὐ δέ, c. thei husbands, ho ere tote lest bellino, and thei sons ho ere goindito the Capitol. rogitantium See n. ni. 3 dictitant . II nihil. . . mali lestio elementis human miser that couldae added Ia A. arcem used here an in I. 1 to include both arx an Capitolium Se n. On 39. .

I nec vocanteJ nor invitin them' in contrastri prohibente . In 39. 9 however, Livntelis us that it was decide that omen and childrensi, ould go to the Capitol. 1 obsessis See n. O 26. . 15 AE maxime See n. na plebis explain alia CL 35. I. 16 capere contain'. collis alere solerat so the personification quisve locus arser

turba regre i.

2o communibus defloratis despatring of the public interesis'. Gmmunibus mio conceivably be so communibus rebus as omnibus is


vere buried nea the Cloacamaxima asterward bore the nam os Doliola. sacello roximo On the ablative os place here ithout a prepoSitio Se n. On 33. . There are Severa inStance in his hapter via, sons are parti locat, parti moda in SenSe, the denote the way alongis ich movement alie place cf. 35. et Poeninae); contrast plaustro in giwith in vehictilo inacio. et despui religio est See nn o religioni fuisse an vinciri, 3. . et sublicio ponte the oldest ridge ver the Tiber, hicli a traditionali supposed' have been uiti by Ancus artius, at the Same time a the fortificatio of the Janiculum I. 33. ).48 deflebe homo f. 32 6 and Se n. Ono 2. .

turba. . . rgressi The se of a masculine plural illi a seminine collective nou is frequent it is necessar here a in o. 6 a the dea of Separate actio comes in Aeachao his own home'). Io Da fortunae honortimque ac vinulis For the variet os conjunctions f. 2. 2. Here fortunae rank an honorum ossice are CloSely connected an virtutis prowess whicli is distinc stom both is introducedi a disserent conjunction. II augustissima vestis Durin a triumph the magistrate ore thetoga picta and the tunica palmata, and the fame decoration Were Ornby the principat magistrates in the sonas Circi, hen the mage of thegod Were carrie in sacred carriages calle censae These iusignia


were, howeVer, Ot wned by private individual and were kept in the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. Livy's Word must not be alien too strictly he means that the magistrates sat in their robes of office andas it was usual for magistrates to e urn after death in their obeso office, his asin sigillia the devoted themselves o death. I medio aedium This abi. and eburneis sellis are both used without a preposition, hich iv osten omit Wit Sedere; s. o. 8; . 3 . . For medium sedis a Substantive illi a partitiVe genitiVe cf. I. 57. in medio aedium sedentem an See n. on 29. 4. In the paSSage juStquote meritim aedium denotes the Irium, here the phras Seem toleuse vaguel for the pace besore the ouses, as in gra iv says that the sat in aedium vestibulis.1 Da fontisce maximo praefante J Severat case are recorded, Phere Roman citigens devote themselves o death in the belle that thesacrifice of their life ould bring salvation to their country an ruino their oes. In suci cases the fontifex repeate the format devotio here called carmen) here is an instance of this practice in VIII. 9. 5. fraefante Praeire is the word generalty Sed cf. VIII. pontifex

. . praei verba quibus me devoveam.

pro patria uirilibusque Romanis The prope forma descriptionos the Roman was opulus Romanus Otiirisium. I gQ. et quia quod The conjunctions are varie&without implying an disserence of meaning. I in acie in opposition to tum. The hadio fought a critical batile, nor ere the the tryin to tali the cit by assauit. The imperfectoasiebant denotes efforti intention. i poste= faei See n. on 39. 2 ante Solis occaSum. et et is in dissipato in eos, si dissigati essent. So in D vagos is conditionat. et proxima quaeque The plura o quisque, hic is properi used with nouns hich havem singular suc a castra O to denote groupso PerSon or hings, is also Sed regulari With the neuter plura of the

superlatiVC. mine The ablative of manne without an adjective is sed like an adverb; the fame oro occurS in hiS Se in I. I 2 45 5 55. I. 25 ve, ea inlacίal vetas i. . .essent. Velut S Sometimes used illi a

participi in Livy in his passage howeve the subjec ea is insertedand the emphati adverti demetum, just ascis velut introduce a dependent

sentence illi a finite verb.


et g . atriis The atrium, hicli a the mos important par of every Roman house, a generali oppoSit to the principat entrance. et cunctatio invadendi CL 8 3 sistitia sepeliendi an se n. n

so ad I rie n. ni. 5. 31 in aedium vestibulis The vestibulum a the ope space belweenthe street and the oo leadin to the atrium. In the liouses of thericli his doo was frequently thrown bac Some litile distance. praeter ornatum not inin in thei gar, and bearing. Livydescribes Hercules in simila termS I. . . p. 52 s. suamJ refers to the principat subjeci M. Parisius. ut tim. . .eras The cuStom of Shavin the face a introduced at Rome rom Sicil about o ears later it was not universat ill the timeo Hadrian Tibull. I. I. 3 ; v. East. II. 3 tal of intonsi avi. scisione eburneo The ivor stari ippe with gold was ne of the insignia of the resumphator Papirius ad been consul an consulartribune, ut Liv does not record an triumph celebrate by him. ceteros ... trucidatosL FO acc. an ins after dicitur Se n. o I. . et 'o nulli The dat. o nullus is no osten Sed Cicero and the Augustan writer preferre the form nemo an nemini, ut theyused nullius, nullo Se n. Ο Ι9. 5.8 mortalium See n. Ona. 3. CHAPTER XLII. 9 delenaei libido See n. o 13. et dulcedo creandi. 1 ita explained by the two clauses introducedi et ei.

consipere, de Critical Appendix.

auribus ...constare ConStare have command ver ci Cic. Tusc. IV. 7. 39 mente conStare, an for the PhraSe cf. ac Ann. III. 6 neque oculi neque auribus co erebant.


exaggeration Some of the omen ad gone to the Capito o. ὶ, othersia fought refugera anseo Rome, ut this description implies that man were Surprised in the city. et avertisset subjunctive os repeate action, as acciderent in see

et ad omni See n. On 37. 5.2 ulliusJ sem millius rei relictici nom. masc. plur parallel o fositi; mindices is predicative. et g 5. ante alios See n. no. 6. umquam Ouisquam umquam, ita, hicli are properi used after negative See n. n 3. 2), re alSo Sed regulari in comparative SentenceS, cf. 25. 9 ut quae maxime umquam fuit. et a saIri J The Roman in the citade were hut out rom thei city; the city in accordance illi ancient ideas, is regarded a the fallierland . et g excepity See n. Ono 3. 4.

inquietaJ See Critica Appendix.

3o novae senaseri the Sight of Some ever-Desii calamity'. Semper qualisies and emphasietes the adjectives f. Praef. et novi semper ScrisDres


3I nihil notin hit'. tamen onerari Tamen contrast What ollows illi ha precedes, buti means os an idio frequently employed the precedin description is summe u in the participi onerati, o that tamen SeemSto qualis the participi fm althoughὶ cf. Ter Eun. 7 tamen contemstus abs te aec alti in memoria Cic. pro est 67. I o hunc tamen granum invidia ... ipse possulus Romanus periculo liberarit. p. 53 1 exerunt animos, quin See n. n 28. I. et aequata equivalent in sense to aequata solo flammis ac ruinis aremoda ablativeS. quamvisJ with the adjectives inosem arvumque. velut qualifies the participle. abalienaverant See n. on . . The had os ali feelin sortheir own missortune sor his sense of the Ver cf. XXVI. I . alienatis mentibus vino ab imminentis Sensu mali. CHAΡΤΕ XLIII. 8 quoqueJ See n. On 39. I. Io nihil superesse This and the expression in et 7 omnia ammis ac ruinis aequas are exaggeration notato b taken literalty.


II nequaquam See Critica Appendix. I sexuros. . . ni The suture ParticiPle, a the apodosis to a conditionalqentence, hicli is frequent in TacituS, a firS used by Livy cf. III. 6o. 8 vallum invasurus ni cogia sugnae seret. I multitudo omnis lev en masse 1 testudinefacta What this ascis explained in XXXIV. 39 6 stibialis supra capita scuti continua seque inter se testudine facta subibant.16 nihil. . . trepide Sc. faciunt. stationibus frmatis havin strengthene the guard-posts' cf. IV. 27 7 pars militum portarum lationes/rmat. I qua ... eaJ ad Verti of place. I in arduum ...per protiive The Se of the neuter adjective asin substantive, hicli is in genera frequent in io, occurs mos commonlywith repositions o place There are an instances in his book;

With per are not so common a thoS Withither prepOSitionS; Cf. XXXVIII. 2Ι. 3 per arduum.

et g a. sua sponte Notice the emphati personificationa locus is the subjeci. et et tenas averint primar tense in a conSecutive Sentence. et g Q. Daque Seem ono . . fer vim atque arma a hendiadys more requently ound in thephras vi et armis. et et quod. . . et ex arris The two clauses are not correlative, and

inmemo= escis applicabie ni to the first. et fretistentum collectiveri frumenta Suali denotes the growing crops. incendiis The plura refers to the fires in the different paris of thecity. et 7 S. fartim. . far Partim cani used as a substitute sor pars, or an case of alii; cf. Cic. P U. VIII. I Partim e nobis ira timidi sunt, fartim etc. Here garrim supplies the subject praedari, and the agent to obsideri. p. 54. G. ad. . . virtvtem Wit duxit, not with prosciscentis. et Ardeam Ardea a in the Ager Romanus about twent miles DomRome the Romans ad sent a colon to Ardea to proieci the place against the Volsci IV. II. but the clown ad apparentlyremaine independent.

whic usuali denotes instrumen or means, is ometimes sed like thepresent pasticipi to denote the circumstance or anne os an action.


Cf. 22. quaerendo); II. 38. I primores excipiens quere ad indignanisque Tacitus even combines participi and gerund, Aran. XU. 38aSSuriens et osulando. 5 senesceret languished For his metaphorical USe cf. I. 13.1 ali Jm cetera. DB avidos used like an adverti as an extension of the predicate cf. III. pavida uelu stupente. nec secus quam, nec minus quam, hil non Secus ast non a ter

Io contionem. conciliis On conciliis Se n. n 7 6. Here an in 5. Livy uses contio of the assembi os a Dreim State, in the Same Senseas concilium. suetus Elsewhere iv uses a compound 6. I insuesco 6. 5arauesco. The imple verbie re iv was almos entiret restricte tothe poetS.CHAPTER XLIV. I DI quandorcausal cf. I 3. The claus explain novi cives mei.

nemol ne quis in a juSSive Sentence. condicionis meae i. e. as a ne citigen, ho ould naturali not alieupon himself to advis the community. 13 in re tresida f. 39. 3 in perdita re. 17 in me Aster meritum in it the acc. S Sual. I usus mei inus an usus are ometimes ound in iv and laterwriters it a genitive, instea of the more sua ablative Cf. XXII. 5Ι. 3 temporis su ESSE. acim bellica.19 steti in an emphati SenSe, Se n. II. II. et g a fortuna with gen o gerundis thance Γ, a in XXI. I. conserendi manum fortuna. et exprobranda mentione reproachlalty brought up against ' Exprobrare is used in the specia sense of offensivel remincling peopte os benefit previousi conferred cf. Plaut. Trin. 318 exprobras, bene quod fecisti Cic. LaeI. o. 7 odiosum Dentii ominum o incia exprobrantium. et belli attributive to decus. Notice the combinationis gerundive illigerund for ariety. et si magna See n. 11 4. 4.

D for that reason ' Se n. Ono 6. 3. L. V. II


etet g 5. parenteni Dcmphatic sto it position the cit theniooh, sori lay open to them . et exigua manuJ instrumenta abi. 3, o. hausto The or is stricti appropriate ninto vino. a petit Adpetere, hic is properi a transitive verb, i Sometimes

3 et ab secundis rebus See n. O 5. 3. p. 55 F. in animo est used a the passive of in animo habere, whic occurii 45. . et haec omnia Galliam feriri a graphic phraSe cf. VI. o. 7 reserringio his time cum praeter Casitolium atque arcem omnia haec hostium


3 ad caedesm, non ad sugnam Cf. 5. 3 nusquam proelium, omnibus locis caede ESL vinctos somno a poetic phraSe, OUn alS in IX. o. Cf. 45.

soluta Somno.


quae aut unde The doubie interrogative is colloquial cf. Cic. Acad. I qui et tibi Plaut. Seud. 963 qui aut unde. I quosdam Ouidam, hich should denote certain definite persons, is osten used by Livy in the sense of nonnulli, to denote a number o indefinite perSonS. 1 palatos See n. Ono 3. 2.2 et Q. adeo nihil 'so a Dom' adeo, hicli is commoni used toemphasire an idea by comparison or contrast, is osten Mund in negative Sentences, here the negative and the ver sorm ne idea qualifie hyadeo; s. III. a. 7 haec dicta adeo nihil moverunt. For nihil α non f

agrum Romanu I rie n. no6. 3. et praesidium so called ecause it a then heltering the Romansugitives by hos ai Rome was aster ard delivered. et habuerint primarynense, although facerent i in the preceding clause;

5. viderant Thestupersect here denotes an actio antecedent tolliat denoted by the persect in Lycerit. 26 et congregatos The had rs see them cattere ove the counfry varantis), the with their orces collected riving thei booty congi e-gato agmine gives a close definitionis agentis. agmineJ See n. I. 5. et g G indigni asD indignation ' Cf. 6. . et Etruscisne .esse The infinitive hicli is sed in indignant exclamations here occurs in Oratio obliqua; f. III. 58. 2 virum iacere vinctum inter fures, Verg. Aen. I. 37 Mene incesto desistere victam. 3o vix temseravere quiny rie n. O 28. I. 3 et ceu tirioney The legion a divide into fixi centuriae, ver acti os whicli a centurio a Set. p. 56. I sustinuere postponed' cf. III. 65. 6 dilectu sustinendo. 3 cibus captivisJ abi abs cf. I 5. 1 hostibus Etruscis. Salinas Reservolrs for receiving sea ater layin both bantis of the Tiber ea Ostia Thei construction a attribute to the eign os Ancus artius I. 33 9 Ostia urbs condita, salinae circanclac . ex inprovisoJ See n. Ono . . caedem edidere See n. n 13. ΙΙ. ovantes exulting ' no in the technica sense, hicli it bear in


ConciSe phrase similar clo egressus per medias stationes in Oninter illi verbS of motion e n. O 27. 2.

Io iuva...conPerti Cum illi the persect indicative o the historicalpresent is frequently used to introduce the principa staternent the verbos the principat sentenc is usuali the imperfeci or the lupersect; cf. 7. 4, 39. The historica infinitive in his se is Mund also in

admiratione. . . convertit attracten the 'ondering attention is'; admiratione is abi. of cauS by reasonis thei Surprise 'in The expression is strange P concient miraculo atque indignitate homines in . 59. is Somewhat parallel. 11 a. statum fixed', i. e. appotnted sor a particula da of the year; Cf. XXIII. 35. 3 erat Campanis Ialum sacri cium.1 et genti Fabiae J Eachidn was unde the protectionis a speciali et ty, to hom annua Sacrifices ere offered cf. 52 3 Sol mne Fabiae gontis.13 Dorsuo This cognomen of the Fabii is Mund alS in VII. 28. I. The obligation os offering sacrifice manliave reste in Particulari thesamil of the Donuoney the hapel of the Fabii, e ma conclude, assituale o the Collis uirinalis. Gabino cincti J The cinctus Gabinus a forme by girdin theto a tighil round the od an fasten in it by one of it loos ends laciniae); his method of earing the toma a adopte o certa in Sacre occasionS cf. Verg. Aen. VII. 61 se Quirinali trabea cinctuqtie Gabino. The origi of the ille Gabinus is unexplained.

15 ad vocem Seem On 37. 5. terroremJ threat', a Sense hicli the word more frequently bear in the plurat.16 omnibust omnibus rebus cf. I. I and Se n. Ο Ι9. . eademJ Se via, a in cio. 17 sperans esse The infinitive present i osten ound aster sero, o stes est the ver itfel containing the idea o futurity cf. H. . ore era deferre.

18 n . quidem Although, as uSual, ne quidem Speciali emphasiae theword with whicli it is closely connected, it here negative both prohibi