Book V

발행: 1894년

분량: 247페이지


분류: 미분류


anceston est rius in ther citis to ou care, me anno tranfer cur

The argument tria it ould cost to much Iroubie to restore Rome is in omere reunce, for the rogosaluo nigriste a naade more the destruction


clauses dependent O ut.

quoad . . vixi Quoad in a tempoia senserias a substitute sor Eonec)is rare in ali periods when it means a long as cit usuali talies the

indicative in Det quoad sust lat the subjunctive is sed ecause the clause illi quoad is dependenti an infinitive deesse .

si revocaretis, rediturus fuerim J This combination os primary and Secondar tense in a Conditiona sentence, is perfecti regular Themood an tense of fuerim, the ver of the apodosis are determine by the ac that it is the predicat o a consecutive sentence aster acerbae sunt. Dit,ere independent, the hypothesis ould assume his formQ- si revocaresse, non rediturus fui cf. 53 9 facturi fuimus, si aedes de agrassent); in a consecutive sentence fui naturali becomeS fuerim.

Cf. IV. 38 5 nec dubium erat quin, st...possent. . . daturi fuerint Cic. Verrio. 42 qua re Iam nefaria St, ut etiamsi lex non esset 'agnopere

vitanda fuerit.

Io a. ut redirem . . perpulit In consecutive sentence the persect whether used as an oris o a a prope persect is regulari followed by the imperfeci subjunctive in the dependent clauSe cf. 53. . mutata The participie hould e alien illi both substantives, itis no the change in in inclination, but in Four fortune that'. 12 id agobatur was the question a stalae . i. e. hen the recali fCamillus a PrOPOSed. titique See n. n 39. 2.16 rect eratam emphatic, now that tris recovered'. 17 victoribus Galias abi. abs. in contrast illi victoribus Romanis. I dique et homines Romani Roma=a qualifies both ordS. ore osten the phras dique et homines is sed generali o divine and human agency. In the nominative Liv prefers the combinationdique et cf. 49. I), ut in the ablative dis hominibusque g8; a ;


3. 7. 52. Ἀ7ὶ otice the prominence inive clo religious motives throughout this speech cf. Speciali 52. I, and Se n. On 3O. 5.2 et g et equidem usuali emphasise the actio or the opinion o a particula individual here grammaticali it introduces the principalsentence ad iij, ut logicali it shouldio ith sutem. traditae se manus The phras is used in a metaphorica SenSe, Srristiones denotes religious institutions ' se n. n I. ); Cf. I. 3. Ugnum fer manu tradidit L manus tradere 27 3 is sed in adisserent SenSe. et numen is the power that ortis in and through the gods the wordoste correspond in ense to Livy' use of fatum orbo=Yuna. Providence is themeares equivalent in English. et hac tempestaleb cie n. On 37. I. 26 sis horum deinceps anno=rum Athe las se year in SucceSSion'. For the se of a temporat adverbis an attribute See n. I6. 2 example os deinceps are found in III. 39. 4 Komulus deincepsque reDES;

XXII. 7. II.

,7 inve=iietis Where a latur is sed to give the consequence of the actio denoted by a precedin imperative, the connectin particle is usuali omitted. prospera used in an adverbia sense. See Critica Appendix. a gis iam omnium primum J Iam serves a a partici O transition, a Liv passes rom his genera Statem ent omnia evenisse to particular

p. 63. 1 3. spreta The auxiliar est is raret omitted in dependent

redempti See n. O 49. I. 7 o. confugimus. . deos The mos important temples ere o the Capitol se n. o 5o. 6), ut it is a rhetorica exaggeration to repreSentreligious motives as determining the Roman to Seeli refuge there. terra See Critica Appendix The ablative os place denotes also the means by hichahe conceat ment as effected. Verbs of concealing


or hut tintin, hicli in Cicero are usuali constructed with prepositions cf. o. 6ὶ are Mund in the poet an Liv with the simple ablative cf.

XXVIII 8 5 cereri Silva SESE occuluerrint.

11 reddidere The orde in his passage is extremel artificiat. In the preceding paSSage the object sacra anxiatiuum are thrown forward sor emphasis, hile reddidere is put firsi clo introduce theconclusion of the narrative. i, foedus ac dem reat an troth ' otice the alliteration. CHAPTER LII.

15 '. momenta D momentous consequences'. his ense is derived from the origina meanin os momentum m movimentum) the impulsewhicli turn the scale' cf. XLI. II. Io parva momenta DPium e faminum Cic. Phil. V. o. et minimis momentis maximae inclinationes emporum sunt. I vixdum . . . emergientes Livy used many tempora an moda adverbs in conjunction illi participi e cf. 2. G 4. C; 47. 4 XXXII. 28. vixdum inchoatis rebuS. naufra iis This plura is osten sed os a single eveni CL Cic. ad Att. II. naufraeia alicuius ex terra infueri. The metaphor os

Shipwrech is frequently employed both in Latin and Greeli. Cf. Plui.

18 Da auspicato inalguratoque For the ablative See n. On Ι. 7. The phras refers to the means by hic the sit o Rome a ChOSenand the cit solanded. f. I. di angoriis emerent; Ι. 8. Romulus augurato urbe condenda reintim adeptus est. Inaugurato is osten used in the sense of augurato cf. I. 36 3ὶ the word ma possit lyhere have the Sense of consecratin V mean os auguri . et stati See n. On 6. 2.22 g a deos publicos privatosque i. e. the god of the State as et asthe Lares and Penates of the family See n. On O. I. a quam par ironicat. et in a lescente See n. O II. 6. et cum obiit See n. Ono. 5 cum . . . abduxit. et sollemne used as a SubStantiV a in I. . et g g. an O the re fuctio ad absur min a rhetorica devicerae n. On . II, and cf.4 8.


3o quam fuerit In sentences introducedi quam aster a comparative the ver is generali in the subjunctive. p. 64. G. salvis caerimoniis without impatring the orce of the

et et is epexegeti and introduce a particular Xample. genera imi fer Singula onera.

Lovis epulo J This ceremony, hich too place during the ludi plebei XXVII. 36. Iovis epulum fuit ludorum causa), dissere sto the lecti- Sternium se n. on 3 6 in ein par of the Romanus risus Thesenate had a Dastin the Capitol, at hicli the statues of Iupiter, uno

an Minerva ere brought Out. pulvinar suscipi the arrangement of the ouch e underialien'. Pulvinar denotes a couch ad of ushion and richi covered, hichwas intende so the ods. Cf. Hor. d. I. 37 3 ornare suminar eorum tempus erat asibus.

U. aeternis Vestae inibus Vesta a Worshippe in very amilyas the guardian of the domestic hearth, hil in the circular temple dedicate icio her, her altar a regarde a the public earth of the Roman people, and therare as hept always burning there by the Vesta 'Virgins CL Cic. de Leg. II 8 et in urbe custodiunt ignem foci sublici


5 signo Within the temple of Vesta the Palladium an archaic 'wooden image of Pallas was sal to e reserved. his ac ordin tolli legend fel froin heaven hen Ilus a Dundin Ilium and was brought y Aeneas to Italy. The worshi o Pallas, as et a theword Palladium, is essentiali Greela, and could not there re have been introducedinti long aster the oundation o Rome. The alat of thecit was suppose to e bound p illi the Palladium an certainother sacra Cicero pro Scauro 8 like Liv calis it pignus nostrae saluti atque inseri Ct. XXVI. 27. I conditum in penetrali fatale pignus inseri omani. ancilibus Acimal ova shiel sancile was sal to have fallen romheaven in the eig of Numa, an on his as et asin the Palladium depende the salet of the ity. Numa ha eleven other mad like it,t lessen the hance of the proper hiel bein Stolen Cf. I. o. caeleStia arma, quae ancilia amellantur. The hield were hept by Salii Numa appotnte twelve a priest o Mars Gradivus and Tullus Hostilius appotnte twelve more a Priest os uirinus. Gradive Gradivus, as a ille of ars, is supposed to denote thego who strides illi Wartili stemto the batile field Merare remindecl


of the description o Ares in Aristophanes Pax et I as ὁ κατα τοῖν


in frofano Von prosane soli'. The cit o Rome in virtve of theceremontes of iis Dundation cs. Det was a templum Icilia been desecrate by the Gavis 5o et and is i ha been abandoned the cerem onyo exar uratio ould have been PersOrmed cf. I. 55. 2 exauguraresana Sacellaque statuit. aequali coeuat'. f. Cic. pro Mil. I. 85 vosque Albanorum arae, sacroratur populi Romani sociae et aequales.

Ius Ora an institutions os Roman religion ere supposed tobe derived Do Alba Longa o Lavinium. In particula the worshimos Vesta a sal to have been rought rom Alba Longa I. o. 3ὶ his legend potnis to the customo colonies ringing the ver burningire hom thei mollier town. DB in monte Albano On the summi of the Alban ount stood the temple of Puniter Latiaris, the sanctuar of the Latin league, and here ere celebrate the feriae Latinae Se n. Ono 7. in . 1 Lavini Daramal town about 16 miles to the ouiliis Rome Legendsaid that it was Mundedi Aeneas and was therars place in Latium toreceive the Trojans It was regarde a the metropolis of the Latina race, and forme the religious centre of the league, here the Lare and Penates of the Latins ere kept. The igher magistrates sacrifice at Lavinium on entering or layinidown Office. 11 religiosum fuit See n. o 13. . ix g instaurentur See n. O I9. I. I atrio ritu ma mean in accordance illi' more probablyit is partitive, aliquid ex Some Partis.16 auspiciorum renovatis See n. no7. 3.19 o. instituimus novos have established newgods'. his refers to the temple of Aius Locutius in the Roman consciousi deified abstractionS, it a alway eas for them to increas the number of their

et dedicata est The Latins aiked os dedicatin a go sor his statuet

et goa opus ity The hypothesis is put vividi in the indicative.

et g 1a loquimur On his and ther forins of transition e n. o 5. 6. quid tandem se dicam. 29 iaculi I Piaculum, hic properi denotes a sin offering in early


an late Latin as sed so the sin, hicli require expiation. tris soused here an in gra, Io in a disserent SenSe i 53. I). s. ac Ann. I. 3 solutus piaculo. 3 sedes The Vestal live in the trium Vestae, a uildin in the Forum clos to the circular Aedes Vestae and the Remi the residence of the Pontifex Maximus). The home of the Vestat was urni down severa times; excavation durin recent ear has reveale extensive remain of the fritim Vestae ascit a rebuit in the time of Hadrian. 3 urbs casta movit See n. on 29. idum castum. flamini Diali J The flamen o Juppiter e oyed numerous privilegeSan honours, ut he was Subjecto many restrictions. He might notqui the cit for a single night, and thi restriction aikept uinuntii thereig of Augustus Tac Ann. III. I).

p. 65. 3 g 14. in singulas noctis night aster night L A the flamen

was bound alway to flee in Rome, resti in ould e contracted every night he was way, and a he wa the repreSentative of the state, the whol people ould incur responsibility. IS aliat inera. intra fomeriiιnes The pomerium a the pace ept clearis uildings an cultivation o both sides of the wal os a town Both thecustom of mari in the pomerium and the ceremon of consecration were derived rom Etruria I The term pomerium Was osten applied, ascit is in his passage, to denote the uter oundary, hicli define thelimit illiin hicli the urbana auspicia couldie alien Almost ali acis, whicli ere performe auspicato, took place illiin the pomerium, excepi meetings of the Comitia Centuriata cf. Aul. Geli. XV. 27. centuriata comitia intra pomerium feri nefas esse. atitI The two ord are o mutuali exclusive; 'e liould say

DAG. comitia curiata This assembi in the republic a Supersede so the mos part by the Comilia Centuriata It still retained, however, certain forma functions an in particular conserre theimperium o the higher magistrates by the lex curiata de imperio seen on 6. o); in virtve of this functionitu describes it a comitia quae

rem militarem continent.1 g 1 F. tanto incommodo the abi. o attendant circumstanceS cf. II. I. 3 eSSimo publico.


13 vastava waSted devastated'. Vasitis is sed like a participi Minthe ablative cf. Att. p. est. p. 372 iam hanc urbe II ferro vastava faciet leus Sall. Hist. I. I. I vaStava urbem fugia et caedibus.16 gra hanc iacta; that this is a rumpe uinexcuse an no a real

17 ut ero ton dicam G illi the subjunctive is frequently used in conceSSive Clauses, speciali is the are negative is even is, although).18 qtii memi=ristis The relative clauseris attributiveri e hould expectit tot causa an to tali the subjunctive. et hanc rem explaineui ut tra=ismigrar emtis cf. hoc in .aclana Inooted' See n. ni. 5.2 et videte as in et an marii ou'. et a faciendunt fuerit The subjunctive ood is uerio the clauseaeingoblique in direct narration it,ould e facieiaduna fuit se n. o gi);vaigra=rdum fuisset o the ther hund is sed to expres an unsultilled condition in past time. nunc titiqueJ now at an rate ' See n. n 39. 2. et necim et ne. et g q. Dν iosa est B a Latin idiom ha we hould state conditionali is expressest absolutely. Thus longuva est an Simila expres Sion are osten se of hypotheses. Here hoWeve the angvage is purposely vivid Camillus isties his earer to realige clearly the consequence of eaVin Rome. Cf. videbimur, potuerunt in the nexi

deprecar Entur.


solitudinem vestram desert of youriwn . II quid magis nefas Ouid does no reser to the two alternatives in theline bove utrum ould e required); it implies that no ther ourse

nefas is qualified by the ad ver magis as Dit,ere an adjective. 1 et patri sed in a disserent sense illi the wo substantives, myΟ are prepare to allow this crime, to suffer this disgrace. B. tota urbe See n. Ono 3. 7. I casa illa O the wester stope of the Palatine the hil to hicli Roma Quadrata, the primitive city, a limited there ere severat objecis connected illi the earlies traditions o Rome There stood the Lupercal, the Fictis Ruminalis and the Casa Romuli. A ut fprimitive style, probabi round in hape, uili os ood and thalched, which was identis ed with the welling o Romulus, existe eveniown to the time of AugustuS.I convenae pastoresque S in I. I. iv describes the plebeians in the time of the king a illa fastorum convenariamque plebs. He is here thinking of the legend that Rome was an asylum so the

wanderer of Latium.17 nihil praeter silvas Ino. 4 6 Liv describe the sit os Rome, vastae tum in his locis solitudine erant.18 tam brevi Cf. I. . 9 Sabini mirantur tam brevi rem Romanam

19 stantibus 'stili standing ' se n. o II. O and cf. Det Stante incolumi urbe.2 Singuli. . . universiJ as individuals ... a a body'.

facturifuimus, i. . . desagrassent The future participie illi eram oriti is requently found in the apodosis of a condition contrar to the laci. In Such cases the protasis qualities the participi whicli expresses likelthood an no the auxiliar verb, cf. 26. Ioὶ It is simila to theus offossum, licet, oportet in uiasulfille conditions Se n. on 3. ). CL L 26. Io II. Ι quid enim ut iram,fuit, i. . . coepta SSet. CHAPTER LIV. et g 1. quid tandem, Se n. O 5. 6. et a fraude ... casu 'i chance or design'. For his se of the ablative

et Fidenas aut Gabios Fidenae ad been finali conquere and depopulate in et M IV. 3 3. Gabii, hicli in the time of the hings Was


a state os considerable power, ad by this time lost iis importance, although it was stillis member of the Latin league. In Livy' time the two laces ere proverbiali quotexas deSOlate. Cf. Hor. D. I. D. Gabiis desertior atque Fidenis vicus; Iuv. VI. 56 vivat Gabiis, ut vixit

in agro, vivat Fidenis. 25 aliamve quam J Notice aut...ue; G. O F. O any the Place ou like the use of quam Ce n. no . .

et g a. adeo nihil tenet 'has our native soli soralight a hold onsol 'Se n. On 5. . Adeo nihil S usuali sollowed by a consecutive clausewith ut here the inferenc is introduce by se et superscis tignisque Superscies denotes the uildings bove theground Superstructurej, and i properi contrasted with solum o area. Cf. l. XLI. 3. 23 cum aedes ex duabus resu constent, ex solo et superscis Cic. ad Att. IV. I. 7 aream praeclaram habebimus, Sufersciem consules aes inrabunt. The wor therefore includes tignis, hicli is pleonaStic. et g a. eui. . . iuva although I have litti pleasure in callinito indthe rong yo di mei my wn missortune'. See Critical Appendix. 3 ve=liretJ Subjunctive of repeate action See n. Ono . . s. 67. I adsueta familia to' in a disserent Sense in 8. 3. essens subjunctive ecause the clauS i dependent on 3 netentem

veniret. urbi condendae locuna L See n. n 38. I and cf. I. I. 8 condera e urbi locum quaerere.

saluberrimos collis Cicero de Reg. Ι. o has a somewhat similardescription o Rome, octiva delegis Romulus in YDione pestilenti salubrena These accounts are probabi coloured by patrioli exaggeration. The hills were surroundedi polsonous swamps, and the unhealthines of Rome is established by a number of passages sto Roman writers Anadditiona proo is assorde by the altar an stirines dedicate to thegoddes of ever, and ther indre deities Mephitis, Vermi=tus, Cloacinain. quo by means of hicli ' See n. On o. 8. vicinum ad comvroditatesJ near nough sor ait Selat purposes'. Ad is used in a final sense, as in ad increvientum natum. nec but not'. expositum ad pericula Cf. XLII. 3. 0 Iibertatena expositam au