The beauties of Plutarch; consisting of selections from his works

발행: 1831년

분량: 200페이지


분류: 미분류


io et up arbitrar pοwer punishable by lawri ut eth sermo mado it death ithout tho sormalit ostriat. Solon indeod justly an rea sonabi plumes himself,pon res using absolute power, hen both thestate os affairs and the inclinations of thele pleMould have readit admitte it ' and yet it Was nocies glorious o Publicolae, hon, fit in the consula a thorit to despotic, he rei erexit milde an more popular an did not stret licit sessa usi might havedone That this a th best method of Oveming, Solon seem to have been sensibi beseruiuim, heu hera sis a republica



deprivod of the benefitis that equalit by their debis

Where the seeme most to exercise theu liberty in ossices, in debates, and in decidin causes, there theywere mos ensiave to the righ, and entires underthei control. What is more considerable in hiscas is that though tho cancellingis debis generallyproduces seditions Solon sensonabi applied ii as ast aag though azardous medicine, to removo th sedition then existing. The mensure, toο lost iis in- samoiis anil obnoxii us nature, hen aderas os bya manis Solon' probit and character. Is, conside the wholo administrationis incli, Solon's was moro illustrious at fidit He was an ori

Solon a sensibi os the ambitious desim in l


Pisistratus, and desiimus to prevent their being put in execution aut he miscurried in the attemptoandia a tyrant set p. O the other and Publicola do-

sor Ome Ues, and was at a formidabi height. Howas equulled by Solon in virtu und patri otium, buth had Ροwe and good fortune to secondala Viriue, whieli ho the wunt . Asuo arithe exploiis, there is a considerabis dis. sereno sor Dalmachus latinensis does no evennitribuis that enterpris against the egarensian to Solon, as we have done Pwhereas Publicola, in many grea batiles, per rine the ut both of a generaland a private soldier. Again: Dwe compare thei conduci in civit assaim, waeshal find that Solon,inb acting a pari ascit were, and unde the formis a maniae, ent ut O peali Concerning the recoVer of Salamis But Publicola, in th fuce of the realest anger, Os up againSt Tarquin detected the plot, revented the esca peis the vile conspiratore, ad them punished, and notoni exclude the tyranis roni the city, ut cui uptheiriopes by thmro is Is he wa thus vigor Ous in prosecuting asiaim that required spirit, resolution, undopen serae, he was stili more successsu in negotiu-tion, und the genti aris of persuasion so b his

arnas, and ad him adrienda Rome. But hero perhaps sume illis eci, that Solon re- eo vered Salamis heri the Athenians had tueriit up whereas Publicola surrendered lands that tho Romans were in possession os ur judgmen o actions, wever, shouldie formed accordinueto the respective


1g0 PLUTARCH. times and posture os affuim. An able politician, icinianage nil so the host Varies his conductis the preΗ-ent occasion require Osten quit a pari, to saxe tho









nolint ira made atheisis by an sauit thensound in

the lienVens, O Stare, O seasons of the ear or in thos revolutions Or motions of the sun abolit the

servin an mistine or disorder, ither in the breud-ingis animais, o the productionis fruits Νο, it was the uncouth actions and ridiculous and sensetesspassion os Superstition her canting ords, her suol- isti gestures, her charuis, her magic her Deahisti processions, e tabo uritas, her ou expiations hervile methodsi purgation, and her barbarous and inhuman penances, and emiring of the temples it was these, I say, that gave occasion to any to an



ΙDwe conside these two great mei as histor has represented them, we hali indis strii in disserericobet epithem in the comparison. Both carrised onwars With ver respectablemnemies the ono with the Macedonians themthe with the Carthaginians Pandboth illi extraordinar success. ne of them COnquered Macedon, and crushod thelouse of Antigonus, whichiad Jourishod in a successionis eventings the other expelled tyrann out of Sicily, and restoreu

desperate circumstanees as,in the ther and it

Bothia id a strict rogarduo justice and integrity in thei employmenis. Emilius a prepared rom the