장음표시 사용
Servie , se a sum os money, carried the corpse ut
of the territorius os Eleusis, and obfire so the burningos it in thoseis Megara omanis Megara, ho
fures os administration only with a vie u popularapplause, are called governor indeed, ut in faet,
The completo the honost statesman, has no sarther regard to the publi opinion than a the confidelicerit gain him facilitates his designs, an crown themwitii success. An ambitious Ouia man may bHallowed indeed, to alii himself,pon his great undg00d acti0ns andri expect his portionis fame ForViriues, a Theophrastus says, whon the first egesto gro in person os that age and disposition arecherished and strengilienedi praiso, and aster ardes increas in proportion a the loveis glor increnses. But an immoderate passion sor fame in ali assuim, ladangerous, an in politica matters destructive sor,
160 PLUTARCH. We se many unde the fame predicament, hoso
objec is popularit in ali the steps os thei administration Attache entiret to the capricious multitude, the produce suci disorder a the can
tormenti Scourge a servant, because sive o ten daysbes ore, he burni the meat, or overturned the table or
thei appetite. For there is nothincto hicli,e can
more iusti impute muli punishing thors in their
Isti mari applies himsuis to servilem mechanicatempl0ymenis, his industr in thos things is a pro os Antisthenes as a disciple os Socrates, undsounderis the seu os the Cynius.
emulation nor produce an Stron impulsum destret imitatu thum, re os litti usu to th boli lders. But virtuo has this peculiar property that a the sametim that we admire her conduci, e long to copy the example The good os fortune e isti to trisy virtve e destre to practis the forme we nre gladio receive romithers, the atte we uro ambitions thator hora Ah ouid receive 1 rom us. The beaut os 400dnessius an attractive powor iit hiridies in us a tincea active principi ; it ornas Gur In ners, and influences cur destres, ut ni When representedii a livin example, ut even in an historica description.' his Dr Langhorno justi observes), Seem tob som0whut inconsistent illi that respectinni QAteem, in hichah nolite aris os poetr und Sculpture
were held in ancient resece and Rome, and with that admiration hicli the proficiunt in hos aris alwaysobtain among thuleople. ut ther ivas stili a Lindos ealuus botween the poets and philosophors, undour philosophica biographer h0ws preti clearly by the Platoni paradu of this intr0duction, thati Mould magnis the lalle ut the expense of the formeri
PLUTARCH. 165 been a strange to Dion Truly, in m mind, o balinown to the worid, unde Some eminent character,no Ont carries a reputation illicit, ut malles thevinues in usaeuo me practi ai like light which render iis notistit visibi ei ut usesul to thsers. Epaminondas, during the irs fori years of his liso, in
times Seiae the ody, and loth an in activeness
rate, ure, and the origin e Ahare in common,
This is ali that Phavo et with that deserves toto
relate concerning Romulus an Theseus Anduo come to the comparison ridicit appears that Theseus was inclinod o great enterprises, b his οwn properchoice, and compelled by no necessity, sincessis mighthave re ned in peace a TroeZene, ver a Lingdombymo mean contemptibie, hici, ouldaavo saliento his by succession herea Romulus, tu orderis avoid present flavery and impending punishment,